Extreme music
Extreme music
Black Metal
Хандра - С Особой Ненавистью (2023)
Abaddon - Statues Of Sorrow (2023)
Abmontium - Spawn From The Fruit Of The Demonic Tree (2023)
Abysmal Lord
Ad Inceptum - Infecto Christianus (2023)
Ad Hominem - I Am God, You Are Nothing
Anal Blasphemy
Anarazel - Our Dark Lord & Saviour (2023)
Anarazel - Iconoclastic Rebirth (2020)
Ancient Emblem - Deadache
Anthems Of Gomorrah
Anthems Of Gomorrah - Cult of Unreason (2023)
Anthems Of Gomorrah - Deathplague (2023)
Apocalyptic Annihilation - Invocation Of Chaos (2023)
Ara Subversor
Aran Angmar - Atavism & Dying Stars (2023)
Arnaut Pavle - Transylvanian Glare (2023)
Arrogant Destruktor
Ash Nazg Búrz
Ater Sanguis
Avgrund - Announcing Spirit Heritage (2023)
Azaghal - Alttarimme on Luista Tehty (2023)
Azaghal / Black Faith - Immortalized In Luciferian Blood (2023)
Bærzerk - Misanthropic Descent (2023)
Barbarian Swords
Barbarian Swords - Anti-Dogma Megaforce (2023)
Barbarian Swords - Totemic Anal Turbofucker (2019)
Battlethrone - Hail Commander (2023)
Beastgod - Black Goat Victorious (2023)
Black Beast
Black Shadow
Black Shadow - Конец Света (Doomsday) (2022)
Black Shadow - Последняя cтупень перерождения (2022)
Blasphemer (Indonésie)
Blasphemous Goat Vomit
Blasphemous Goat Vomit - Necromantic Invocation (2024)
Blasphemous Goat Vomit - Unholy Blackened Witchcult Mastery (2019)
Blood Angel
Bloodforest - Bloodforest (2023)
Cirith Gorgor
Creepshow - Creepshow I (2023)
Cryfemal - La Gran Victoria Del Mal (2023)
Cvinger - Doctrines By The Figures Of Črnobog (2023)
Cytonic - Those Of Profound Being (2023)
Deboro - Dying Spirits (2023)
Denevér - A Vérivók Krónikái (2023)
Denevér - Vámpír (2022)
Depressor - This Is Where We Die (2023)
Diabolic Rites
Dikasterion - Chaos As A New World (2023)
Dirlewangr - From The Depths......Of Agartha (2023)
Downfall Of Gods - Ziemia Obiecana (2023)
Drakul - Miscreants Of Lust & Perversity (2023)
Dungeon Keeper
Ekrom - Uten Nådigst Formildelse (2023)
Embarla Firgasto
Endstille - DetoNation (2023)
Eternity - Mundicide (2023)
Exit Catacomb - No Escape From the Catacomb (2023)
Exorcism Wounds - Beyond The Veil Of Putridity (2023)
Exterminio / Pogost - Diabolical Psalms (2016)
Faustian - We Come as Angels (2023)
Fiat Nox - Opium To Insidious Slumber (2023)
Fides Inversa
Genocide Kommando
Ghörnt - Häxekult (2023)
Goat Horness
Goat Piss - Subsonic Obliteration (2023)
Godhead Machinery - Monotheistic Enslavement (2021)
Gorge Of War - Cruciatus Infernalis
Grandiosa Muerte
Grave Desecrator - Immundissime Spiritus (2023)
Hasard - Malivore (2023)
Hekser - Sigils Of The Abyss (2023)
Helfró - Tálgröf (2023)
Hell Militia
Heretic Cult Redeemer
His Master's Noise
I, Destroyer - Cold, Dead Hands (2023)
Immortal - War Against All (2023)
Immundus Diabolus - Impure Dimensions (2023)
In Seance
Infernal Storm
Insanir - Sanctus Insaniam (2023)
Insurrexion - Alea Iacta Est (2023)
Inverted Saint - Book of Apocalypse (2023)
Inverted Virtue
Justabeli - Screaming Triumph (2023)
Korgonthurus - Jumalhaaska (2023)
Kvlt Of Odium - End Of Light (2023)
Lamp Of Murmuur
LanzerRath - Metagalactic Domination (2023)
Lucifixion - Trisect Joys Of Pierced Hearts (2023)
Lucifuge - Monoliths Of Wrath (2023)
Malorum - The Frozen Forest Burn (2023)
Miasmes - Répugnance (2023)
Milopkl - Extreme Order Of Existence (2023)
Minenwerfer - Feuerwalze (2023)
Minenwerfer - Vorleben Erinnerung (2020)
Minenwerfer - Der Rote Kampfflieger (2021 - 2011)
Minenwerfer - Nihilistischen (2021 - 2012)
Moonreich - Amer (2023)
Morkera - Entangled Excavations (2022)
Morkera - Aggravations (2023)
Naturvidrig - Naturvidrig (2023)
Necrogosto - Sudakaos (2023)
Necrohunter - singles 2023 + Litanies Of The Black Occvlt (2021)
Nocturnal Breed - Carry The Beast (2023)
Nocturnal Evil - Furor Diabolicus (2023)
Nocturnal Graves
Nornír - Skuld (2023)
Numidian Killing Machine - Psychotronik Breakdown (2023)
Obsidian Shrine / Sôlt - In Consortium Diaboli (2023)
Оскрнавитељ - Прадавни (2023)
Ondfodt - Det Österbottniska Mörkret (2023)
Ordo Karnivorum - Noir (2023)
Panzerkrieg 666
Panzerkrieg 666 - Panzerkrieg 666 (2022)
Panzerkrieg 666 - Wolfpack (2023)
Perdition Winds
Perversa - Under The Sign Of Blasphemy (2024)
Petit Nuage Noir
Petrale - Salvation Precipitates (2023)
Prediction - The Unholy Flame (2023)
Profane Elegy - When All Is Nothing (2023)
Profanity Angel
Requiem of Malediction - Satanas Triumphans (2023)
Reverorum Ib Malacht - Kyrie Eleison (2023)
Ruïm - Black Royal Spiritism - I. O Sino Da Igreja (2023)
Sacrilegious Impalement – IV - Infinite Victor (2023)
Sammath - Grebbeberg (2023)
Sanctiphagous - The Soulstalker (2022)
Sanctiphagous - The Dysangelion (2023)
Sarcoptes - Plague Hymns (2020)
Sarcoptes - Prayers to Oblivion (2023)
Satanic Assault Division
Satanic Empire - Hail Satanic Empire (2023)
Satanic Warmaster
Schizophrenia (Colombie)
Schizophrenia - Conjuring The Beast (2023)
Schizophrenia - Rites of Annihilation (2023)
Servant - Aetas Ascensus (2023)
Sidious - Blackest Insurrection (2022)
Sidious - Temporal (2019)
Soldados del Infierno
Somniate - We Have Proved Death (2023)
Sonneillon - The Demon of Hate (2023)
Sonneillon - Shall Be Damned Matter (2023)
Spirit Possession
SS-18 - Lost Warheads (2022)
SS-18 - Cryoholocaust (2022)
Stheno - Wardance (2021)
Stheno - Facada (split Primitive) (2017)
Taubra - Therizo (2023)
Terror Satan
Terror Satan - Puro odio a Cristo (2009 - 2023)
Terror Satan - Manifiesto de las revelaciones (2022)
Thanatomass - Hades (2023)
Thørn - Inferno (2023)
Total Hate
Tsjuder - Helvegr (2023)
Two Runes
Unholy Force - Embrace the Unholy Death (2015)
Verletzen - The Blackened Crusade (2023)
Verrine - Sovereign The Blasphemous (2024)
Verrine - God Was Destroyed (2023)
Villes Ardentes - Années Rouges (2023)
Vultos Vociferos
Wardaemon - Black Metal Wardaemons (2023)
Warforged - Quintessence (2023)
Warwitch - Monument of Death and War (2023)
Wintercoffin - Samhain (2023)
Wormreign - Abyssus (2023)
Yass-Waddah - Lust For Domination (2023)
Блёв - Земля (2020)
Блёв - Опарыш (2021)
Блёв - Без Перемен (2021)
Блёв - Колесница геноцида (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Abysm Diabolis
Abysmal Lord
Ævangelist - Harmony Of The Sinister (2023)
Akercocke – Decades of Devil Worship (Live) (2023)
Akouphenom - Death·Chaos·Void (2023)
Akouphenom - split with Kursk (2020)
Alfa Eridano Akhernar - Into the Path of the Gods (2024)
Altar Of Gore
Altarage - Worst Case Scenario (2023)
Altarage - Cataract (2023)
Altars Ablaze
Angel of the Abyss - Rites of the Black Moon (2023)
Antim Grahan
Aparthiva Raktadhara
Apostate Saints
Arborectum - Jerker in the Rye (2023)
Arid - Abhorrent Reflections (2023)
Ascendensy - A Manifest of Imperious Destiny (2023)
Ascendensy - Birth of an Eternal Empire (2020)
Askesis - Beyond The Fate Of Death (2023)
B4rbar4 - Forfeiture Of Repentance (2024)
Baphomet's Violence - Black Violence (2022)
Bastard Of Bethlehem - Dead Humans (2023)
Battlestorm - Summon Decimation (2022)
Battlestorm - From Hell (2015)
Beneath Purgatory - The Martyr Approach (2023)
Bestial Sight
Bestialgoat - Annihilation.Blasphemy.Torment (2020)
Beyond Chaos - Sins from the Past (2023)
Black Eucharist - Inn Of The Vaticide (2023)
Black Goat Dominium
Black Goat Dominium - Horda De Muerte (2020)
Black Goat Dominium - Impaler Of Pest (2021)
Black Water Sunset
Blasphemous Commander - Bestial War Of Fallen Angels (2023)
Blood Serpent - Bestial Extermination (2023)
Bogobes - Катабасис (2024)
Bogobes - Pantheon (2023)
Bogobes – КЕНОТАФ (2023)
Boor - Infernal Regiment (2023)
Boor - Sentenced to Flesh (2020)
Bovem - Ominous Dawn (2023)
Brimstone Gate
Burial Hordes - Ruins (2023)
Burnt To Death - Doomed By Reality (2023)
Cadaveric Possession
Cerber - To The Downfall (2024)
Chthon – Eremite (2023)
Churchacide / Plague Swarm - Eschatological Retaliation (2021)
Circular Ruin
Complot !
Complot ! - Obéissance (2023)
Complot ! - Victimes Innocentes (D'une Furie Meurtrière) (2022)
Complot ! - Extinction (2022)
Corpus Necromanthum - He ... Who Suffers Knowledge (2023)
Cradle The Grave
Crucifier - Say Your Prayers (2022)
Cult Ov Black Blood - Apocalyptic Banner ov Abaddon (2023)
Dark Elite
Dark Goat
Dark Goat - Full Moon Rituals (2024)
Dark Spire - Her Body Of Water (2023)
Death Of A King - Antimatter (2023)
Decipher - Arcane Paths to Resurrection (2023)
Decipher - Of Fire and Brimstone (2019)
Declínio - Talking With Ghosts (2023)
Deitus - Irreversible (2023)
Demon King
Demoniacal The Beginning Edge of Dread (2023)
Demonized - Abyss Vanguard (2023)
Desecration of Christ - Primitive Noise (2023)
Dis Gob
Disforterror - Omega Attomik Kaos (2023)
Disimperium – Grand Insurgence Upon Despotic Altars (2023)
Disobedience - Darkness Takes You (2023)
Dominion (Colombie)
Dominion - Hordes of Horror (remastered) (2021)
Dominion - From The Throne Of Darkness (2020)
Drama Noir - Nightfall Upon The Asylum (2023)
Dying Embers - Of Things To Come (2023)
Ecliptic - Oracle of Undoing (2023)
Empty Skull
Empty Skull - Age Of Atrocity (2023)
Empty Skull - Heavy Metal Hellion (2023)
Emuthry - Decease of Humanity (2023)
Encirclement - Misanthropic Upheaval (2023)
Endless Loss
Eraprofana - Evangelista da Morte (2023)
Ethereal Rot - Cadaverine Skies (2023)
Execração - Rebanho (2023)
Exstinctio Vitae
Exstinctio Vitae - Anarchy (2023)
Exstinctio Vitae - Exstinctio Vitae (2020)
Feannag - Throne (2023)
Furnace Floor - Demo (2023)
Genocide Cvlt - Ritvals (2023)
Goat Semen - Fuck Christ (2024)
Goat Vomit Noise
Goat Vomit Noise - Golgotha Of The Underdogs (2023)
Goat Vomit Noise - Nihilist Front (2022)
Goatflesh / Bestial Vomit 666
Goatpenis - Goat - Holocausto War Metal - Schizoparanoic Platoon
Gotthammer - split with Goatcorpse (2024)
Gravecrawler – Chapter III : Fallen Kingdoms (2023)
Gravefields - Tetragrammaton (2023)
Gutted Christ – Hail And Kill (2023)
Hadez - Sessions of terror (2022)
Hallucinate - From The Bowels Of The Earth (2023)
Hate Manifesto – Αποστάτης (2023)
Hebephrenique - Non Compos Mentis (2023)
Heinous Rite - Rituals of Disgust (2023)
Hell's Ambassador
Hellgate Necrosodomy - The Annihilation Deliverance (2024)
Hordes Of Defences
Hordes Of Wrath
Hordes Of Wrath - Black Hordes (2023)
Hordes Of Wrath - We Are At War (2021)
Human Harvest - Death Storms (2023)
Icegrinder - Frozen Death (2023)
Immortal Death
Impalement - The Dawn Of Blackened Death (2023)
Impetuous Ritual - Iniquitous Barbarik Synthesis (2023)
Infernal Curse - Revelations Beyond Insanity (2023)
Infernal Execrator - Diabolatry (2023)
Iron Flames - Immortal Hero Of Eternal Time (2023)
Kanonenfieber - Live at Dark Easter Metal Meeting (2023)
King Ov Wyrms - The Womb Ov Borealis (2023)
Kommando Baphomet
Kryptonomicon - Nekromantikos (2021)
Kursk - split with Akouphenom (2020)
Legacy of Satan - Carnivora (2023)
Merial - Prospector (2024)
Misanthropic Extermination - Infernal Militancy (2022)
Misanthropik Torment
Moniasin - Maniacal Sin : Resurgence (2023)
Morbid Blood Kult
Morbid Perversion
Morbid Perversion - Infamous Dogmas Of Sacrifice (2023)
Morbid Perversion - Rites Of Lust And Blasphemy (2017)
MorLord - Post Mortem (2023)
Myrkul - Auldrift (2023)
Myrkul - Auldrift (Instrumental) (2023)
Mystery Of Death
Necromaniac - promo (2024)
Nekrofilth - Nganga (2023)
Nekrotisk – Apraxia II : The Forlorn Continuum (2023)
Nexorum – Tongue Of Thorns (2023)
Normalissë - Sarcofago tribute (2023)
Normalissë - Entranhas de Shelob (2023)
Nott - Hiraeth (2023)
Nox Eternus - Eternal Night (2023)
Noxium Ferus
Ocular Trauma - The Dissection Of Tragedy (2023)
Oculus - Of Temples And Vultures (2023)
Ofermod - Mysterium Iniquitatis (2021)
Ofermod / Black Altar / Αχέροντας (Acherontas) - Drakonian Elitism (2023)
Okkultation - The Cryptic Manuscript (2023)
Olkoth – At The Eye Of Chaos (2023)
Ora Lamae
Oracle Of Worms
Outergods - A Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of Heaven (2023)
Pacta Corvina - Ignis Et Sulphur (2023)
Panzerchrist - All Witches Shall Burn (2024)
Panzerchrist – Last Of A Kind (2023)
Paranoid Schizophrenia - Paranoid Schizophrenia (2023)
Pathetic - Putrid
Pentakolo - Dominion From The Abyss (2023)
Per Momentum
Pestum - Misanthropic Art Of Extermination (2023)
Plague Bearer
Pnakotic Manuscript
Pożoga - Pożoga (2023)
Praecidisti - Ashened (2023)
Praecidisti - Paradise Of Pestilence (2021)
Prehistoric War Cult
Prehistoric War Cult - Secret Tongues (Split) (2022)
Prehistoric War Cult - Under the Sign of the Red Moon (2022)
Profane Order
Progenitor - Eldritch Supremacy (2023)
Prophetic Suffering
Pugnale - Purified In Emptiness (2023)
Purulent Shrine
Retraumatized - Crippled (2023)
Revelations - Monotheism (2023)
Sanguine Imperator
Satanascui Hammer - Kandarian Spells (2023)
ScareTape - Conform To Rot (2022)
ScareTape - Vomiting Entrails (2023)
Serpent Of Old – Ensemble Under The Dark Sun (2023)
Snorlax - The Necrotrophic Abyss (2023)
Sigils Of Völur
Sigils Of Völur - Reanimated (2023)
Sigils Of Völur - Keeper of Spells (2018)
Son ov Leviathan – Lvcifugium (2023)
Sorrow Enthroned
Sorrow Enthroned - Illicit Infantile Surgical Procedures (2023)
Sorrow Enthroned - To Profane the Light of God (2022)
Sphere – Blood Era (2022)
Stargazer - Bound By Spells (2023)
Sturmtiger - Transcendent Warfare (2023)
Sulfuric Hatred - Sulfuric Hatred (2023)
Tetragrammacide - Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From The Arachneophidian Qur'an (2023)
The Black Mary - The Black Mary (2024)
The Crawling - All Of This For Nothing (2023)
The Demon Haunted World - That Which Lies Unseen (2023)
The Furor
The True Goatblood - Goatblood (2024)
Thoryvodis - Barisan Tempur (2022)
Thy Rites - Trivmfyre (2023)
Tomb Of Lucifer - Ode To Judah (2023)
Tombstalker - Age Of Darkness (2023)
Towards Hellfire
Treno - Esperando la Redencion (2023)
Tribe Of Pazuzu
Trivax - Eloah Burns Out (2023)
Trrrht – Incantation Of The Esoteric Light (2023)
Uncouth - Thorns Of Vengeance (2023)
Unholy Obscurity
Untold Human Suffering
Upon The Altar - Descendants Of Evil (2024)
Vedmak - Wandering of Souls (Скитание Душ) (2023)
Venefices - Incubacy (2023)
Venefices - Succubacy (2020)
Venereal Baptism
Vermin Womb
Verminous Serpent
Void Ov Nihility – Above The Stars Of God (2023)
Vølus – Oathsworn Vengeance (2023)
Wardemonic Legions
Warhead Barbarism
Warhead Barbarism / Varmint (split) (2022)
Warhead Barbarism - Terrorismo genocida (2022)
Weregoat - Cunting Darkness (2023)
Yxxan - Misanthropic Impulse (2023)
Zombie Mortician - Strange Alien Disease (2024)
Brutal Death Metal - Slam
10 To The Chest
10 To The Chest - Demo (2022)
10 To The Chest - Split The Fuck Open (2023)
3rd War Collapse - Catastrophic Epicenter (2023)
.357 Homicide - Promo (2023)
97 minutes
97 minutes - Hysteria (2021)
97 minutes / Ritual Of Despair - split In Two (2023)
7 H.Target
A Man Named Onigumo
A Man Named Onigumo - Lost in The Loosh (2024)
A Man Named Onigumo - Consigned to Oblivion (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Eroded by Time (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Ingested Torment (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Horrific Incandescence (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Fluidic Reconstruction (2022)
A Man Named Onigumo - Collecting Tender Amalgamation (2022)
A Man Named Onigumo - Braindeth (split) (2022)
A Man Named Onigumo - Invoking The Unutterable (2022)
A Pretext To Human Suffering
A Pretext To Human Suffering - Promo Endless Cycle of Suffering (2023)
A Pretext To Human Suffering - Endless Cycle of Suffering (2023)
Abated Mass Of Flesh – Doomed Inception (2024)
Abducted And Brutalized – Fuck Around And Find Out (2023)
Abhorrent Abomination
Abhorrent Abomination – Misanthropy (2022)
Abhorrent Abomination – Incarnate Of Hate (2023)
Abnormality Mutation
Abominate - Vocare Pulvere (2023)
Abomination Impurity
Abortion Slamputation
Abortion Slamputation - Squatch's Place (2023)
Abortion Slamputation - Total Slamputation (2024)
Aftershock Overdrive – Septic Wounds (EP) (2023)
Alien Invasion Defence System - Repossession (2024)
All Misery - Nightmare In A World Of Doom (2023)
Analepsy - Atrocities from Beyond : The Instrumentals (2024)
Anksunamon - The Dark Pharaoh (2023)
Annihilus - Deflesh the Nazarene (2024)
Annihilus - Demo (2023)
Annihilus – Mangled Bones Of The Christ Child (2023)
Ano Contranatura
Anomalia Visceral
Architect Of Dissonance – Totenkvlt (2023)
Aroma - split with Torture Pig (2023)
Arseny / Infectious Jelqing - Multidimensional Wigger Brutality (2022)
Art Of Gore – Art Of Gore (2023)
Artery Eruption
Arya Aryanna
Arya Aryanna - 2.0 Brutality (2023)
Arya Aryanna - Anhedonia (2023)
Arya Aryanna - World Of Filth (2022)
Arya Aryanna - Gore Obsession (2022)
Arya Aryanna - Grotesque (2022)
Arya Aryanna - Abomination Apocalypse (2022)
Atoll - Human Extract (2023)
Auricular Insemination - Demonstration of primitivity (2023)
Axsem – Altar De La Tortura (2023)
Backyard Cannibalism – Undead Imprisonment (2023)
Bacterial Lawn
Berkowitz / Menstrual Moonshine - split (2020)
Bifurcation - Clandestine Killings (2023)
Big Toe - (2023)
Birhatiihin - Mythology Of Ignorance (2023)
Black Mass - Depravity Through Debilitating Deformation (2023)
Bladder Crust – Unsanitary (2023)
Blightfeeder - The Form Of Suffering (2024)
Blistering Defilement
Boiled Angel
Boiled Angel - A Violent Breed (2023)
Boiled Angel - To Kill For Creed (2022)
Boris The Bull - Horns Up (2023)
Brains Outward
Brains Outward - Brains Outward (2023)
Brains Outward - Brains Outward (2022)
Brodequin – Harbinger Of Woe (2024)
Brutal Craniofacial Trauma
Brutal Craniofacial Trauma - Raping The Dismembered (2024)
Brutal Craniofacial Trauma - Toxic Stench Of Mouldy Cadaver Autopsy (2024)
Brutal Eons
Cadaveric Crematorium - Zombology (2023)
Cadaverous Contingency - Biological Incarceration (2023)
Cadavoracity - Cadavoracity (2023)
Candida - Struggle (2023)
Cardiomyotomy – Euphoric Of Abnormal Horde (2023)
Carl Wheezer - Perverse Recollections of a Carl Wheezer (2023)
Carniceria - singles (2024)
Carnivorous Monstrosity
Carnivorous Monstrosity - Beyond The Abomination (2023)
Carnivorous Monstrosity – Post Autopsy Depravities (2023)
Carrion Throne
Castiel - Coma (2021)
Castiel - Shadowlands (2023)
Celestial Bifurcation - Insufferable Telekinetic Disimpaction (2023)
Celestial Scourge
Cell Block Autopsy
Cemetery Rapist - From My Puddled Phallic Drip (2024)
Child Remains - The Complete And Utter Absence Of Light (2024)
Chloroma - Chloroma (2023)
Chopper – The Interview (2023)
Chopper – Never Eets (2023)
Chopper – Violation Zone (2023)
Cleansing Of The Temple
Clit Commander
Compulsed - demo (2024)
Condemned - Daemonium (2023)
Congenital Abnormalities
Congenital Malformation
Constriction - Constriction (2023)
Course of Extinction - EP (2005 - 06)
Cow Humps
Cow Humps - FuckRoach (2022)
Cow Humps - Ejaculating Gonorrhoeal Explosive Diarrhoea (2024)
Cráneo - Apocalyptic Saga (2023)
Cráneo - Gore Pig (2020)
Cranial Bifurcation
Cranial Explosion - Cranial Explosion (2023)
Crème Flesh – Casablumpkin (2023)
Crepitation - Monstrous Eruption Of Impetuous Preposterosity (2023)
Cryptic Entity
Cryptopsy – As Gomorrah Burns (2023)
Cuntpuncher - Torture Porn (2024)
Curmudging Epilecstasy - Fester Filled Fixings (2024)
Cusshead - promo (2024)
Daraku Shita Kanjo - Realm Of Impure Amalgamations (2023)
Dark Filth
Darkall Slaves
Dead And Dripping – Blackened Cerebral Rifts (2023)
Dead Holland - Black Tide (2014)
Decomposition Of Entrails
Defaced - untitled (2023)
Defaced - Covers / Rare Shit (2023)
Defaced - 816 (2023)
Defaced - Scrapped Sh*t Compilation (2022)
Dehumanize - Catatonic Profanation (2023)
Dehumanize - promo (2023)
Dehumanizing Encephalectomy
Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship - Otakuslam♡Animecide (2023)
Demerara - Demerara (2023)
Depraved Murder
Desoectomy - Smoked909
Destruction Of Mind - Battles For Lies (2024)
Devour The Fetus - Ocean Of Fetal Abominations (2023)
Devouringore - Gutturales Místicas (2024)
Devouringore - Dominions of Decomposing (2019)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (2023)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Cutting Off Faces From Divinely Enlightened Nuns Soaked In Rotten Uterine Ju
Dipylidium Caninum / Devouringore - split (2020)
Disfiguring The Goddess
Disfiguring The Goddess - Karnival (2023)
Disfiguring The Goddess - Sooth 2 (2023)
Disfiguring The Goddess - Blood Era (2023)
Disgorged Impalement – Violent Act With A Severed Head (2023)
Dissonant Seepage – The Darkness Will Swallow You Whole (2023)
Divine Dismemberment
Divinite Hive
Divinite Hive – Universal Inversion (2024)
Divinite Hive – Realm Of Insentience (2023)
Parasitic Infection, Vault, Divinite Hive – Extraterrestrial Warfare (2023)
Divinite Hive – Hatchery Of Agony (2023)
Divinite Hive - Xenomorphic Ravaging (2023)
Divinite Hive – Supremacy Of Synthetic Seraphim (2023)
Divinite Hive – Bio Plasmetic Malfunction (2023)
Djinn-Ghül – Opulence (2023)
Drain Of Impurity
Dripped – Rituals Of The Red Sun (2023)
Drowning In Formaldehyde
Dude Love
Duramater - No Brain No Pain (2023)
Duramater - Gore Galore (2019)
Dying Fetus – Make Them Beg For Death (2023)
Ectoplasm – Land Of Thieves (2023)
Ectoplasmorphosis - Vortex Of Possessable Flesh (2023)
Effluence - Convulsive Thoughts (2024)
Effluence - Destructive Transfixed Incorporeality (2024)
Eighty-Thousand Dead - Human Compost Heap (2023)
Ejaculation - Ejaculation (2022)
Ejaculation - Maggot Seepage (2022)
Embodied Torment – Archaic Bloodshed (2023)
Encephalic – Wrapped In Suffering (2023)
Enemy 906 - Betrayer (2022)
Erebus – Guts And War (2024)
Errors Of Humanity - Testimony (2023)
Eruption of Undigested Corn - singles (2023)
Executioner - Museum Of Death (2023)
Extermination Dismemberment – Dehumanization Protocol (2023)
Extremely Brutal - Remaining Afterlife (2023)
Face Of Korruption – Dead In The Dirt (2023)
Facial Whore – The Fuckage (2023)
Fatuous Rump - I Am at Your Disposal (2023)
Fetus Face Fuck - Slamelodeon (2024)
Field Dressed
Filth Embedded
Flammable Regurgitosis – Unhinged Irreversible Mutilations (2023)
Flash Prison Murder – 1000 Deaths Demo (2020)
Foot And Mouth – Abomination (2023)
Formaldehyde A.D. – Blood Tyrant (2023)
Fresh Wounds
Funeral Massacre – FMHC (2023)
Furricide - Heil Fur-rer ! (2023)
Gangrenous Flesh Consumption - Vile Ingurgitation Of Suppurated Limbs (2023)
Gargling - Depraved Ingestion of Cranial Discharge (2022)
Gargling - Demo (2023)
Gargling - Melancholic Decline into Anguished Oblivion (2022)
Ghettorectomy - Ghetto Slam Beatdown (2023)
Glass Mask
Goblinectomy - Goblinectomy (2023)
Godhead Decapitated - Promo (2023)
Godsfarm – Disdained Metropolis (2023)
Gorephagia – Denied Existence (2023)
Gorepig - Gorepig (2023)
Gorepig - singles (2019 - 2022)
Gorepoflesh - Gore Fucking Corpses (2023)
Goretopsy - Promo (2023)
Goretopsy / Odious Emesis – Split (2023)
Goretopsy - Demo (2022)
Goretopsy – Throat Discarded (2023)
Grave Syndrome
Grave Syndrome - Morbidity Of Putrefaction (2023)
Grave Syndrome - Chained in Barbarity (2022)
Grave Syndrome - Promo (2022)
Gravemuzzle - Vore Party Genocide (2022)
Gravemuzzle - Yiffocemia (2021)
Grieve – What Really Makes The Mind Sick Vol.1 (2023)
Gristle - singles (2023)
Gutslit – Carnal (2023)
Gutslut / WFPA / Skinstripper - Triple Sickening Abomination (2023)
Gutted Alive – Human Taxidermy (2023)
Gutter Slut
Hacksaw Tracheotomy – Promo (2023)
Hail Caligula - Live In Antofatorture (2023)
Hallucination Realized / Incinerated (2023)
हनुमान, Hanuman हनुमान – Demo (2021)
Hatchet Fucked - Swamps Of Rage (2023)
Hematogen - EP (2022)
Hematogen – Марина (2023)
Hematogen - Сладости (2023)
Heretic Plague
Hilliker - Slaughter at Studio 31 (2023)
Hilliker - Cannibalistic Cacophonies (2023)
Homicidal Derangement - Homicidal Derangement (2024)
Horde Casket
Horror Terror - Depraved Martyrdom (2023)
Hospital Bomber - Demonstration of Two Songs (2023)
Hostile Deviancy
Human Abasement - The Kingdom Of A New Abomination (2023)
Human Abomination – Dismal Foreshadowing (2023)
Human Decomposition - Through The Omnipotent Implosions (2023)
Human Ivory - Special Leather (2023)
Human Mass Extermination
Human Meat Grinder
Human Prey – Tombs Of The Blind Dead (2023)
Hydrill - discography (2024)
Iatrogenia - Compulsive Pathological Carnifexia (2023)
Icepick Onslaught
Immortal Suffering – Extreme Torture (2023)
Impaled Divinity
Impaled Divinity - Impaled Divinity (2023)
Impaled Divinity – Feculent Mutation (2023)
Impaled Divinity – Delimbing The Extirpated (2023)
Imperious Mortality
Impervious Mutation – Onslaught Of Predatory Barbarism (2023)
Implements Of Hell
In Demoni - Stupid Jokes For Brutal Folks (2023)
Inbreeding Sick – Human Remains Garden (2023)
Infantectomy – $lam Sickness (2023)
Infected Load – Dripping (US)
Infecting The Swarm
Infernal Gateway
Infernal Pyre
Infertile Surrogacy
Infestantibus – Supremacy Epidemic (2023)
Inhuman Depravation – Servants Of Supremacy (2023)
Inseminate Degeneracy
Interspecies Erotica
Inverecund – Engrossed In Horripilation (2023)
Kakothanasy - Initiating The Primal Cognizing Display Of Intrinsic (2023)
Korpsefucker - New Englands Most Wanted (2022)
Korpsefucker - singles (2023)
Korpsefucker / Scissor Hash / Intercranial Laceration / Fecal Molar (split) (2023)
Krocophile – Slamzilla : The Returnening (2023)
Kryptoxik Mortality – Genocidal Strain (2023)
Lactophilia - Lactophilia (2023)
Limb Abscess - Gorglic Spewe Oasis + single (2023)
Malignant Worm - Malignant Worm (2024)
Mass Killings – Forensic Disposal (2023)
Massacred - Assembly Of Slaughter (2022)
Massacred - Demonic Infestation (2023)
Massacred – Virus Of Hate (2023)
Massacred - Lunatic Massacre (2023)
Massacred – Pandemonium Of Terror (2023)
Massacred – Apocalypse On Earth : A Tribute To Mortician (2023)
MDMA – Organic (2023)
Melted - The Glory of the Genocide (2023)
Mental Apraxia - Perverse Intentions (2023)
Mephitic Entrails – Demo (2023)
Methlab Evisceration - Tweak Or Be Tweaked (2025)
Miasis - singles (2020 - 2023)
Miasis – Consumación Humana (2023)
Mind Rot - Hymns of Despondency (2023)
Moist - Death Anxiety (2023)
Molested Divinity - The Primordial (2023)
Morphogenetic Malformation
Mudcrab - Plagues Of Carcinization (2024)
Murder Pussy
Myocardial Infarction – Immersion In Delusional Euphoria (2023)
Naturectomy - Slamming Natural Beatdown (2023)
Necromorphic – Aborted After Birth (2023)
Necropsia - Antorchas (2024)
Necropsy Defecation
Necrotic Pestilentia
Necrotic Pestilentia - Carrion (2023)
Necrotic Pestilentia - Destitute (2023)
Necrotic Pestilentia - Myiasis (2023)
Nephropexy – Spreading The Sickness (2023)
Neurocysticercosis – Cycles Of The Abyss (2023)
Neuropsychosis - Indulging the Depraved (2023)
Never Prey – Hermeticon (2023)
Nico Nico Necrophilia
Nithing – Agonal Hymns (2023)
Nuclear Remains – Dawn Of Eternal Suffering (2023)
Oblatory - The Unreleased Demo (2023)
Old Wharf - Wither (2023)
Ominous Scriptures
Oni – Incantation Superstition (2023)
Open Flesh Wound
Orbital Gate – Voyage To The Closing Star (2023)
Organ Harvester - Nefarious Goon Squad (2024)
Origin Orias - Origin Orias (2023)
Orphan Autopsy
Parasitic – Disfiguring Symmetry (2023)
Parasitic Infection
Parasitic Infection – Flaws Of The Human Design (2023)
Parasitic Infection - The Devouring Mass (2022)
Parasitic Infection - Derelict (2022)
Parasitic Infestation
Paroxysm Unit – Fragmentation Stratagem (2023)
Paroxysmal – Force Feeder (2023)
Pathogen (UK) - Pathogen (2023)
Pathogen – Between Trinity Ashes (2023)
Pavyon Geceleri - Dead Fetus (2023)
Pencil Lead Syringe
Penectomy – Penectomy (2023)
Penis Envy - On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous (2023)
Pig Stomper - $lammin 4 Dale (2023)
Pissshiter / Piss Shiter - discography (2012 - 2024)
Plagues of Caulderon - Plagues of Caulderon (2023)
Poolside At The Flamingo - Poolside At The Flamingo (2023)
Proceed On Your Way to Oblivion
Prophecy of Suffering
Purulent Granny Gangrene
Pusboil - Ancient Stories Of Suffering And Disease (2023)
Pussy Destruction
Putrid Sticky Goo - Putrid Sticky Goo (2024)
Putrid Torso
Putrid Torso – Trails Of Hypnotized Human Veins (2023)
Putrid Torso - Prologue To Nowhere (2022)
Putridity – Greedy Gory Gluttony (2023)
Rectal Prolapse
Resurrected Divinity
Resurrected Divinity - Lycanthropy (2023)
Resurrected Divinity - As Hell Fumes In Defeat (2023)
Resurrected Divinity - Nyctalopia - Exaltation (2022)
Resurrected Divinity - Demo (2022)
Regurgitation Excrement – Acts Of Putrefaction (2023)
Repugnancy - Vile Ancient Transfiguration (2024)
Roachwhore - Self-Extraction (2022)
Roachwhore - Tripping On Roach Fumes (2024)
Roots Of Deception
Rot Spewer
Rot Spewer - Purging The Realm (2023)
Rot Spewer - demo (2022)
Ruthless Inhumanity
Sadistic Hallucinations – Chambers Of Dissonance (2023)
Sadistic Pathology
Sadistic Pathology - Omen Of Rot (2023)
Sanguinary Consumation - untitle (2023)
Sanguinary Verdict
Sanity Slip – There Is No One To Save Us (2023)
Satan's Order For Genocide – Tribulations Of Viral Genocide (2023)
Satanice - Erectoctomy (2023)
Sausage Wallet
Sausage Wallet - Sliced From Foreskin To Perineum (2023)
Sausage Wallet – PorneauxGrind (2024)
Scattered Disease – Dilapidation And Endless Suicide (2023)
Scrap Pile – Slaughtered In The Woods (2023)
Scum - Mincer
Self Mutilation
Septic Karnage - Killed by a Virgin Weeb (2024)
Sewage Slug
Shotgun Facelift
Slamama - After The Buria (2023)
Slaminem - Infection (2024)
Slamophiliac – Fragmentation Of Illusory Concept (2023)
Slaughtopsy - hat og tomhet (2024)
Slaughtopsy - Natt i blod (2023)
Slaughtopsy - U.D.T.L.N.D. (2023)
Slaughtopsy - Der Tod fuehrt das Heer des Gehoernten (2023)
Slaughtopsy - Zerfall des Seins (2023)
Smoldering Torso
Smothered Bowels - Why Aren't We Japanese (2024)
Snuffed On Sight – Smoke (2023)
Sodomizing Amputation – Mutilation Abnormalities (2023)
Soothsayer - Learned Helplessness - Demo (2023)
Soul Of Slamming
Spastic - Demo (2023)
Spitpool – Inhumane Descent (2023)
State Of Filth
Stillbirth - Homo Deus (2023)
Stillbirth - Plakative Aggression (2009)
Suffer No More - The God Question (2022)
Suffocate Bastard
Sun Eater (France)
Sun Eater (Ger)
Swamp King
Swamp King - Tombs ov the Hateful Dead (2023)
Swamp King / AxCxCx - split (2023)
Synphoru - Baby Eating Demons (2023)
The Anti Life Equation
The Anti Life Equation - Obscene Degradation (2023)
The Anti Life Equation - Obscene Degradation (Maximum Hate) (2023)
The Beast Conde Massacre
The Fluffy Kitty Cats – Cuddles (2023)
The Voice In My Head
The Voices In My Head - discographie (2023)
Thugectomy – Slamming Brutal Thuggery (2023)
Thugectomy – Pathological Grand SLAM (2023)
Torn From The Womb – Apocryphtic Preludes & Lugubrious Epoch (2023)
Torture Goregrinder - Fatal Gonorrhea Disfigurement (2017)
Tortured - Genetically Engineered Monstrosity (2023)
Total Invasion
Trazodon – Brain = Mush (2023)
Trichomoniasis – Makeshift Crematoria (2023)
Type A Secretor
Type A Secretor - Dildonic Embludgeonment (2023)
Type A Secretor – Night Of The Semen (2023)
Tyrantula – A Visceral Feast Of Violence (2023)
Tyrantula FL - Despondent + singles (2023)
Unbinarize - Nameless I Stand (2023)
Uncertainty Of Existence
Ungraceful - Summer Singles (2022)
Ungraceful - Artificial Aberrations (2023)
Unimaginable Terror
Unleash Carnage
Upcoming Devastation - The Origin Of Human Disease (2023)
Upper Decker
Utilize The Remains – Psychotic Abyss (2023)
UwU – Archive 21-23 (2024)
UwU – UwU Forever (2023)
UwU – One Shitpost Too Far (2023)
UwU - Gurogrind Fun Time (2023)
UwU - Maze Of Torment (2023)
Uxoricide - Uxoricide (2023)
Vaginal Anomalies - Filthy Noises (2021)
Vaginal Fungus - For The Sickest Fetishists Around (2021)
Vasculitis – Masochistic Intestinal Eruption (2023)
Vault - Dumping Ground (2023)
Vault – Dissolved In Radioactive Sludge (2023)
Veiled Morbidity - Demo (2023)
Venomous Masturbating Pig Rectum – Angel Piss (2023)
Verminate - Torn In 2 (2024)
Vibrations Felt In The Void – Wheel Of Catherine (2023)
Vile Discectomy
Viscera Exposed
Visceral Explosion
Vituperate - Baatscla (2023)
Volatile Disfigurement
Volatile Disfigurement - Maniacal Acts (2022)
Volatile Disfigurement - Volatile Disfigurement (2021)
Voracious Infection
Vulgar Mephitis - Demo (2024)
Vulvic Cistern – Necrolinguistics (2023)
Walking Corpse (US) - Walking Corpse (2023)
White Noise - Introverted Isolated Deprived (2023)
Widow And The Son – Negation (2023)
Withered Fabrication
Withered Fabrication - Lich Fire (2023)
Withered Fabrication - Glaive Of The Headless (2022)
Whore Extermination
Prostitute Butchery - Compulsive Prostitute Killings (2024)
Whore Extermination - Monuments of Grotesque Mutilations (2024)
Whore Extermination - Whore Extermination (2023)
Whore Of Bethlehem
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory - Smile Empty Souls (2023)
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory - A Cruel Invitation (2023)
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory - Gored To Death (2022)
Yugular – Carcosa (2023)
Death Metal
Гвалт - Горе (2023)
Дизакт (Disact) - Бесчинство (2023)
Дом мясника
Дом Мясника - Геноцид (2013)
Дом Мясника - Auschwitz (2017)
200 Stab Wounds - Masters of Morbidity (2023)
602 - Мёртвые будут жить (2018)
602 - Боги войны (2019)
1917 - Cruel Dimension (2022)
A Distorted Utopia - The Sickened Rain (2023)
Aasar - From Nothing To Nowhere (2023)
Abattoir - Weep The Putrescence (2023)
Abditory - Aliens vs Priests : Summer of 1690 + single (2023)
Abhorrent Execration
Abhorrent Execration - Demo (2023)
Abhorrent Execration - Death... Doom... Despair... (2023)
Abhorrent Rebirth - Abhorrent Rebirth (2023)
Abolish – ...From The Depths (2023)
Abraded - Pathological Primitivism (2022)
Abraded - Unadulterated Perversity (2023)
Abysma - Texas Weed Death (2023)
Abysmal - Black Savage (2023)
Abysmal Daemon
Abysmal Death - De-Liberación (2023)
Abysmal Disarray - Expulsion Of Humanity (2023)
Abyss Walker - Equivocal Orbis (2020)
Abyssal Rift - Extirpation Dirge (2023)
Abyssalis - The Mountain (2023)
Abyssarium - A Deathly and Thrashered Year (2023)
Acausal Intrusion - Panpsychism (2023)
Acherontia Styx
Acid Birth
Acid Birth - The Divine Grotesque (2021)
Acid Birth - Pleasures of Flesh (2021)
Acranius - Amoral (2023)
Adelphophagy - Omnicidal Schematics (2023)
Aeons Abyss - Insidious Truth (2023)
Afternity - DadMetal (2023)
Agnozia - Ultra-Violence (2023)
Akuma - Plus Ultra (2022)
Alchemy Of Flesh – By Will Alone (2023)
Allocer - The First Offering (2023)
Altar Of Obedience - Morbid Devoties (2023)
Among The Bodies
Anatomy of a Creation - Year of Disgust (2023)
Ancient Crown - Ancient Crown (2023)
Angelic Desolation
Angelivore - Fleshfeast (2023)
Angry At The World – Angry At The World (2023)
Animated Dead
Anime Torment – Just a Carcass (2023)
Anna Pest / Argento - Catgirl In The House Of Evil ...And Other Stories (Split) (2023)
Anxiety Collapse - Anxiety Collapse (2023)
Apex Of Devastation – Apex Of Devastation (2023)
Arise From Worms
Arkham Circle - Weapons Of Choice (2023)
Ars Notoria
Art of Attrition - The Void Eternal (2022)
Ascended Dead - Evenfall Of The Apocalypse (2023)
Asile Obscene
Asilian - Escarcération (2023)
Asphyxiation Infecta
Athiria - Conjure The Beast (2023)
Athiria - Decay Cognizance (2023)
Atropine - Sanity Desecration (2023)
Avulsed – Extraterrestrial Carnage (2023)
Banished Realm - Impious Rumination (2023)
Bastard Grave
Becoming the Entity - singles (2024)
Begravement - Desecration of the Meek (2023)
Beguiler - Etterath + Instrumental + single (2023)nrepentant
Belial - Blasphemy (2024)
Below The Graves
Beyond All Misery
Beyond All Misery - Beyond All Misery (2023)
Beyond All Misery - Ascension (2022)
Beyond Chaos - Fanaticvs Sanctvs (2023)
Beyond Extinction - Nothing More Wretched (2023)
Biochemical Genocide – Maggot Gods (2023)
Bitter Loss
Bitterroot - ...Of Human Tragedy (2023)
Black Rabbit
Blackthrone Ascension - The Great Game (2023)
Blasfemia - Golgota...Crápula Sinagoga (2023)
Blasphematory - The Final Dungeon Session (2023)
Blasphematory - The Lower Catacombs (2022)
Blasphemous Fire – Beneath The Darkness (2023)
Blasphemous Putrefaction
Blastaroth - A Ritual Beheading (2023)
Bleeding Brutality - Faced With Annihilation (2023)
Bleeding Display
Blindfolded And Led To The Woods - Rejecting Obliteration (2023)
Blood And Body – Curses (EP) (2023)
Blood Red Throne - Seeking To Pierce (2024)
Blood Upon Thorns
Bloodcurdling - Boiling Sewage Fetish (2022)
Bloodcurdling - Awful Stench Of Old Coffins (2023)
Bloodfiend - Soldiers Of Annihilation (2023)
Bloodgutter - Death Mountain (2023)
Bloodlands - Hostile (2023)
Bloodletting - Eternal Slumber (2023)
Bloodletting Prince - Sanguine Insight (2023)
Blunt Force Trauma - Cacophony of Broken Bones (2023)
Bonebreaker - Hell's Bullets (2023)
Bonesnap - Inhale The Void (2023)
Bonginator - The Intergalactic Gorebong Of Deathpot (2023)
Born Undead - Another One For The Fire (2022)
Bound Hands
Breeding Chaos
Broken Glass Sanctuary
Brvdy Shvdy - Lucifer's Reclamation (2023)
Burning Death - Tormented By Greed (2023)
Burnt Offerings – Unparalleled Violence (2023)
Buryfication - Haunted, Enslaved, Devoured (2023)
Cadaver - The Age Of The Offended (2023)
Cadaveric - Justified Lobotomy (2023)
Cadaveric Mutation - demo (2024)
Cadaverous Odour - Corpus Inhumation (2024)
Cadaverous Stench - Cadaverous Stench (2023)
Calamitous Skies
Cancer Spreading - Deeper Down Once Again (2023)
Carcinoid - Encomium To Extinction (2023)
Casket Slime
Castleumbra - Nammu Tammtu (2023)
Catacomb (Arg) - Paradigm Shift (2023)
Cattle Decapitation – Terrasite (2023)
Cause N Effect
Caustic Vomit - Eloquent Requiems Of Necrotic Decadence (2023)
Cavalera Conspiracy
Cavalera Conspiracy - Morbid Visions (2023)
Cavalera Conspiracy - Bestial Devastation (2023)
Cave Grave - Cavernous Disseminations (2022)
Cavernous Assassin
Cebator - The Valley Of Thorns (2023)
Celestial Burial - Genocidal Extinction (2023)
Celestial Sanctuary - Insatiable Thirst For Torment (2023)
Cemetery Shade
Cenobite – Torment Your Flesh And Explore The Limits Of Experience (2023)
Cenotaph - Riding Our Black Oceans (1994)
Cerebral Extinction
Ceremonial Cryptorium
Cetragore - Plagued By Birth (2023)
Chaos Sanctuary - Instrumentality (2023)
Chasm Of Discord
Chelicerae Growth Pathogen
Chrysalis - D.eforming N.eural A.ggression (2023)
Claustrum – Claustrum (2023)
Coagula – Rot (2023)
Coffin Mulch – Spectral Intercession (2023)
Cold Blooded Murder - Murdercore 4Ya Lifestyle (2023)
Collapsed Mainframe - Theater of Tyranny (2023)
Colton Schorn - Suspended In Atrophy (2023)
Control The Devastator
Convictors - Tartaros (2023)
Cordura — Nibiru X (2023)
Corporal Punishment - The New Plague (2023)
Cosmophobe - これはAliencoreのアルバムです
Craniectomy - Flesh For Profit (2023)
Creeping Death - Boundless Domain (2023)
Crippling Madness - Władcy Nocy (2023)
Criptas - Criptas (2023)
Cronos Compulsion – Malicious Regression (2023)
Crown Magnetar – Everything Bleeds (2023)
Crown Of Horns - Death Eternal (2023)
Crushing Axes
Cry Of The Nile
Cryogenic - Suspended Animation (1997)
Cryptic Doom – Lost Souls (2023)
Cryptic Grave - Awake In A Grave (2023)
Crypticus - CryptMania (2023)
Curse Of Kuru - The Hollow Men (2023)
Cursed Blood
Cynic - ReFocus (2023)
Daemonus Perversu - Decretum (2023)
Dammnatorum - In Umbra Mortis (2023)
Damnations Domain
Damnations Domain - The God of Blood / Damnations Domain (2024)
Damnations Domain - Delaware Death Metal (2022)
Damnations Domain - Adversary (split) (2023)
Damned Ritual
Damngod – Legions (2023)
Dawn of Impurity
De Lirium's Order - Veniversum (2012)
Dead Chasm – Sublimis Ignotum Omni (2023)
Dead Vein
Dead Wasteland - Death Metal Demos (2023)
Deadspeak - Human Alchemy (2023)
Death Mist
Death Mist - Death Punk Massacre (2023)
Death Mist - Pleading for Death (2022)
Death Pickle
Death Portrait
Death Power - The Bogeyman (1990)
Death Reich
Death Warmed Over - Tribulation (2023)
Deathbed – Obsolete Natural Composition (2023)
DeathSpeaker - DeathSpeaker (2023)
Decaying Martyr
Dechristianized – Litanies Of Iconoclasm
Decimate Our Kind - In The Name Of Our Republic (2023)
Declination - Ancestry Devour (2023)
Decorpsetated - Cerebral Disembarkment (2024)
Decrepitorium - Foul Examination of Putrefied Remains (2023)
Defiled – The Highest Level (2023)
Defy The Curse
Demented Aggressor
Demented Heart - Frantic Epidemic (2023)
Demolition Hammer
Descent Into Maelström
Desecresy – Deserted Realms (2023)
Destripated - Crawling Across The Entrails (2024)
Deteriorot - The Rebirth (2023)
Dethroned In Ruins
Devoidment - Cnidarian Synergy (2023)
Diabolical Deformity
Diabolical Messiah
Digest ! / Feaces Christ - Necrotizing Progress (2023)
Dipygus - Wet Market (2023)
Dipygus - Dipygus (2024)
Disclaimer - Misanthrope (EP) (2023)
Dishonour - Erasing The Rats (2023)
Dismal Fate - Ineffable Emptiness (2023)
Dismo - The Architect Of Chaos (2024)
Dismorfia - Eclosion Repugnante (2024)
Dismorfia - Repulsive Mutation (2023)
Dismorfia - Immortal Echoes from the Unknown (2023)
Divine Destruction - Products Of Abomination (2024)
Divinist - Divinist (2023)
Dreadful Deathreign
Dreadful Deathreign - The Bloody Terror (2022)
Dreadful Deathreign - Hex Hecatomb (2023)
Drēor - The Terror Rises (2023)
Eigenstate Zero - Machinery Of Night (2023)
Elysian Tyrant - Discography (2022 - 2023)
Embrace Your Punishment - Made Of Stone (2023)
Encounter Truth
Endless - Universe Conqueror (2020)
Ensanguined - Necrosurgical Savagery (2023)
Enter The Vortex
Enter The Vortex - Netherwalk Reforged (2020)
Enter The Vortex - Netherwalk Instrumental (2020)
Enter The Vortex - Singles (2021)
Entrenchment - После Нас Тишина (2023)
Epicaricacy - Clinging To Misery (2023)
Epicenter - Flood (2023)
Esfincteralgia - Planeta Prisão (2023)
Et Languorem
Eternal Rot – Moribound (2023)
Ethereal Void - Gods Of A Dead World (2023)
Etherean Order – Time Heals Nothing (2023)
Euclid - Revilement (2023)
Evil In - Age Of Immortal Darkness (2023)
Evilosity – Sterile Existence (2023)
Exile To Decadence – Where Demons Dwell (2023)
Existentialist - The Heretic (2023)
Exnun - Nutshell Studies Of Unexplained Death (2023)
Exodia The Destroyer - singles (2022)
Exorency - Mortal Vision (2024)
Exoto - The Final Festering (2023)
Extermination Order
Eye of Fenris - Cerberus (2023)
Eye Splitter – The Sludge King (2023)
Feaces Christ
Feast Of Flesh
Feeding The Archons
Festering Process
Festering Process - Folkgore (2023)
Festering Process - Brain Eater (2019)
Festering Process - Festering Process (2013)
Filth - Violence (EP) (2023)
Fleshbound - Wounded (2023)
Fleshbound - Fleshbound (2022)
Foetal Juice – Grotesque (2023)
Forced Departure - Forced Departure (2022)
Foul Body Autopsy
Foul Body Autopsy - Crucifix Dreams (2023)
Foul Body Autopsy - Shadows Without Light, Pt .1 - 2 - 3 (2021 - 2022)
Frozen Soul – Glacial Domination (2023)
Funeral Vomit - Monumental Putrescence (2023)
Gamma Tauri Spawn - VIcious Gods Below (2023)
Garoted - Bewitchment Of The Dark Ages (2023)
Gavel - Gavel + single (2023)
Genocídio - Fort Conviction (2024)
Ghoul'Art - Black Lodge (2024)
Giggerotah - I See The World - Dead (2023)
Glae - Deception (2023)
Godeatertx - Divine Abstraction (2023)
Gods Of Ancient
Godslut - Procreation Of God (2023)
Gorrified - Horrific Gore (2023)
Gravebirth - All Light Will End (2023)
Gravebirth - Decrepit (2020)
Graverape - Horrors Of Life Eternal (2023)
Gravitatiønal Singularity - As The Stars Fall From The Sky (2023)
Grotesqueries – Vile Crematory (2023)
Guterus - Des Séraphins en Hybris (2023)
Guterus - Verminiscence (2023)
Gutrefaxion - Total Rotten To The Gore Zombie Extravaganza (2023)
Gutrefaxion - Soaking (split)
Gutrefaxion - Tolerance (split) (2023)
Gutz - Myths Dispelled (2023)
Hallucination - Shadow Projection (2023)
Hamarr - Sapience in Anguish (2022)
Hamarr - Bloodthirst (2024)
Hammer Of Gore
Hammer Of Gore - Beheaded And Stuffed With Feces (2022)
Hammer Of Gore / Lebbra - split (2023)
Hanging Fortress - Suspended In Torment (2023)
Hatred Reigns - Awaken The Ancients (2023)
Hell's Lust
Hellwalker - Coldblooded (2024)
Hellwitch - Annihilational Intercention (2023)
Heritage Of Rebellion - Grow From The Decay (2023)
Heruvim - Battle for Cimmeria (2023)
Honor Code - Honor Code (2023)
Horrid Mass - Formless Dread (2023)
Horror Within
Horror Within - Awaiting Extinction (2022)
Horror Within - singles (2020)
Hot Graves
Human Instrumentality Project - LCL Sea (2023)
Humanity Defiled - Déhà
Husqwarnah - Live At Bloom (2023)
Hypaethral - Hypaethral (2023)
I, Satan – The Eld Teltament (2023)
Ibex - The Irrefutable Weight (2023)
Immortal Rotting
Immortal Rotting - Demonic Entities (2023)
Immortal Rotting - The Endless Cycle Of Mental Imprisonment (2023)
Impending Rot
Imperishable – Come, Sweet Death (2023)
Impest - Bone Pit (2023)
Imprisoned In Flesh
Impuritan - Wrath (2023)
Impuritan - EP + single (2017 - 2019)
Imun - Imun (2024)
Inanimate Flesh
Inanimate Flesh - Anomalous Autopsy Aria (2023)
Inanimate Flesh - Obscene Omentum Overture (2023)
Incantation – Unholy Deification (2023)
Incinerous - Contorted Epiphany (2023)
Indicible - Demo (2023)
Inertia - The Human Element (2023)
Infectious Waste - Keep An Open Mind (2023)
Infernal Death
Innefable - Tierra De Muertos (2023)
Internal Decay - Malignant (2023)
Infernal Graves
Infiltration - Cognitive Warfare (2023)
Infinite Design - Embrace The Void (2023)
Inhuman Architects - Cultus Deorum (2023)
Inhumane Reign - You Will Feel At Home (2023)
Innards Decay - demo (2023)
Innumerable Forms - The Fall Down (2023)
Inquisición - El Comienzo Del Fin (2023)
Insade - Human Obsession (2024)
Insidious Nature – A Prelude To The Endless (2023)
Intolerance – Waking Nightmares Of An Endless Void (2024)
Iron Casket - Where Iron Death Roams (2023)
Iron Gate - Throne Of The False God (2023)
Ironmaster – Weapons Of Spiritual Carnage (2023)
Invasión Eterna - Ouroboros (2023)
Inward Mind - The New Maïeutique (2001)
Ivann - Loathing Poems Remake (2023)
Judgement-Day - Sounds Like Heaven, But Hurts Like Hell (2024)
Justified God Killing - The Overthrow (2023)
Kaal Akuma - Turiya (2023)
Kaal Nagini – Refracted Lights Of A Blind God (2023)
Katholik – Entropic Evolution (2023)
Kattlik - Glearing (2023)
Khnvm - Visions Of A Plague Ridden Sky (2023)
Killing Capacity
Knights Of The Abyss / Moria - split (2023)
Kranda Mayat / KrandaMayat - Rhythm Of Death (2023)
Kraner - Protestante ignorante (2021)
LAC - Lacerated And Carbonized
Lac - The Core Disruption (2023)
Lac - Limbo (2023)
Larvae (US)
Left In Agony
Left Path
Legacy Of Brutality – Travelers To Nowhere (2023)
Leprax - Tierras De Sangre (2024)
Leprovore - Horrorreahction (2022)
Liquid Flesh - Dolores (2023)
Lost Brethren
Louco - Louco (2023)
Lunacy - Ritual Of Gore (2023)
Lust Witch - Hands Of Filth (2023)
Maggot Crown
Malevolent Assault
Malevolent Creation
Malevolent Torture
Malignant Excremental - Descrição Explícita E Brutal Da Face Da Morte (2022)
Man Must Die
Mangle - Colostomy Bag
Marana - Death Is Hidden in the Plastic (2017)
Marvel Of Decay - Virulent Realms (2023)
Mauled To Death - Mauled To Death (2023)
Maze Of Sothoth
Measmata – Megalomaniac (2023)
Meatball Grinder - split (2023)
Mélancolia - HissThroughRottenTeeth (2023)
Menace - Open Fire (2023)
Mental Cruelty - Zwielicht (2023)
Miasma Of Occvlt Limbs - Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm (2023)
Mind Prisoner
Minenfeld - Kernsplittung + single (2023)
Minerva - Flesh Addict (2023)
Monasteries - Ominous (2023)
Monastery - From Blood (2023)
Monolith Of Carnage
Morbid Grave
Morbid Grave - Pandemic Mutations (2021)
Morbid Grave - The Slime Crawlers (2022)
Morbus Grave
Morgul Wound
Morrath - Centuries Of Blindness (2023)
Mortal Desecration
Mortal Fate
Mortal Fate - Selfish Society (2023)
Mortal Fate - Death's Tarot (2022)
Mortem Obscuram
Mortem Obscuram — Eradication Of The Human Endeavor (2021)
Mortem Obscuram — The Wretched Divinity (2023)
Mortiferoth - . . . To The Abyss (2023)
Mortiferous Scorn
Mortifica – Land Of The Blind (2023)
Mortuary Sickness - Dark Tendrils of Disease (2021)
Mortuary Slab
Mortyr - Viperish (2023)
Mufa - Tropikäos (2024)
Mutual Hostility - Inhuman Anguish (2023)
Mutilation and Evisceration - Deprivation of humanity (2023)
Mutilation Case - Mutilation Case (2023)
Nasty Surgeons – Anatomy Lessons (2023)
Necrológio - Morte (2022)
Necronomicon ex Mortis
Necrotic Foetal Feculence – Putrid Coprophagic Disembowelment (2023)
Nefarious Vermin - Abolition of Tradition (2023)
Nefastus - Nefastus (2023)
Negative Prayer - Self Wound (2024)
Neolithic - Shattering Vessels (2022)
Neolithic - Neolithic (2019)
New World Depression
Nexwomb - Nexwomb (Instrumental)
Nexwomb - Nexwomb
Nightmare Slaughter - The Mother Of Abortions (2023)
Nightmarer - Deformity Adrift (2023)
Nihilect - Tapestry (2024)
Nihilist Death Cult
Nordic Storm - Mark Of The Beast (2023)
Nothing Lies Above
Obligatory Fiend
Obscenum Desecration
Oculos - Gaslighting (2023)
Of, The Betrayer – Your Darkness Will Save You (2023)
Okult - Postmortal Interrogation (2022)
Okult - Signum Diabolica (2020)
Ominovs - EP (2023)
Omnivalence - Binary Abyss (2023)
Omnivortex - Circulate (2023)
Open Kasket – Blood Moon (2023)
Oppression Denied - Demo (2023)
Orbital Extrema - Apsis (2023)
Order Of The Dead - Illusions (2023)
Osculant Brutality
Ossuary – Stellar Annihilation (2023)
Outer Graves - Last Known Transmission (2023)
Overthrow - Ascension Of The Entombed (2023)
Pain Divine - A Worthy Adversary (2023)
Pandemic Outbreak - Awaken To Mutilate (2023)
Path To War
Perilaxe Occlusion - Vapor Chamber (2023)
Phantom Crawl - Phantom Crawl (2023)
Pheretrum - No Human Heritage (2022)
Phlebotomized - Clouds Of Confusion (2023)
Phormula - Karma's Aura (2021)
Pile Of Death - Introducing Our Impending Doom (2023)
Pissrot - Promo (2023)
Plasmodulated - PLASMODØD Live at Loosey's (2023)
Póstuma Aniquilación - Alucinaciones mórbidas (2024)
Powder Burns - ... На Горячей Земле (2023)
Pronostic - Chaotic Upheaval (2023)
Psora - Triumph Of Evil (2023)
Psychiatric Regurgitation
Psychiatric Regurgitation - Blood, Cum, and Tears (2017)
Psychiatric Regurgitation - Lurid Black Encryptions (2023)
Psycho-Frame - Remote God Seeker (2023)
Psycho-Frame - Automatic Death Protocol (2023)
Psychophony - The Origin Of Nightmare (2023)
Psychostasy - The Empty Circle (2023)
Pura Malum - This Existence (2022)
Purtenance - The Rot Within Us (2023)
Pustilence - Beliefs Of Dead Stargazers And Soothsayers (2023)
Putrid Yell
Reaping Flesh – Abyss Of Existence (2023)
Reaver - demo (2024)
Reborn In Flames
Reeking Corpus
Reign Of Darkness
Repudio - Dominio De La Muerte (2023)
Repugnance - Retrieving Dead Bodies (2024)
Reticulate - The Lungs Of Depravation (2023)
Rigorist - demo (2023)
Ri'lyth - Ascenso (2023)
Riparian - Age Of Splendor (2023)
Rites Of Torment - Promo (2023)
Ritual Of Descent - Death By Toll (2023)
Rotpit - Let There Be Rot (2023)
Rotten Brain
Rotting Divinity / Maggot Feast - Rotting Deceiver (2024)
Sacramento - Four Nails (2024)
Sacred Origin - From Obscurity (2023)
Salem Burning - Immortalia Imperium Et Mortis (2023)
Samael Cooper - Kabbalah For Everyone (2023)
Sanctuarium - Into The Mephitic Abyss (2023)
Sardonic – Sardonic (2023)
Sarmat - Determined To Strike (2023)
Satan Decapitated
Scenic - Before the Beginning (2023)
Scenic Lucid Decay - Revenge Obsession (2024)
Scent Of Death – Into Everlasting Hate (2023)
Scumfuck - The Attitude Era (2023)
Sebastiside - Reincarnate (2023)
Seed of the Sorcerer Womb of the Witch - Perversion Pyre (2024)
Seeping Protoplasm - Exhale Extinction (2023)
Seimos - Unreal (2023)
Sekkusu - Satyrömania (2019)
Sekkusu / Mechanist (2023)
Semprus – A Fractured Reality (2023)
Septic Fumes - promo '23 (2023)
Septos - En El Altar De La Inmundicia (2023)
Serkion - Breeding Of Twisted Souls (2023)
Sermon Of Rot
Serpent Spawn
Servant Of Sorrow - Blistered By The Light Of Heaven (2023)
Sever The Boar's Head - Vultur Gryphus (2023)
Sinusitis - Evolution Seven Gates Of Hell (2023)
Skeletal Throne – Barbaric Torment (2023)
Skeletonization - The Spiritual Lobotomy (2023)
Slathered - Relentless Anguish + single (2021 - 2023)
Slimed - Slime Season Summer (2023)
Smashed - Spreading Death (2022)
Smashed - Spontaneous Decomposition (2021)
Snakepit - Invasion of Fire (2024)
Solar Eruption
Somberpath - Engulfed In Darkness (2023)
Sorcerer - Mirages Of Crystallized Horror (2023)
Sorcerer - Omnipresent Devastation of Spectral Possession (2023)
Soul Profaner
Spacecorpse - Replicate to Dominate + single (2023)
Spasticus - Spasticating Execution (2022)
Spawn Of Evil - Sadistic Missionaries (2023)
Spectrophilia - Putrid Paths Of Depravation (2023)
Sphinx - singles (2020 - 2023) (320)
Spinebreaker - Cavern Of Inoculated Cognition (2023)
Splattergoat - Goatpocalypse (2023)
Squalor - Squalor (2023)
Stone the Oracle
Stormhour - Architect Of Castatroph (2023)
Strike Avenue - Dehumanized Interlude (2023)
Subconscious Terror - Chaotic Diffusion (2023)
Sublation - The Path to Bedlam (2022)
Sublation - On the Advancement of Decay (2023)
Sumatra - Heliocratic Infinity (2023)
Sumen - Mors Certa (2023)
Supuration / Putrid Offal / Krhomadeath / Sepulchral / Dagon / Nocturnal Fears
Obscurum per Obscurius (split) (1992)
Krhomadeath - Grating Into Corpse (1994)
Sulphuric Death – Beyond The Void Of Doom (2023)
SwampTales - I Am The Death (2023)
Swathe - Τhe Last Ray Of Light (2023)
Swinery - Swinery II (Special Edition) (2023)
Swinery - Swinery II (Deluxe Edition) (2023)
Tactosa - Exit Wounds (2023)
Tanork - Destined To Die... (2023)
Temores Enterrados – No Humanos (2023)
Temple Of Void
Tempt Fate - Holy Deformity (2023)
Tenebro - Ultime Grida Dalla Giungla (2023)
Teodolit - Entropy (2023)
Terminal Filth
Terranoct - Icon Of Ruin (2023)
Thallium - Punitive Desire (2023)
The Antikythera Mechanism - Aedorial (2023)
The Beast Within - Sixtinction (2023)
The Bleeding – Monokrator (2023)
The Convalescence
The Fallen Prophets
The Glorious Dead – Cemetery Paths (2023)
The Heretic Anthem - Gathering of the Dead (2023)
The Mid Six - Blasphemous Devourment (2023)
The Plague
The Plague - Extermination (2023)
The Plague - Taken (2022)
The Plague - Workshop (2021)
The Ritual Aura - Heresiarch (2023)
The Screams Of Widow's Son - Void Absolute (2023)
The Unknown - Trinitatis Diabolicum (2023)
The Zenith Passage - Datalysium (2023)
This Means War
Thy Art Is Murder - Godlike (2023)
Ticked Off - Gaslighter (2023)
Tiwanaku - Earth Base One (2023)
To The Grave - Hear Evil, See Evil: The Epilogue Session (2023)
Tormentum / A.T.E.R. - split (2023)
Tormentum - Stench Of Hell (2023)
Tormentum - demo (2022)
Torture Rack – Primeval Onslaught (2023)
Tortured Corpse
Transgressor - Beyond Oblivion (2023)
Transmigration Macabre
Traumatic Asphyxia – Insufferable Disemboweling Experiment (2023)
Triumvir Foul
Umber Mist - Jail Of The Insane (2022)
Umbravoid - Brobdingnagian (2023)
Uncaved - Dogmatorraistes (2023)
Undead - Putrefactio (2023)
Under The Scythe - Realms Of The Void (2023)
Undergang / Spectral Voice – Undergang / Spectral Voice (2023)
Unending Disdain – The Butcher (2023)
Uninhibited - Ascend The Plank (2023)
Unriht - Satanic Black Goat (2023)
Ursus Maximus - The Apex Shredator (2023)
Vaegon – The Particle Eclipse (2023)
Vampire Squid
Vampire Squid - Plasmic (2023)
Vampire Squid – Decade Of Mutiny I (2023)
Vayron - Dead Fish Man (2024)
Vengeance Hammer
Vepkóç - Blasphème (2017)
Vile Ritual – Caverns Of Occultic Hatred (2023)
Vindictive Homicide
Visceral Reaction
Visceral Slaughter - Hell Оn Earth MMXXIII (2023)
Visceral Suffering
Visceral Suffering - Visceral Suffering (2021)
Visceral Suffering - Sons Of Evil (2023)
Vivisection (Australie) – Parasite (2022)
Volatile Ways
Volatile Ways - Compendium (2023)
Volatile Ways - You Died (2022)
Vomitheist - NekroFvneral (2023)
Vomitory – All Heads Are Gonna Roll (2023)
Vortesvin - A Dirge For Dark Days (2023)
Warfield Within
Warfield Within - Beast Inside (2023)
Warfield Within - Inner Bomb Exploding (2010)
Warhell - Uppergut (2016)
When Plagues Collide
Whisper-X - Warside (2014)
Widow's Peak - Claustrophobe (2023)
World Eater – An Insidious Remedy (2023)
Worm Shepherd
Worm Shepherd - The Sleeping Sun (2023)
Worm Shepherd - Ritual Hymns (2022)
Wounded Not Dead - The Alchemist (2023)
Wretched Fate
xGOREx – Sacrificial Liturgy (2023)
ZoofaguS - Cerebra Dentata (2022)
Zvylpwkua - The Outlying Entities (2023)
Жирные Подмышки Дракона Адмирала Чпока
Жирные Подмышки Дракона Адмирала Чпока - Л.Г.Б.Д.Э (Лепреконы / Гномы / Барды / Драконы / Эльфы) (20
Жирные Подмышки Дракона Адмирала Чпока - Эпидемия Нетрадиционной Ориентации В Средеземии (2017)
8 way split de carne rancia devorada por bacterias (2023)
16 way split
69 Squad
Acid Bacteria - De-for-ma-dos (2021)
Acid Shower - Rock Salad (2020)
Active Stenosis
Active Stenosis - Wandering Partially Disfigured (2023)
Maggot Vomit Afterbirth / Active Stenosis (2021)
Alien Fucker
Alien Fucker – Magical Suffering (2024)
Alien Fucker - Gimplanet (2023)
Alien Fucker - Singles Collection Vol.II (2022)
Ampolla / Serious Bodily Harm - Untitled (2024)
Anal Bleeding – Blood, Guts & Sodomy (2023)
Anal Ghost - Spectrophilia (2022)
Anal Prolapse
Anencefalia – Muertes Sin Sentido (2024)
Apocalyptic Noise - Deception Of Humanity
AxCxCx / AssCunt Carnage
AxCxCx / LxD - split (2023)
Bacterial Food
Bacterial Food - split with Seborrheic Keratosis (2019)
Bandalismo - No Mercy in Mexico (2023)
Barbaric Inhumanity - Carotid Laceration
Bed Of Roaches
Bed Of Roaches - Katsaridaphobia (2023)
Before Days of Humanity
Before Days of Humanity / Ass Cunt Carnage - split (2023)
Before Days of Humanity - Downward, Ever Downward (2023)
Before Days of Humanity / Morbid Worm - Molten Lava Corpse (2023)
Before Days of Humanity / Gangrearrea - split (2024)
Benzoylmethylecgonine - Cocaine-induced Midline Destructive Lesion (2023)
Bestiality Thoratfuck - The Severe Beating and Abuse of an Anorexic Whore (2025)
Bighead - Murder. Sodomy. Braineating. (2023)
Bighead - Backwoods Medical Anomalies (2023)
Bigorexia - Extemporaneous Expirations of Existence (2020)
Bimbonic Plague (bimb0nicplague) - Bimbo Torture (2024)
Blessed By Vomit
Blessed By Vomit / Malevolent Pescetarian / Stachybotrys Chartarum - split (2024)
Blessed by vomit - Taxed to Death (2025)
Bloat - Rotbus - Squashed Beef
Blood Splattered Babies
Blood Splattered Babies - BSB/GORE/DVD (2023)
Blood Splattered Babies - split with Gastromesis (2024)
Blood Splattered Babies - split with Pleurisy (2024)
Bloody Diarrhoea - Vaginal Diarrhoea
Blue Holocaust
Blue Holocaust - After the Fall of Man (split) (2022)
Blue Holocaust - 13 Flies on Bloodstained Velvet (2024)
Bodily Stew
Bodily Stew - Promo Number One (2023)
Bodily Stew - Podridos, Destrozados, Y Mutilados (2023)
Bodily Stew - Forensic Pathology (2022)
Boiling Vomit
Boiling Vomit // Lorelai - split (2025)
Boiling Vomit - Failed Treatment (split) (2022)
Boiling Vomit - Scourge Of The World (2022)
Boiling Vomit - Demo (2022)
Bolor - Psicopatia e Crimes Macabros (2021)
Bolor - O Vampiro De Niterói (2024)
Bombsack - Kriske Toebak (2024)
Bombsack / Regurgitasi - Eating Healthy (2024)
Bone Fetish
Bone Fetish - Mummified (2024)
Bone Fetish - Until My End / Feast On Blood (2024)
Bonegraft - Craniosynostosis (2022)
Born Backwards
Born Backwards - Split w/ Sluird (2020)
Born Backwards - Split w/ Post-Mortem Response (2020)
Born Backwards - Split w/ Shrivel Up (2020)
Botfly Cultivation - demo (2024)
Bowel Erosion
Bowel Erosion – A Collection of Septic Fumes (2024)
Bowel Erosion – Death Is The Orgasm Of Life (2023)
Bowel Erosion / Hit Run-Drivers – Pleasures in the Foulness Smells (2021)
Bowel Erosion - Split with Emulsified Meat (2021)
Bowel Evacuation
Bowel Evacuation - Sick Shit For Fetish People (2022)
Bowel Evacuation - Kotstulle zum Mitnehmen (2022)
Bowel Exhibition - Grotesque Wound Assessment (2024)
Bowel Leakage
Bowel Leakage - Deathning Grind (2023)
Breathing Spawn - promo (2023)
Bulma ブルマ
Butchered - Butchered (2024)
Butirat / Urinophilianictomy – Toxic Masculinity (2023)
C9H9N - Breaking the Hell's Flesh (side A) (2023)
C9H9N - Breaking the Hell's Flesh (side B) (2023)
C9H9N - Coshit Virus (2021)
Cadaveric Undead Mutilation
Cadaveric Undead Mutilation - CadaveriC (U) Massacre (2024)
Cadaveric Undead Mutilation - Sexecution (2023)
Calcinado - Autopsia Celestial (2023)
Calcinated - Morgue Serenity (2022)
Cancrum Oris - Lymphadenitis Organopexic Vulnus Edema (2023)
Cannibe / Blasted Pancreas / Putrefuck – 3 Ways To Splatter Your Cadaver (2023)
Carbonized Entrails - Pus Regurgitation (2024)
Carbuncle - Undesirable Drainage (2021)
Carcinosis / Psychosomatic Putrefaction - Third World Blood Feast (2024)
Carcinosis / Flax - Invocations For The Undead (2023)
Carcinosis / Meatshield - Altered States of Goresciousness (2023)
Carcinosis - Forensic Entomology : Establishing Time of Death (2023)
Carcinosis - 10 Ways Goremask (2022)
Carcinosis Death and the Subsequent Anatomical Decomposition (2022)
Carnal Access
Carnal Access / Unholy Lobotomy - split (2024)
Carnal Access - Cardiac Arrest And Myocardial Infarction (2024)
Carnal Access - split with Blood Splattered Babies (2024)
Carnal Access - split with Putrid Stench (2024)
Carnal Access - 195 Minute Unsuccessful Surgery (2023)
Carnal Access - Brutal 3 Way Split (2024)
Carnal Access - Embolic Disgorgement (2024)
Carnal Diafragma
Carnal Diafragma / Oxidised Razor - split (2023)
Carnal Diafragma - Cichajda (2023)
Carnal Diafragma - split with Purulent Spermcanal (2020)
Carniça Gore - Exhumed Corpse (2023)
Cave Dweller - split with Enuresis (2021)
Caveman Attack
Cerebral Suppuration – Forensic Pathology : Death Through The Eyes Of The Medical Examiner (2024)
Clinical Regurgitation - Rancid Smellz & Putrid Flesh
Clot - Bile Extrusion (2023)
Coconut Clit Crusher
Clumps Of Flesh - Selling Corpse Parts Online (2022)
Cobblestoning – Hyperbobilious Explication Of Amaranthine Pestilential Astronomicolon (2023)
Cockoroch - Villa Ojal Live Session (2023)
Cockoroch - Carrot Skull (2024)
Corpse Ooze - Slow Death (320)
Costectomy - split with FDOH (2021)
CrotchRot - Tupiniviquem (2022)
CrotchRot - Brochas From Hell (2019)
Crowbar Facefuck
Crowbar FaceFuck - Defiled With A Crowbar (2023)
Crowbar FaceFuck / Fupa Goddess - CrowBar FupaFuck (2022)
Crowbar Facefuck / xExKxDx - Zombified Cannibal Slaughter (2023)
Crowbar Facefuck - Demented Envisionments (2024)
Crowbar Facefuck – Harsh Pungent Reality (2023)
Crude Decomposition
Cum Book
Cum Book / Laparoscopic Hysterectomy - Секс-Шум (2023)
Cum Book - Reek of fornication (2022)
Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge
Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge - Zaza (2022)
Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge - Born To Kill (2022)
Fupa Goddess / Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge - Drug Tales (2023)
Cx9 - ProgrammaGore (2016)
Cumboy Catapulta / Avocado Pornujo - Chocolate Grapes And Olung's Tales (Split) (2025)
Cystgurgle - Expurgating and Gargling Foetal and Cystic Fluids (2024)
Cystgurgle - Putrid Stu (2022)
Cystic Embalmment
Cystic Embalmment - Bardassage Auditif (promo) (2024)
Cystic Embalmment - Demo (2024)
Cystic Embalmment - Folklore De Fond D'égout (2023)
Cystic Embalmment - Demo (2022)
Cystoblastosis - split with Toughguy (2023)
Cystoma / Septic Bloat - Postmortem Human Bloating (2023)
Daging Iblis - Demo (2023)
Death'sFace - Execution (2024)
Death'sFace - Brutal Murder (2024)
D.E.F.A.M.E. - Сквозь трусы прям на усы (2022)
D.E.F.A.M.E. - Doomsday Reptilian Rooster (2024)
Deception of Humanity
Deception of Humanity - Anti Lolicom Terrorism Squad (2023)
Deception of Humanity - We Hate You And Your Project (2023)
Deception of Humanity - The Divine Art of Self Mutilation (Re-Recorded) (2023
Decomposing Serenity
Decomposing Serenity - My Apologies To The Nuns That Drowned (2023)
Meatal Ulcer & Decomposing Serenity - split (2021)
Defiled Corpse Ignition
Deflowered – Decade Of Debauchery (2023)
Deflowered – (1) (2023)
Dehydrated Goat – Engoatment: Crash Course In Practical Goatism (2023)
Delayed Ejaculation – Semen Stuffed Human Brain Souffle (2023)
Deranged Toilet Torture - split with Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Dick Milk
Dick Milk - 2 (2022)
Dick Milk - 1 (2021)
Dick Pill Overdose - DPOD (2023)
Disgorged Foetus
Disgorged Foetus - The Gore Collection (2023)
Disgorged Foetus - Obscene Utter Gore Annihilation (2023)
Dismembered Pig
Dismembered Pig - Cronicas de Pornografia Porcina (2021)
Dismembered Pig - Se Castran Puercos (2023)
Domestic Immunity
Domestic Immunity - Have You Considered Mindfulness (2024)
Domestic Immunity - Demo (2023)
Domestic Immunity - Domestic Immunity (2023)
Don't Exist Salvation
Don't Exist Salvation - The Divine Arrival of Death with Hatred Purify (2024)
Don't Exist Salvation - singles (2023 - 2024)
E.Coli - The Wheel Of Fortune (2024)
Ejaculator Command
Elephantiasis - Swollen And Infected (2023)
Emphysematous Excretion of Gangrenous Debridement
Emphysematous Excretion of Gangrenous Debridement - Cruel Face Of Anime (2020)
Emphysematous Excretion of Gangrenous Debridement / Empyaema - Landslide of Organs (2020)
Endoparasitic Cystfluid Hyperexcretion
Endotoxaemia - Weed-Induced Patho Psychosis 5 Years Compilation (2021)
Fetal Deformity / Endotoxaemia - Greasy Bloated Bodybag Content (2019)
Escrement - The Nature of Man (2024)
Excremental Carnage - The Gross Appeareance For Multicystic Renal Dysplasia (2023)
Excruciation - Asian Pathological Vomit Gorepremacy (2019)
Exhumed – Beyond The Dead (2023)
Exiting Mortuary
Exiting Mortuary – Alkaptonuria (2023)
Exiting Mortuary - Half Hidden House Of Death (2022)
Exiting Mortuary – Rotting Reanimation Through Metabolic Radiation (2023)
Expired - Exquisite Display Of Expired Human Remains (2024)
Faceless Enemy
Faceless Enemy - Nukecore (2023)
Faceless Enemy - Meish Myla (2023)
Faeces Eruption / Urine Festival - Off-Toilet Ecstasies / Multicore Diseases (2024)
Fart Thrower
Fart Thrower – Hemorrhoidectomy (2024)
Fart Thrower - Space Anus (2023)
Fart Thrower - City Of Excrement (2022)
Fat Ex - Secret Society of Bouncing Pleasure (2023)
Feasting Neuropathy - Demo (2025)
Fecal - Battle of the Brownfields (2024)
Fecal Christ & S.M.E.S. – Two Way Toxic Gore (2024)
Fecalworm – Dogmilker (2024)
Fecalworm – Backwoods II (2023)
Fecalworm – Tales From The Backwoods 1 (2020)
Fecalworm / Pathetic – Spoils Of Gore (2023)
Feces On Display
Feeble Inducer
Feeble Inducer - Forensic Fecal Fatality (2025)
Feeble Inducer - Seven Dumps Of Mindless Fury (2023)
Fermented – Necrotizing Fasciitis Caused By Staphylococcus Aureus (2023)
Fermented Anal Nectar - Squirming Of Cadaverous Afterbirth (2022)
Festin Fecal - Envoyer la purée rectale (2022)
Fetal Deformity
Fetal Deformity - Pieces Of A Deformed Unborn Infants (2023) (2023)
Fetal Fist Fuck - The Spawn (2023)
Fetophagia - Saprogenic Foetusogenesis (split) (2024)
Fetophagia / Fupa Goddess (split) (2023)
Fetophagia - Endocarditis (split) (2024)
Fetophagia - Spurcitia (2023)
Fetophagia / Homicidal Ecstasy (split) (2023)
Fetophagia / Lymphotectomy (split) (2023)
Final Heartbeat
Final Heartbeat - split with Terminal Respiratory Secretions (2024)
Final Heartbeat - split with Gangrene Discharge (2024)
Final Heartbeat - Gore Over Glory (2024)
Final Heartbeat - Atrocities Beyond Human Comprehension (2024)
Final Heartbeat / Reclaim (2023)
Final Heartbeat - EP's and Splits (2023)
Final Heartbeat / Pulmonary Fibrosis - split (2023)
Bed Of Roaches / Final Heartbeat (2023)
Final Heartbeat - An Ode To The Decomposing Body (2023)
First Days of Humanity
First Days of Humanity - Fossilized (2024)
First Days of Humanity - A Body Falls in the Woods (2024)
First Days of Humanity - Postmortem Dilatation of the Rectum (2023)
First Days of Humanity - The Analysis of Burnt Human Remains (2023)
First Days of Humanity - Barbarities (2023)
First Days of Humanity - Nonhuman (2023)
Flax - War For Gore (2024)
Flax - Carnage Craft (2024)
Defunto / FlaxGrind - Coffin Grinder (2023)
Putrescent Liquefaction (Flax) - Intravenous Bile Digestion (2024)
Flax - split with Carcinosis (2023)
Flax - Gore Files Split with Fupa Goddess (2023)
Flax - Onychophagy In The Diseased - 4 Way Split (2023)
Flax - Trisected During Gross Examination (2024)
Flax - split with Genophobic Perversion (2023)
Flax - Demo (2023)
Flax - Da Phuc + Bonecrusher (2023)
Flax – Scraping The Rind (2023)
Fluids – Piled IV : The Extended Pile (2023)
Fluids - Putrid Stu
Flystrike - Fresh Flesh To Infest (2023)
Flystrike - Saprogenic Sarcoidosis (2024)
Foetal Fluids To Expurgate
Formol - Ritos Canibales (2022)
Freak Maniacs
Freak Maniacs - Various Stages of the Murder Process (2022)
Fetal Deformity, Infester, Freak Maniacs - Cascading Mounds of Rancid Viscera - 3 way split (2023)
Frogtician – Domain Of Frog (2023)
Fulminate - Investigations of Inadequate Surgical Procedures & Atrocious Exploits (2024)
Fetophagia / Fulminate - Cyborg Putrid Death Swamp (2023)
Fulminate - Condemned to Insufferable Subjugation (2023)
Fulminate – Mindframe (2024)
Fulminate - Fulminate (2022)
Fulminate – Agony Resonates Pleasantly (2023)
Funeral Rape – Spermetery (2023)
Fupa Goddess
Fupa Goddess - Shredded Cheese (2024)
Fupa Goddess / The Voices In My Head - Beach Of Disgust (2023)
Fupa Goddess / AxCxCx - split (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Acidic Fizz - Dat Fupa Jizz (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Furlo Fupa Split (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Rectal Grace - Wrestling Is Real People Are Fake (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Overdosed On Gas Station Dick Pills (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Down In A Hole (2022)
Fupa Goddess / Cranialskinsurgery (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Deglove (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Carniça - Splitting Wigs (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Brains For Shit - Burry (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Antagonist - Fall-Out (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Manson Grind / Maggot Spewer (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Antiseptic - Wash Your Fucking Hands (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Death By Hornets (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Sugar Spiced Anus - Spiced Fupa (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Cartnite - Fishy Buisness (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Unintelligent Design (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Gastrointestinal Distress (2023)
G.Z.P - Brain Bucket (2021)
G.Z.P / Violent Encounter / Mucus Factory - split 3 Way To Drown Into Your Own Body Fluids (2020
Galactorrhea - Dicephalic (2022)
Galactorrhea - Galactorrhea (2020)
Galactorrhea - Ischaemia / Necrosis (2022)
Galactorrhea - Tales From The Mortuary (2021)
Gangrene – Essence Of Putrescence (2023)
Gangrene Discharge
Gangrene Discharge - The Five Stages of Human Decay (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Let's Put A Smile on That Face... (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Agarrado (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with AZTEC (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Brain Cannon (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Cannibe (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Stabbed Repeatedly (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Carvin' 'Em Up! (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Trigeminal Neuralgia (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Carniceria ! (2022)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Blood Splattered Babies (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Seeding Carnal Rigor (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - The Art of Maggot Debridement Therapy (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - The Smell of Death's Breath (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Final Heartbeat (2024)
Gangrene Discharge / Martian Swamp / Pancreatic Pancake - Gangrene Martian Pancake (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Festering Putrefaction (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - The Body (2022)
Gangrene Discharge – split with Pulmonary Fibrosis (2022)
Gangrene Discharge – split with Necroharrow (2023)
Deranged Toilet Torture ∕ Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Calcified Human Remains (2023)
BudRot / Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Pungent Odour of Decapitated Offals (2023)
Gangrene Discharge / Pancreatic Pancake (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Cystic Hygroma (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Putrefacta (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Postmortem Human Offal - Gingivitis - Putrescine Inhalation (2023)
Gangrene Discharge -Benzoylmethylecgonine (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Yakisoba (2021)
Gangrene Discharge - Wormosis -Spermatogensis (2022)
Gas Gangrene
Gas Gangrene - Horrific Atrocity of Reality (2021)
Gastric Chunks
Gastric Chunks - Regorged Organ Specimen (2024)
Gastric Chunks / Dextrocardia - split (2024)
Genderis The Bastard - Formulae of the zeroth cell (2023)
Genital Bastard - Something Sick and Bizarre (2024)
Genital Impetigo
Genitals - Genital Horrors (2023)
Genophobic Perversion
Genophobic Perversion - Amassed Putrefied Remains (2024)
Genophobic Perversion - Suffer the Deceased (2024)
Genophobic Perversion - Amorphous Splatter of Cranial Contents (2023)
Contaminated Drug Supply - Hatred for the Flesh (2024)
Genophobic Perversion - Contaminated Drug Supply (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Incisions (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Seismic Cerebral Collapse (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - GP x GP (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - split with Flax (2023)
Genophobic Perversion – Vomit Inducing Sonic Torment
Genophobic Perversion - Brains, Guts, and Funky Stuff (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Human Disposal Methods (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Malodorous Emanations (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Chapters of Carnage (2022)
Genophobic Perversion - Gore Reprisal (2021)
Gestation – Sentient Tumor (2024)
Gingivitis – Lack Of Oral Compass (2024)
Girth - split with Carbuncle Haggus and Retro Gusto (2024)
Giygas - E-Waste (2023)
Go-Gonad / Transorbital Piss Orgy / Vaginal Cadaver / Killer Klown (2021)
Golem Of Gore
Golem Of Gore - Ischemic Necrosis (2022)
Golem Of Gore - Lipoma (2022)
Golem Of Gore - Gangrene Discharge (2021)
Gonorrhoe Slime
Gonorrhoe Slime - Conjoined (2024)
Gonorrhoe Slime / Gonorrhea Slime - Demo (2023)
Gonorrhoe Slime / Gonorrhea Slime - Lymphoedema split (2023)
Gooped - demo 23'
Gore / Benzoylmethylecgonine - Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (2023)
Gorebones – Stages Of Putrefaction (2023)
Gorupted - 4 split
Gorupted - Gorupted (2023)
Gorupted - Gorn (2024)
Gore / Gorupted - split (2022)
Gorupted / Lipoma - The Head (2024)
Goremincer - split with Crocodile and Caveman Attack (2023)
Gristle – Pain (2024)
Gross Load
Gross Load / Deterioration - The Finer Things in Grind (2023)
Gross Load - Life Cycles Of Parasitic Organisms (2023)
Grotesquerie / Acid Breakup - split (2020)
Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy – Autopsia Horrible Con Un Desastre Anatomico (2023)
Grundle - demo (2022)
Grundle - demo (2023)
Gut Explosion - Happy Gut Day (2024)
Gut Juice
Haggus - What's Your Excuse ? (2023)
Harmony Fault – Gore Beyond Blood (2024)
Helminthemesis - Fatal Cardiac Arrhythmia After Repeated Exposure To 1,1-Difluoroethane (2023)
Helminthemesis - Massive Hepatic Necrosis Following Repeated Isoflurane Exposure (2022)
Hemorroids - Infected Wounds (2024)
Hepatitis Bathtub - A Mountain Of Expulsion (2023)
Hibernoma - Hibernoma (Extended Edition) (2023)
High On Formaldehyde
High On Formaldehyde - The First Year (2025)
High On Formaldehyde - High On Formaldehyde (2024)
Histologist – Histology Of The Cardiovascular System (2024)
HOLY CO$T / Holy Cost
HOLY CO$T / Holy Cost - Boobies, Beer, & Booger Sugar (2023)
HOLY CO$T / Holy Cost - split with Psycho (2024)
Hookworm Homicide
Hookworm Homicide - Homicide (2023)
Hookworm Homicide - True Evil (2024)
Hookworm Homicide - Weep (2024)
Houkago Grind Time
Houkago Grind Time - Koncertos of Kawaiiness: Stealing Jon Chang's Ideas, A Book by Andrew Lee (2024
Houkago Grind Time - Bulma (2024)
Houkago Grind Time - Houkago Derek Time (2024)
Houkago Grind Time - West Coast Grind Invasion (2023)
Houkago Grind Time - Abababa (2023)
Houkago Grind Time - Raw Ass (split with Real Life Ugly) (2023)
Houkago Grind Time - The Second Raid (2022)
Houkago Grind Time - Cruel Face of Anime (2020)
Houkago Grind Time - Blue Holocaust (2021)
Houkago Grind Time - Deterioration (2021)
Houkago Grind Time - Archaganini (2022)
First Days Of Humanity / Houkago Grind Time - Extinction (2019)
Hulla - Typy Hüna (2023)
Hulla - The Decovery (2022)
Hulla - Supermassive Black Wound (2021)
Human Disembowelment - The Sudden Attack of Necrocryptomayhemic Diarrhoea (2023)
Human Pancake
Human Pancake - split with Massive Gore Bulge, Lorelai, and Toxocariasis (2023)
Human Pancake - No Cowards (2023)
Human Pancake - Split with Meat Breath (2021)
Humanity's Fault
Humanity's Fault - 3-Way Head (2024)
Hygroma - Hygroma (2023)
Hymen Holocaust
Hyperemesis / Fetal Deformity (2022)
Hyperemesis - split with Dope Resin (2015)
Hysterectomy - Mangled Faces (2024)
Imundície - Kolaps Civilizace (2023)
Infester - Forensic Fondling of Decomposed Guts (2023)
Infester - ...To Anatomize & Dissect... (2022)
Intestinal Disgorge
Intestinal Disgorge - Lovecraftian Era Compilation (2022)
Intestinal Disgorge - Scat Blast (2021)
Killer Klown
Komodonesia - Digestive System Disorders and Diseases (2023)
Komodonesia - Stab and Slaughter Brachium (2022)
Komodonesia - Radioactive Contaminated Objects UN-2918 (2023)
Komodonesia - Sepsis thoracica (2023)
Kožis - Kill Factory (2023)
Lamida Vaginal - Orgia de Sangre (2014)
Larval Therapy
Larval Therapy / Bulma (2023)
Larval Therapy - split with Toddler Stomper (2023)
Larval Therapy - Larval Therapists (2023)
Las Vegas Mortar Strike – Three Inspirational Songs For The Aspiring AIDS Distributor (2023)
Last Bong Of Humanity
Last Bong Of Humanity – Hymns Of Indigestible Munchies (2024)
Last Bong Of Humanity – The X.T.C. Of Swallowing L.B.O.H. Edibles (2024)
Last Bong Of Humanity - I Can Roll a Spliff Before This EP Is Over (2025)
Lesbian Tribbing Squirt
Limb Collector - Disease Cannon (la grande maladie) (2023)
Limb Disposal – Septic Scavanged Remains Of Trailerpark Whore (2023)
Lipoma / Squalor - Gurgles of Pathological Waste Disposal (2023)
Lipoma / Infester - split (2021)
Lipoma - Torture Pig (2023)
Lipoma - Odes To Suffering (2023)
Lipoma - Petiot (2023)
Lipoma - Mysteries of Surgical Oncology (2022)
Lipoma - Nodular Cystic Fat Necrosis (2022)
Lipoma - Fluids - Trocar (split 2022)
Lipoma - Aesthetic Principles of Reconstructive Surgery (2021)
Liquified Disposal - Demo (2023)
Lymphatic Drainage Of Pus Filled Sores - Coagulated & Decomposed (2023)
Lymphoblast - Lymphoblast (2023)
Lymphoedema - Expedited Decompostion
Malt - Nekromurder (2023)
Malt - WitchCraft (2024)
Marilyn Mayson - Salope adolescente excitée, squirte dans toute sa cuisine (2024)
Massacredition – This Is Good For You (2011)
Meat Spreader
Meat Spreader - Mental Disease Transmitted By Radioactive Fear (2024)
Meat Spreader - A Swarm Of Green Flies Over The Rusty Pot (2018)
Meatal Ulcer - Pish Of Fish (2020)
Meatcleaver - In The Flesh (2023)
Meatshield / Aroma - Human Cross Section Collection (2024)
Meatshield - Trisected During Gross Examination (2024)
Meatshield - Gutter Rose (2023)
Meatshield - Suicide Club (2022)
Meatshield - Subdural Hematoma (2022)
Melted (Inde) - demo (2024)
Memoblastoma - From Circumvent To Obliteration (2022)
Memoblastoma - Kekodemo (2021)
Menometrorrhagia - Dryland Drowning (2023)
Mephitic Torso - A Gory Vortex of Psychosis and Symbiotic Aberrations (2024)
Mieloblastoma - The Gore, The Grind, and The Core (2023)
Molecular Disembowelment – Captive Congealed Aneurysms (2023)
Morbid Gorgeous Girl
Morbid Gorgeous Girl - Swine Abattoir (2023)
Morbid Gorgeous Girl - Morbid Femicide (2022)
Morgue Tar
Morgue Tar – Morgue Tar (2023)
Morgue Tar – Shotgun Cock (2021)
Morgue Tar – Diegested (2024)
Morgue Tar – Immersed In Mortiferous Enmities (2022)
Morgue Tar – Servitude In Perpetual Anguish (2023)
MRSA – Surgery As Spectacle (2023)
Muciferous - Muciferous (2024)
Mucus Factory
Mull - Disseminated Lesion (2024)
Mull - a cataclysmic assortment (2024)
Multicyst - Maggot Knife Insertion (2023)
Murder Rape Amputate – The Ramifications Of Doubled Abomination (2023)
Mutant Fetal Abortion - Mastication Of the Savagely Mutilated Face Avulsion (2023)
Mutated Sex Organ - Abyss of Flesh (2023)
MxMxMx - 8 Éxitos Chacalosos (2023)
Necro Cannibal Ass Grinder - Discography (2018 - 2022)
Necroblast - demo (2023)
Necrophilic Autopsy - Scrolling To Find Good Porn Only To Be Turned Off By Amusing Thumbnails + sing
Necropsy Odor
Neural Indent
Neural Indent - Diprosopus (2022)
Neural Indent - Brainless Infant (2022)
Neuro-Visceral Exhumation
Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - Gruesome Body Count (2022)
Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - Vivisected Humans (2021)
Neuropathy - Deterioration of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (2020)
Neuropathy - Bloated With Own Fluids (2019)
Neurozystizerkose - Lobotomy For All (2022)
Neurozystizerkose - Pandemia, Hysteria, Extermination, Death (2021)
Nothsa's curse - Bloated Decomposing Body in a Tub (2023)
Nyctophagia - Prisoners of a Poison Realm (2023)
Nyctophagia - Reincarnated to Suffer Again (2023)
Nyctophagia - split with Brilliant Behemoth (2024)
Nyctophagia / Regrave - split (2025)
Nyctophagia - split with Hibernoma (2023)
Nyctophagia - Chicago Flybath (2023)
Nyctophagia - split with Thanatopsis (2023) (2023)
Nyctophagia - Arrival of the Shadow (2023)
Organ Failure – Assisted Anatomical Butchery (2024)
Organic Brain Disorder
Organic Brain Disorder – Gruesome Acts Of A Deranged Mind (2023)
Organic Brain Disorder - demo (2023)
Orgasmic Amputation
Orthopedic Cranial Encavement
Oxcipital Pus - Putrid Mass Of Human Decay (2023)
Pachydermo Scato - Mierda De Elefante (2022)
Paleolithic Gore – Evolution (2024)
Pancreatic Pancake
Pancreatic Pancake – A Rotten Mass Of Decomposing Flesh... (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake / Perky Macabre – A Pungent Explosion Of Putrid Rot And Decomposed Waste (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – Reduced To A Mere Maggot Incubation Chamber Of Putrid Rot And Liquified Flesh..
Pancreatic Pancake – Self-Inflicted Intra-Oral Cranial Explosion Of Fatal Proportions (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – A Grotesque Display Of Anatomical Destruction (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – Cruelty Beyond All Comprehension (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – The Anatomy of Death (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – split with Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake / Prosthetic Face – Excremental Mess Of Fecal Putrilage (2023)
Pancreatic Purulence - Complete Purulent Annihilation Of The Pancreas (2023)
Pancreatite Necro Hemorragica
Pancreatite Necro Hemorragica - Old Rotten Symphonies to Infest Rancid Ears (2022)
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis (Mexique)
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Aromatica Germenexcitacion en Orgias De Viscosa Y Amar
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis / Parasite (split) (2015)
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Viscosas Voces Desde La Necroorgia (2010)
Paraproctitis - Feridas Infectadas Na Cobertura Do crânio (2024)
Paraproctitis - Inflamação purulenta de feridas após congelamento das extremidades (2023)
Parastratiosphecomyia Stratiosphecomyioides
Pathology Infection - Pathology Infection (2024)
Penetrated - The League of Extraordinary Degenerates (2020)
Petiot - Xipophages (2024)
Petiot - Amblyopia (2023)
Petiot / Vomitrom (2024)
Petiot - Dis-Gore-O-Graphy (2012 - 2023)
Petiot / Regurgitasi (2023)
Petiot - Podre (2023)
Petiot - Disposable Life (2021)
Putrefacta / Petiot - Morgue Escape (2023)
Piggy - Superfiesta (2022)
Piggy - Porcogore (2017)
Pigto - The Grotesque Sound of Penetrations Into Fetal Corpse (2024)
Pigto - Sea Of Filth (2023)
Pigto - Let The Games Begin (2023)
Pigto - Grindano (2023)
Pigto - Putrid Liquid From A Purulent Disease (2023)
Pigto - I Love BBQ (2022)
Pigto - Bulk + Raw (2022)
Piss Leech
Piss Leech - Vehicular Meatgrinder (2024)
Piss Leech / Fetophagia - split (2023)
Decedent / Piss Leech - split (2024)
Piss Leech - Sequoia Banshee Boogers (2023)
Piss Leech - Mince Is For The Scene Kids (2023)
Piss Leech - Piss Leech (2023)
Piss Leech - Dacryphilia (2023)
Pleurisy - Degenerative Goregrind (2024)
Pocket Pussy Maggots - Invasion Of The Cum Maggots (2023)
Policarpo Diaz - Ferralla (2021)
Poodator – Everyone Can Eat Shit (2024)
Poodator – Resurrectum (2024)
Porno Fart
Porno Fart - Asstral Humor Dealer (2023)
Porno Fart - Fart Smear (2023)
Pornocaust - Spanking bacanales (2019)
Portrait of God - Homegrown Gore (2024)
Positive Vaginal Vibration
Positive Vaginal Vibration – Thrash Metal Party + single (2021)
Positive Vaginal Vibration - Дико Диком (2023)
Posthumous Regurgitation – The Coroner's Guide To Cadaveric Cuisine (2024)
Postmortem Defecation
Postmortem Defecation - split with Descab / Malevolent Pescetarian / Unlimited Edition (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - The Bloated Celestial Hag (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - Postmortem Defecation (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - split with Tobaya (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - split with MxYxDxExPxRxExSxSxIxOxN (2023)
Pothead - WWW We Wanna Weed (2013)
Prolonged Exposure - Gorebones
Psychosomatic Putrefaction
Psychosomatic Putrefaction - Putrefaction Rots Minds And Corrupts Flesh (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary Fibrosis, Archagathus / Grinders Of Darkness – split (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Bowel Leakage – split (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis - split with Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy & Take That Vile Fiend (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis - split with Thanatopsis (2024)
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Stenches Beyond Repulsive / Purulent Spermcanal / Monstruo - World Stories of G
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Grotesque Organ Defilement / Gourmet – Trigonous Tonotopic Terror (2022)
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Bisturi – split (2022)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - The Eroticism of the Self-Mutilated (2022)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - Diabolical Revulsion (2023)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - The Filth Is Alive (2023)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - From Dismemberment To Exulceration (2023)
Pussy Fermentation - Pussy Fermentation (2023)
Pustule / Vaginal Cadaver - All stars GangBang (2021)
Pustule / Anal Ghost - The last putrid ghostly night (2023)
Putrefacta - Repulsive Regurgitations (2024)
Putrefacta - Vantablack Necrosis (2023)
Putrefacta - Septicemic Metamorphosis (2022)
Putrefucktion - 5 tracks (2023)
Putrefucktion - From Body Stain To Skeletonization (2023)
Putrefucktion - Decomposed At First Sigh (2024)
Putrefucktion - demo (2024)
Putrescine Inhalation
Putrescine Inhalation - Bodily Stew (2023)
Putrescine Inhalation - Stinks Like Shit (2022)
Putrescine Inhalation - Intoxication From Cadaveric Reek (2022)
Putricine - Putricine (2023)
Putrid Fetus – Human Acid Worms Melted (2023)
Putrid Liquid
Putrid Liquid - Putrid Planet (2022)
Putrid Liquid / Bacterial Food (2020)
Putrid Liquid - Enigmatic Reinforcement of an Endlessly Self Destructive Crisis (2024)
Putrid Parrot
Putrid Stu
Putrid Stu - Buried Alive In A Trailer Park (2022)
Putrid Stu - Sawing 'Til Sundown (2023)
Deterioration / Putrid Stu – split (2023)
Putrid Stu - Fallopian Tomb (2024)
Putrid Stu - Transfigere (2024)
PeelingFlesh / Putrid Stu – Ghetto As Hell (2023)
Putrido (Chili) – Agusanado (2024)
Pyosis - Driving Through Pyosisified Pools of Diarrhea, Cysts, and Sebum (2022)
Pyosisified - demo (2020)
Rancid Stench - Human Decay (2023)
Rat Mincer - Every Socket Stabbed (2023)
Rawhead - Ever Deepening Wounds (2023)
Reclaim - split w/ Vomer (2023)
Reclaim - split w/ ShitPipe (2023)
Reclaim - Dabbing Cadaveric Reclaim (2023)
Rectal Catheter - Rectal Catheter (2024)
Rectum Torture
Rectum Torture - Eons Of Rectal Torment (2023)
Rectum Torture - Gut + singles (2021 - 2022)
Redundant Protoplasm
Redundant Protoplasm / Los Reyesz Bong Death (2021)
Redundant Protoplasm - Adipose Piquerism : A Collection Of Maniacal Bloodlettings (2020)
Reeking Pile Of Septic Brain Fluid - The Meconium Excrement (2023)
Rescatate Barrilete - DeMMMohh (2014)
Retching Pus
Retching Pus - Smears of Red Stool (2021)
Retching Pus - Infected Excremental Slush (2021)
Rhabdomyosarcoma - split with Cystgurgle (2024)
Roast Dead - Force Fed To Death (2023)
Rotbus - Mince Out The Jams (2024)
Rotbus / Tripas Sangrientas - split (2024)
Rotten Skull - Padre Pedofilo (2023)
Sadomasochistic Necroasphyxiation – Full-Scale Rupture (2023)
Salvaged Flesh - Demo (2023)
Sarcophaga Carnaria
Sarcophaga Carnaria - So Tasty... (2006)
Sarcophaga Carnaria - ... Of Flies And Men (2004)
Scuff - Gore Galore (2019)
Sebum Excess Production
Sebum Excess Production / Fetal Deformity (2021)
Sebum Excess Production - Eruptive Dermatological Putrefactional Sebumfied-Symphony (2023)
Sebum Excess Production - Untitled (2021)
Seeping Rotten Sludge – Internal Decapitation (2023)
Septic Convulsion
Septic Necrosis
Septic Necrosis - Split Eye (2023)
Septic Necrosis / Before Days of Humanity - Hyperblasting Filth and Gastrointestinal Abscesses (2024
Septic Sludge - Regurgitated Afterbirth (2021)
Septic Vomit
Septic Vomit - split with Menk (2024)
Septic Vomit - 2 trax (2023)
Septic Vomit - demo (2022)
Septicemic Plague - Discography (2018 - 2020)
Septizin - promo (2023)
Serotonin Leakage
Serotonin Leakage - Fugue State (2022)
Serotonin Leakage - 2C (2023)
Service Gériatrie - Service 5 Étoiles (2023)
Sex On The Morgue
Sex On The Morgue - Sickness Of 21st Century (2023)
Sex On The Morgue - Ways of Necrozoophilic Deviancy (2023)
Shotgun Cock - Cock and Load (2023)
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sick Sinus Syndrome - Swarming Of Sickness (2023)
Sick Sinus Syndrome - Rancid Fermenting Disgust (2022)
Sick Sinus Syndrome - Rotten To The Core (2021)
Siderose - Quem lucra ? Quem morre ? (2023)
Smell Dead - Necropoop (2016)
Soaked In Cadaveric Mush
Sociedad de Bipedos sin Plumas
Sordid Clot - Raging Of Noble Rots (2022)
Sores For Days - It Only Gets Worse / Swollen, Limping, and Inflamed (2023)
Spanky Ham - Born To Grill (2023)
Spastic Tumor
Spastic Tumor - Autopsy Exploitation (2023)
Spastic Tumor - Murder Weapon (2022)
Sperm Of Mankind
Spewtum – Obsessive Repulsive (2024)
Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia - I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Gore (2022)
Splurgatory – Plap Plap Splurt (2023)
Sporadic Killings
Squash Bowels + Disgorge - Grind Your Fucking Head split (2023)
Squashed Necropsy - Faceless Autopsy (2024)
Staph Colony - Fascists Get Beaten Into Unrecognizable Mush (2022)
Stenches Beyond Repulsive
Stenches Beyond Repulsive - Horrible Cannibal Tales (2020)
Stenches Beyond Repulsive - World Stories of Gore (split) (2022)
Suicide Of A Deity – Infested Decomposition (2024)
Suicide Of A Deity - Gallery Of Decay (2024)
Sulfuric Cautery
Suino Nekrosatanico
Suino Nekrosatanico - A Volta Da Purulência (2022)
Suino Nekrosatanico - Rituais (2022)
Sulsa - discography (2016 - 2018)
Surgical Supression
Surgical Supression - Lawnmower Rhytidectomy (2021)
Surgical Supression - D-Beat Vomit Punk Regurgitation (2021)
Swamp Nuts
Swamp Nuts - Swamp Nuts (2019)
Swamp Nuts - Leper Whore (2021)
Swunt - Sperm Of Mamouth (2021)
Szarfaszú Vizelet
Take That Vile Fiend
Take That Vile Fiend - Splachnic Glitch (2023)
Take That Vile Fiend - split with Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy & Pulmonary Fibrosis (2023)
Teratocarcinomas - Caustic Soda (2023)
Teratocarcinomas - Filth and Suffering 3 (2022)
Teratocarcinomas - A Night Of Terrifying Horror (2022)
Teratoma (Chili)
Terminal Secretions - Observations on the Pathological Anomalies of the Human Anatomy (2023)
Terrortoma - Teratomaterror (2022)
Testicular Cancer
Testicular Cancer - 11 Songs To Fuck To (2020)
Testicular Cancer - The Testicular Zone (2020)
Thanatopsis - Fidelis Ad Mortem (2022)
Thanatopsis - Lymphangiomatosis (2022)
The Sludge
Torture Pig
Torture Pig - split with Arthritis Treatment Malfunction (2024)
Torture Pig - Orificial Devastation (2025)
Torture Pig - Homicidal Paraphilia (2024)
Torture Pig - split with Gangrene Discharge (2024)
Torture Pig - Torture Pig (2023)
Torture Pig / Lipoma (2023)
Torture Pig - Grease Bucket (2023)
Torture Pig - split with Aroma (2023)
Torture Pig - Trisected During Gross Examination (2024)
Torture Pig - split with Cock Mauler (2024)
Torture Pig - A Lesson in Depravity (2024)
Torture Pig - Toilet Pig (2023)
Torture Pig / Crush the Berzerker (2023)
Torture Pig - Discography (2018 - 2022/23)
Toughguy - Heinous Acts Of Random Violence (2024)
Toughguy - Charged By Mince Powered By Gore (2023)
Toughguy - splt with Cystoblastosis (2023)
Toughguy - splt with Archagathus (2023)
Trachoma - Pancreatite Necro Hemorragica
Trachoma - Yakisoba (2023)
Trikomoniasis Fournier
Trikomoniasis Fournier - Necrofilia (2015)
Trikomoniasis Fournier - Backstreets Gores (2020)
Tripas Sangrientas
Tripas Sangrientas - Mincegore Meth Masters (2023)
Tripas Sangrientas - 3 piece sgv gore demo (2023)
Trocar - Piecemeal (2023)
Trocar - White Room Torture (2023)
Turning Paralysis
Turning Paralysis - split with Вскрытие Покажет (2017)
Turning Paralysis - Repentance in degradation (2011)
Ustel – Breviary Of Compulsive Excretory Forms (2023)
Ustel – Cadaveric Extirpations and Putrefaction Eaters (2024)
Uterus Disintegration
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty - Rotten Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Preparation (2023)
Vaginal Cadaver / Crocodile – 2 Ways 2 Torture (split) (2023)
Vaginal Diarrhoea
Vaginal Diarrhoea - Reanimated Infant of Abomination (2022)
Vaginal Herpes
Vaginal Herpes - Dangerous Street of Guayaquil (2023)
Vaginal Herpes - Sexually active nurses (2020)
Vaginal Purulence - Misogynistic Orgasm (2016)
Venomous Masturbating Pig Rectum - Extreme Grandma Party (2024)
Vile Disgust – Sodomy And Gonorrhea (2023)
Violent Memories - Trypophobic Scar Designs (2023)
Visceroblastoma - Postquirurgical Complication Of Bowel - Closed Abdominal Trauma (2021)
Vomi Noir
Vomi Noir - Des Maux d'Hématémèse... Collection Purulo-Sanguinolente (2023)
Vomi Noir - L'Innommable Remugle et la Mélopée Cavernuleuse des Râles Agoniques (2023)
Vomito (Uruguay)
Vomito (Uruguay) - Cazador Kemper (2014)
Vomito (Uruguay) - Expulsión Violenta de Bilis (2015)
Vômito / Traqueomalácia (Brésil)
Vomitoma - Reeking Rarities (2023)
Vulgaroyal Bloodhill – Empire Of Sickness (2023)
Want A.S.S - I Wanted To Fuck Her,But I Farted (2024)
Whatsdysmorphia - Misery Upload (2023)
Wither Basilisk - Wither Basilisk (2023)
Yakisoba - Brains (2021)
Human Pancake & Spewtum & Yakisoba & Gangrene Discharge & Wormosis - split Carniceria (2022)
Ziplock - split with Marijuana Mince Masters (MxMxM) (2023)
Ziplock - Majiruana Mincecore (2022)
Ziplock - Wheelin And Dealin (2024)
Zombie Rhythm Machine - Vol.2 (2023)
Septic Corpse - demo (2024)
Grindcore - Deathgrind - dBeat
(Various Artists) - A Grindcore Tribute To Nirvana (2021)
.gif From God
Дизакт - Бесчинство (2023)
Φρίκη (Friki) - Σωτήρες (Saviors) (2019)
Συντρίμμια – Repulsive Inexpression (2023)
Abjured - Changed ...? Nothing...! (2023)
Aborted Stillborn - Pregnant Woman Amputation (2023)
Abortion - No Lives Matter (2020)
Abortion / Per Capita (split 2018)
Abscessive - Demo (2023)
Abysm - Neuroses (2023)
Accelerated Mutation - Ashes (2024)
Accidental Death Benefit
Active Shooter
Active Shooter - Life Stands Still (2022)
Active Shooter - Sign of The Times (2019)
Afonia – Smile Of Sysiphus (2011)
Agathocles - The conquest of Patagocles (2023)
Agathocles - Mincer (2006)
Agency - Demo (2023)
Agency - Infinite (2022)
Aggressive Tyrants - Ve jménu sexu (2023)
Ajal - Burial Pit (2024)
Ajal - Black Bodybag (2023)
Ajal - Rot of Occupation (2024)
Alien's Purger – The Korotian's Saga (2023)
Amnesia Ceiling - Amnesia Ceiling (2024)
Among Them In Trenches
Anarchus - Polish Mexico (2022)
Anus Magulo - Goregeous Grooves (2023)
Apocalyptic Noise
Apocalyptic Noise - The Mexican Chainsaw Massacre (2023)
Archagathus / Assur - split (2023)
Archagathus / Meat Spreader - split (2020)
Artificial Extinction - Nothing In Particular (2024)
Artificial Scarcity
Artificial Scarcity - Empires To Ashes (2023)
Artificial Scarcity - The Potential to Storm Heaven (2022)
Asphyxiant - Nuclear Biochemical Warfare (2023)
Astral Church
Asymmetrical Dismemberment - Asymmetrical Dismemberment (2023)
Auditory Anguish - Tragedies Of Western Existence (2023)
Autodafe - Zapruder (2023)
Autotomy – Vomiting Cleans the Soul (2024)
AVET - Pjesme za dušu (2024)
Awful Noise – A Peaceful Death With Pretty Flowers (2023)
Axis Of Despair
Bastard - Bastard (2023)
Bayht Lahm - Widening Autonomy (2023)
Bandit - Siege Of Self (2023)
Beastplague - A Different Animal (2023)
Belarus Beaver
Belati Berkarat
Belati Berkarat - Crust (2023)
Belati Berkarat - Nuclear Enslaving (2021)
Belati Berkarat - Bias Destruksi (2024)
Belati Tajam - Perjalanan Dimensi (2024)
Bespokoistvo - Bespokoistvo (2023)
Besta – Terra Em Desapego (2023)
Bestial Vomit / Social Chaos - In Chaos We Vomit (2023)
Birdflesh - Sickness In The Nort (2023)
Blame Curse People - Weapons of Trust, Downward Desire (2024)
Blank Expression : Inward Destruction - Raped of Being (2024)
Blasting Gore Necropsy
Blasting Gore Necropsy - Regurgitative Enema Glorification (2020)
Blasting Gore Necropsy - singles (2023)
Bleachdrinker - Nurser
Bleeding Maw - Endless Punctures (2023)
Blemish – Omnipresence (2023)
Blind Regression - Phase I : No Progress (2021)
Blindness - Everything Has A Life Has An End (2023)
Bone Coffin
Born With Worms Inside
Born With Worms Inside - Panem x Circences (2024)
Born With Worms Inside - Sheep (2024)
Braineater - Unsown and Dead (2024)
Brave The Cold
Bred For Slaughter
Brilliant Behemoth
Brilliant Behemoth - demo (2023)
Brilliant Behemoth - split with Nyctophagia (2024)
Bullshit Propaganda - Relentless Constraint (2024)
ByoNoiseGenerator – Neuromechanica (2018)
Cadaver 322
Canibalismo Genital - Desmembrado pero feliz (2023)
Caldo de cabeza
Caldo de cabeza - Split with Ayakara (2022)
Caldo de cabeza - Caotico Mundo (2019)
Captain Spaulding's Kitchen
Cave Moth
Cementerio - EP (2023)
Chadhel - Faché (2023)
Chadhel - Eastwood (2023)
Chadhel - split with Jack (2024)
Chadhel - Failure // Downfall (2022)
Chainsaw Dissection
Chainsaw Dissection - Apocalyptic Grindcore (2024)
Chainsaw Dissection - Only Gore Remains (2024)
Chainsaw Mouth - Chainsaw Mouth (2023)
Charkutterie - Paté d'amour (2022)
Charkutterie / Incest Analfest (2023)
Chepang - Swatta (2023)
Chiens - Trendy Junky (2019)
Chiens - 1.8.7 Myself (2023)
Child – Shitegeist (2024)
Civilian Thrower
Civilian Thrower / Mindcollapse - split (2025)
Civilian Thrower - Sangre de Idiotas (split) (2023)
Civilian Thrower / Convulsions - split (2025)
Civilian Thrower - Proudhon (split) (2023)
Civilian Thrower / Aligrindtor - split (2024)
Closet Witch - Chiaroscuro (2023)
Clot - Grief Tethers (2023)
Cloud Rat
Člověk v plísni - Kazeta (2022)
Coffin Nail
Coffinfeeder - Demonstration Of Torment (2023)
Coincidental Connection - Deadlock (2024)
Containment - The Act of False Illiteracy (2023)
Controlled Existence - Out Of Control (2024)
Convulsions - Grindcore Not War (2023)
Convulsions - Split with Insect Terror (2020)
Corpse Eater - Age Of Reckoning (2024)
Cosmic Hearse
Cropsy Maniac - Cryptmania (2023)
Crustica - Mas Cerca De La Muerte (2023)
Cryptic Void – Physwar // Psywar (203)
Cult Of Putrefaction - Cult Of Rotten Bodies (2023)
Dead Friends - Pool Party (2018)
Dead Meat (Canada)
Deadburied - Masterpiece Collections (2023)
Deadburied - Exhumation Of Worship Rites And Dementia (2022)
Deadfuck – Valeur Chair (2023)
Death Crusade
Death Crusade - Wojna (2023)
Death Crusade - Znów płonie niebo (2023)
Deforme - Deforme (2023)
Defunto / Sadistic Pathology - Pathological Theories of Sadistic Dead (2023)
Deliriant Nerve
Deliriant Nerve - Contaminated Conscience (2023)
Deliriant Nerve - Domed (2022)
Demolish Terror - Demolish Terror (2025)
Denial Of Existence – Carronero De La Existencia (2023)
Depopulation Department
Deprived Existence
Desalmado - Inquisition (2024)
Deterioration / Gross Load - The Finer Things in Grind (2023)
Deterioration - Transcending Human Confines (2021)
Deterioration / Incinerated - split (2018)
Deterioration - Retaliatory Measures (2022)
Deterioration - Split w/ Traffic Death (2023)
Deterioration - The Unnatural Mind (2019)
Dischange - Seeing Feeling Bleeding (1993)
Discharge - A tribute to Discharge Vol.2 (2023)
Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing (1982)
Dishönor (Grèce)
Dishönor - Chain Reaction, Mass Extinction (2024)
Dishönor - Dishönor (2019)
Document 6 - Grindecade (2022)
Draymond - demo (2023)
Driltusk - Demo (2021)
Dumping Ground - demo (2023)
Dissordawtisms - A Presentation... Of Simple Ideas + single (2023)
Dystopian Omen
Egregore – Synchronistic Delusions (2023)
Eiter - Gewalt (2023)
Elder Devil - Everything Worth Loving (2023)
Electric Bath
Embolism - Grinding Reality (2023)
Endless Swarm
Endorphins Lost
Endorphins Lost - Head Sick (2022)
Endorphins Lost - Night People (2023)
Entrail Asphyxiation
Entrail Asphyxiation - Entrail Asphyxiation (2024)
Entrail Asphyxiation - Entrail Asphyxiation (demo) (2023)
EntröpiaH - split with Grinding (2023)
Error Scream
Excremental Ingestment - The Repulsive Digesting (2024)
Exogorth / Yesman - split (2023)
Exposed Guts
Extreme Hate - Where The Faith Left In Darkness of Greed (2021)
Eyeteeth - Straight Edge Violence (2023)
Face Pulp - Demo (2022)
Fadead / Artificial Extinction - split (2024)
Fading Trail / Järnbörd / Abanglupa / Horornisdiphonevalley - No Blessing 4way split (2024)
Fake Dust - discography (2022 - 2024)
Fascistectomy - Fascistectomy (2019)
Fascistectomy - Apathetic Generation (2023)
Fat Drunk and Stupid
Fatal Sacrament
Fearmonger - Singularity (2023)
Fentanyl Tapwater - split with Disposal Unit (2023)
Forced Starvation - Forced Starvation (2025)
Forefront - All In Despair (2023)
Frigority - Stay Cool Or Die (2024)
FUBAR (The Fubars) - Jusification Of Criminal Behaviour (2005)
Full Of Hell
Full Of Hell - Aurora Leaking From An Open Wound (2022)
Full Of Hell / Primitive Man - Suffocating Hallucination (2023)
Fumigated - Sewage Grinder (2021)
Fumist - Coaltar (2024)
FVCT ERTH - Drunken Mass Homicide (2024)
Gehenna Faction
Gendo Ikari - Rokubungi (2023)
Genestealer - Genestealer (2022)
Genocide Doctrine - Sleepers (2023)
Glimpse Into Genocide
Glimpse Into Genocide - This Is A Threat (2023)
Glimpse Into Genocide - Scum Colony (2019)
Glista - Never Apologise For Defending Yourself From Being Violated (2023)
Grindfernö – Human Stupidity (2023)
Global Horror - EP (2024)
Gorzung – Paraphrenia (2023)
Graf Orlock - End Credits (2023)
Gravehuffer - Depart From So Much Evil (2023)
Greia - Don't Even Think About It (2022)
Greia - Suet Overdose (2023)
Greia – Human Supremacy (2024)
Grindcore Godzilla Extravaganza
Grindcore Godzilla Extravaganza - Delírio Contínuo do Caos (2022)
Grindcore Godzilla Extravaganza - Terror Absoluto (2022)
Grinding - split with Entröpiah (2023)
Grinding - Hecatombe (2021)
Gritted Teeth / Stern Look - split (2023)
Groin - Paid in Flesh (2024)
Gross - Gruesome Twosome (2023)
Growls - Muddled Truth (2022)
Growls - Old School (2016)
Gruta - Abismal (2023)
Guillty - Mass Exploitation (2023)
Gummo – Assimilation Is Death (2023)
Gvillotine - Hell Is Other People (2024)
Hacked Apart
Hacked Apart - all the splits (2022 - 2023)
Hacked Apart - Split w/Flash Out (2023)
Hallucination Realized
Hallucination Realized - split with Redundant Protoplasm (2021)
Hallucination Realized - split with Deterioration (2020)
Hallucination Realized - Pains Of The Modern World (2023)
Hatefilled – Disfigured Torture Compilation (2023)
Hatefilled – Brutal Dismemberment Of A Worthless Being (2023)
Haut&Court - Collapse (2022)
Haut&Court - Ineffabilis (2019)
Head Of The Baptist
Hemorrhoid - Demo (2023)
Herpès de Crachat de Fillette
Herpès de Crachat de Fillette / Xaros - split (2007)
Herpès de Crachat de Fillette / Solstis - split (2005)
High Voltage - High Voltage (2014)
Histos - Deviation (2017)
Hørdür – Bistre Repetita (2023)
Human Corpse Abuse
Human Meat - split with RetardNation (2023)
Humanity's Fault - Promo (2023)
Hurting - Putrefaction Fetish (2023)
Ikea Mutilation Manual
Imminent End - demo + singles (2023)
Implosive Disgorgence – War Crimes (2023)
Impugned - Caos y Desolación e Nossa Realidade (2023)
Infarctus - Hm300 Readaptation (2021)
Infarctus - Hm300 Readaptation + bonus tracks (2021)
Infected Words
Infected Words - Grind Or Die (2021)
Infected Words - Play Fast...Die Last (2020)
Infested Monastery
Infested Monastery / Mukuro - Ugly communion (2022)
Infested Monastery - To the North of Hell (2023)
Insect Terror
Inside Conflict
Inside Conflict - Headless (2023)
Inside Conflict - Spherical Mirage (2004)
Inside Conflict - Unearthed from Wonderland (2001)
Involucion - Adelanto (2016)
It Is Dead - Void Me
Jarhead Fertilizer (US) - Carceral Warfare (2023)
Jesus Chröst - Die Tonmeisterei Sessions (2018)
Jetsam – Assimilation Is Death (2023)
Kandar - Síla Imaginace (2023)
Kandarivas - Layered Chimera (2022)
Kandarivas - Grind Surgical Shrine (2019)
Kebranti - Terrorfilia (2023)
Kill Division – Thoughts And Prayers (2023)
Knurd - Chaos Awakes (2023)
Konsensus - New Age Of Terror (2022)
Konsensus - Life Deprived (2023)
Korrupto - Chop The Cop (2023)
Kuvotus - discography (2020 - 2024)
Landfill - Salacious Transfiguration (2020)
Legal Infanticide - Final Destiny (2024)
Leningrind Grindboys - Gatekeepers of Grind (2023)
Libranos Del Mal
Liquified Cadaver Ooze
Lotus Eater Machine
LWSTNDRDS & Disforija - split (2022)
Lycanthrophy – On The Verge Of Apocalypse (2023)
Lysergic - Dimethyltryptikon (2023)
Maggot Cave
Maggot Feast - Rotting To Pieces (2023)
Males Fecundos - Males Fecundos (2018)
Manicômio - Autofagia Acelerada (2023)
Mangled Carpenter
Mangled Carpenter - Salvation Syndrome (2023)
Mangled Carpenter - A Very Mangled Christmas (2020 - 2022)
Manipulator / Mulciber / Stench Price (split) (2023)
Marcio Dentro - Hypnocrazia (2024)
Marutaud - Demo (2023)
Masochrist - Grimecode : DCLXVI (2023)
Mass Produced Human
Mastic Scum
Menk - Septic Vomit (2024)
Menk - Mental Paradigm (2023)
Menk - Cave Dwellaz (2022)
Menk - Enjoy (2022)
Mental Mutilation
Mental Mutilation - split with Meatus (2023)
Mental Mutilation / SplatterFace - split (2019)
Mental Phlegm
Digest ! - Mental Phlegm
Mental Phlegm - Don't Slip On Mucus (2023)
Mescaline Maniacs - Chafa split (2023)
Meth Leppard - split with Axis Of Despair (2022)
Milorganaut - Jones Island (2023)
Mindlock - Pro-death (2024)
Mindtrap - Living Demons (2023)
Miroed – Miroed (2023)
Misanthropæ – Untitled (2022)
Misanthropæ – MMXXIII (2023)
Mixomatosis - split with Perpetual (2023)
Morgue Breath
Morgue Breath - Hongo Atroz (2022)
Morgue Breath - Expectoraciones Exequiales Desde Las Profundidades Fantamiasmáticas (2022)
Multinational Corporations - Cultural Collapse (2024)
MUP Destroyer - Narc EP (2024)
Napalm Ted
Needful Things / Controlled Existence (2021)
Negative Human Grounds - Grinder Flesh
Noisy Neighbors
Nonsanto - Human Condition (2023)
Nonsanto - Enslaved by the Grind (2020)
Nuclear Holocaust - Straight Hate
Nuclear Holocaust - Sailing The Seas Of Nuclear Waste (2023)
Ogrux - Contrabardo (parte 1) (2023)
Organ Dealer
Organ Dealer / Nerve Grind / Invertebrate - split (2018)
Organ Dealer - The Weight Of Being (2023)
Overnöisy - News From A Personal War (2023)
Parasite Crowd - Trichotomia (2023)
PartyGrind - O Depois do Fim do Mundo (2024)
Per Capita
Perpetual - What a Cruel World (2023)
Pervitin - 10 tracks (2021)
Petridish - Human Tax (2023)
Petridish - Defusal Method (2023)
Phantom Lung
Phantom Lung - Abhorrent Entity ii : moribund (2023)
Phantom Lung - Abhorrent Entity (2023)
Pissing the Mainstream
Pissing the Mainstream - Waiting to Explode (2023)
Pissing The Mainstream - Manifestasi Apokaliptik (2023)
Poluição Sonora Gratuita
Primitive Rage
Public Execution (UK)
Putrefaction of Rotting Corpses - Eléments de stupidité (2017)
Putrid Future - Nightmare Reality (2023)
Putrido (Brésil) - Justica ? (2023)
Question Everything - Collection (2023)
Rampant Decomposition
Rancidification - Rancidification (2020)
Rank and Vile
Rank and Vile - Worship (2023)
Rank and Vile - Oxycretin (2020)
Rank and Vile - Redistribution of Flesh (2019)
Rank and Vile - Chameleon Bastard (2018)
Rat King - Psychotic Reality (2023)
Ravaged By The Yeti – Apex Predator (2023)
Razgruha - split with Vile Species (2021)
Real Life Ugly
Repulsive Feast - Putrid Slime + singles (2022)
Retained Surgical Instrument - Penis Trauma (2023)
Rot Within
Rotten Sound
Ruggarü - Ruggarü (2023)
Saldo Desigual Moral - Ma Vontade (2024)
Sangre De Idiotas - Discography
Satan's Grind
Schism - De Svpplicivm (2024)
Scrobiculus - Concentrated Effect of Pharmacy (2023)
Secretion - Fetid Odors from the Drainage Pipe (2024)
Sejawat - The World Angst (2023)
Self Exploited Whore
Senseless Strife - Knee Deep Into Their Blood (2020)
Septic Excrements - Septicalyptic Remains (2024)
Sewer Altar - demo (2024)
Shit Rotator
Shit Rotator – Flesh Devastation (2024)
Shit Rotator - Stupid Maggots And Fucked Melon (2023)
Shitbrains - Split w/ YxAxD (2023)
Shock Withdrawal - The Dismal Advance (2024)
Shrivel Up
Sick Destroyer
Sick Destroyer - Ghettö (split) (2024)
Sick Destroyer / Roskopp - split (2024)
Sick Destroyer / Reeking Cross - split (2023)
Sick Militia
Sickrecy - Salvation Through Tyranny (2022)
Sickrecy / Barren - split (2024)
Simbiose / Visions of War
Skiplife - Skiplife (2023)
Skullshitter / Bleeding Out - split (2019)
Slab - Substation Failure (2023)
Slaughtercult - Skinless in Seattle + single (2022)
Slaughtercult – Meat Head (2023)
Slavenkust - split with Surowika (2024)
Slavenkust - Slavenkust (2022)
Slugcrust - Ecocide (2022)
Slugcrust - Discharge(d) (2024)
Slund - Enter The Slund (2023)
Social Shit - Organización Del Mal (2024)
Sociopathic Behavior
Soiled Hate - The Nine Billion Names of Hate (2023)
Solstis - Axis Of Evil (2005)
Sota Terra - split with Tempestat (2022)
Spine - Raices (2023)
Squelch - demo (2023)
St. Mincer - Self Decomposition (2023)
Statist - Antitötalitar (2023)
Steak Chaos
Stockfeeder - Wave of Dread (2023)
Stonepaq - Ghostly Figure (2023)
Straight Hate
Street Feet
Subscum - Schism (2023)
Subscum - Subscum (2021)
Succubus's Suffocation
Symphony Of Destruction - split with Arrogante and Extreme Decay (2023)
Symphony Of Destruction / Arrogante - split (2024)
Teething - Help (2022)
Teething - Nashgul (2022)
Terra Builder - Solar Temple (2023)
Thanatophagia - Gerontocracy (2023)
The Arson Project - God Bless (2023)
The Human Race Is Filth
Tongue Scum
Tongue Scum - Callously Formed + single (2023)
Tongue Scum - Nephalem (2024)
Torture Pig (US / Floride) - Pig Torture (2023)
Tottal Tømming
Tsubo - Disdegno (2017)
Tsubo - Capitale Umano (2023)
Uhritoimitus - Uhritoimitus (2023)
Uhritoimitus – Valtion Omaisuutta (2023)
Uhritoimitus – Paine (2024)
Under Vultures
Urban Disposal - demo (2023)
Urbicyd - Urbicyd (2023)
Useless Attitude
Vaginal Bear Trap - Stroke (2020)
Vida Enferma - Esperando La Muerte (2023)
Vile Species - Disqualified As a Human (2024)
Vile Species - split with Razgruha (2021)
Vilmort - demo (2023)
Vision Deprived
Vorgär - R.O.H.A.D (2019)
Vorgär / Per Capita (split 2017)
Walking Corpse (Suède) – Our Hands, Your Throat (2023)
Warfuck – Diptyque (2023)
Waste Mankind
Waste Mankind - Poverty Is Your Business (2022)
Waste Mankind - Mas Cerca De La Muerte (2022)
Wuitre - Repulsión A La Existencia (2023)
Your Kid's On Fire
Zero Survive - Abjuration (2023)
French Legends
ADX - Exécution (1985)
ADX - La terreur (1986)
ADX - Suprématie (1987)
ADX - Exécution Publique (live) (1988)
ADX - Bestial (2020)
ADX - Etranges Visions (2021)
Attentat Rock - Le gang des saigneurs (1984)
Blasphème - Blasphème (1983)
Demon Eyes - Rites Of Chaos (1984)
Demon Eyes - Out Of Control (1990)
Fisc - Tracker (1984)
H-Bomb - Coup De Metal (1983)
H-Bomb - Attaque (1984)
High Power - High Power (1983)
High Power - Les Violons de Satan (1986)
Killers - Fils de la haine (1985)
Morsüre - Acceleration Process (1984)
Satan Jokers - Les Fils Du Métal (1983)
Sortilège - Métamorphose (1985)
Sortilège - Larmes de Heros (1986
Sortilège - Apocalypso (2023)
Steel Angel - And The Angels Were Made Of Steel (1985)
Steel Angel - Kiss Of Steel (1986)
Titan - Titan (1986)
Titan - Palingenesia (2021)
Trust - Répression (1980)
Trust - Marche ou crève (1981)
Trust - IV (1983)
Vulcain - Rock'n'roll Secours (1984)
Vulcain - Desperados (1985)
Warning - Métamorphose (1984)
Blackened Death Metal
The Black Mary (Tchéquie)
The Black Mary (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Hadez (Pérou)
Sessions of terror (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Goat Semen (Perou)
Fuck Christ (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Upon The Altar (Pologne)
Descendants Of Evil (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Merial (Arménie)
Prospector (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Hellgate Necrosodomy (Finlande)
The Annihilation Deliverance (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
The True Goatblood (France)
Goatblood (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Alfa Eridano Akhernar (Mexique)
Into the Path of the Gods (2024)
Blackened Death Metal - War Metal
Gotthammer (Canada)
split with Goatcorpse (2024)
Blackened Death Metal - War Metal
Necromaniac (Angleterre)
promo (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Bogobes (Russie)
Катабасис (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Zombie Mortician (Norvège)
Strange Alien Disease (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Ofermod / Black Altar / Acherontas (Int)
Drakonian Elitism (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Cerber (Russie)
To The Downfall (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
B4rbar4 (Tchéquie)
Forfeiture Of Repentance (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Dark Goat (Italie)
Full Moon Rituals (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Panzerchrist (Danemark)
All Witches Shall Burn (2024)
Blackened Death Metal
Yxxan (Suède)
Misanthropic Impulse (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Disforterror (Brésil)
Omega Attomik Kaos (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - War Metal
Sulfuric Hatred (US)
Sulfuric Hatred (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Infernal Execrator (Singapour)
Diabolatry (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Blood Serpent (Vietnam)
Bestial Extermination (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Treno (Argentine)
Esperando la Redencion (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Cult Ov Black Blood (Pologne)
Apocalyptic Banner ov Abaddon (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Bestialgoat (Brésil)
Annihilation.Blasphemy.Torment (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Goat Vomit Noise (Italie)
Golgotha Of The Underdogs (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Goat Vomit Noise (Italie)
Nihilist Front (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Pentakolo (Italie)
Dominion From The Abyss (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Thrash Metal
Retraumatized (Ukraine)
Crippled (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Angel of the Abyss (US)
Rites of the Black Moon (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Iron Flames (Italie)
Immortal Hero Of Eternal Time (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Pugnale (Italie)
Purified In Emptiness (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Crust
Dark Spire (US)
Her Body Of Water (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Eraprofana (Brésil)
Evangelista da Morte (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Battlestorm (Singapour)
Summon Decimation (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Tetragrammacide (Inde)
Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From The Arach... (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Hebephrenique (Australie)
Non Compos Mentis (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Dominion (Colombie)
From The Throne Of Darkness (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Dominion (Colombie)
Hordes of Horror (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
Impalement (Suisse)
The Dawn Of Blackened Death (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Desecration of Christ (Equateur)
Primitive Noise (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Morbid Perversion (Brésil)
Rites Of Lust And Blasphemy (2017)
Blackened Death Metal
Morbid Perversion (Brésil)
Infamous Dogmas Of Sacrifice (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Askesis (Italie)
Beyond The Fate Of Death (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Paranoid Schizophrenia (Pologne - US)
Paranoid Schizophrenia (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
King Ov Wyrms (US)
The Womb Ov Borealis (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Vedmak (Russie)
Wandering of Souls (Скитание Душ) (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Death·Chaos·Void (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Stargazer (Australie)
Bound By Spells (2023)
Avant-garde Black Metal - Death Metal
MorLord (Pologne)
Post Mortem (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Trivax (Iran)
Eloah Burns Out (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Blasphemous Commander (US)
Bestial War Of Fallen Angels (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Uncouth (Brésil)
Thorns Of Vengeance (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Nekrofilth (US)
Nganga (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Crust
Son ov Leviathan (US)
Lvcifugium (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Churchacide / Plague Swarm (US)
Eschatological Retaliation (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
Bastard Of Bethlehem (US)
Dead Humans (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Dying Embers (Australie)
Of Things To Come (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Demoniacal (Angleterre)
The Beginning Edge of Dread (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Arborectum (Finlande)
Jerker in the Rye (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Normalissë (Brésil)
Entranhas de Shelob (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Normalissë (Brésil)
Sarcofago tribute (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Emuthry (Brésil)
Decease of Humanity (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Execração (Brésil)
Rebanho (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Burnt To Death (Espagne)
Doomed By Reality (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Altarage (Espagne)
Worst Case Scenario (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Death Of A King (inconnu)
Antimatter (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
split with
Kursk (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Kursk (Espagne)
split with
Akouphenom (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Trrrht (Indonésie)
Incantation Of The Esoteric Light (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Outergods (Angleterre)
A Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of H... (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Boor (US)
Infernal Regiment + single (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Boor (US)
Sentenced to Flesh (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Weregoat (US)
Cunting Darkness (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Revelations (Indonésie)
Monotheism (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Nott (US)
Hiraeth (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Deathcore
Praecidisti (Finlande)
Ashened (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Praecidisti (Finlande)
Paradise Of Pestilence (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
Sigils Of Völur (US)
Reanimated (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Encirclement (US)
Misanthropic Upheaval (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Complot ! (Canada)
Obéissance (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Complot ! (Canada)
Extinction (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Nox Eternus (US)
Eternal Night (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Ecliptic (US)
Oracle of Undoing (remastered) (2023)
Dissonant Blackened Death Metal
Tombstalker (US)
Age Of Darkness (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Thrash Metal
The Crawling (Irelande du Nord)
All Of This For Nothing (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Doom Metal
Hallucinate (Allemagne)
From The Bowels Of The Earth (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Ævangelist (Finlande)
Harmony Of The Sinister (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Experimental
Nekrotisk (US)
Apraxia II: The Forlorn Continuum (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Myrkul (Angleterre)
Auldrift (Instrumental) (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Myrkul (Angleterre)
Auldrift (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Panzerchrist (Danemark)
Last Of A Kind (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Arid (US)
Abhorrent Reflections (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Crust
Akercocke (Angleterre)
Decades of Devil Worship (Live) (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Disimperium (US)
Grand Insurgence Upon Despotic Altars (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Sorrow Enthroned (US)
To Profane the Light of God (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Ascendensy (Danemark)
Birth of an Eternal Empire (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Ascendensy (Danemark)
A Manifest of Imperious Destiny (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Progenitor (US)
Eldritch Supremacy (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Deitus (Angleterre)
Irreversible (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
The Demon Haunted World (US)
That Which Lies Unseen (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Progressive
Ethereal Rot (US)
Cadaverine Skies (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Pożoga (Pologne)
Pożoga (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Altarage (Espagne)
Cataract (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Disobedience (Russie)
Darkness Takes You (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Satanascui Hammer (Chili)
Kandarian Spells (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Exstinctio Vitae (US)
Anarchy (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Exstinctio Vitae (US)
Anarchy (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Kanonenfieber (Allemagne)
Live at Dark Easter Metal Meeting (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Beneath Purgatory (US)
The Martyr Approach (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Tomb Of Lucifer (Inde)
Ode To Judah (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Demonized (Mexique)
Abyss Vanguard (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Vølus (US)
Oathsworn Vengeance (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Serpent Of Old (Turquie)
Ensemble Under The Dark Sun (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Sturmtiger (Danemark)
Transcendent Warfare (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Pestum (Colombie)
Misanthropic Art Of Extermination (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Gravefields (Irelande)
Tetragrammaton (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Infernal Curse (Argentine)
Revelations Beyond Insanity (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Snorlax (Australie)
The Necrotrophic Abyss (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Black Eucharist (US)
Inn Of The Vaticide (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Human Harvest (Suède)
Death Storms (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Oculus (Serbie - Suisse - US)
Of Temples And Vultures (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Icegrinder (US)
Frozen Death (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Sphere (Pologne)
Blood Era (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Bovem (Egypte)
Ominous Dawn (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Pacta Corvina (Brésil)
Ignis Et Sulphur (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Hate Manifesto (Grèce)
Αποστάτης (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Gravecrawler (Suède)
Chapter III : Fallen Kingdoms (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Burial Hordes (Grèce)
Ruins (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Baphomet's Violence (Mexique)
Black Violence (2022)
Blackened Death Metal - Thrash Metal
Okkultation (Norvège)
The Cryptic Manuscript (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
ScareTape (US)
Vomiting Entrails (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
ScareTape (US)
Conform To Rot (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Void Ov Nihility (US)
Above The Stars Of God (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Legacy of Satan (Russie)
Carnivora (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Misanthropic Extermination (Equateur)
Infernal Militancy (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Heinous Rite (US)
Rituals of Disgust (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Olkoth (US)
At The Eye Of Chaos (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Chthon (Grèce)
Eremite (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Warhead Barbarism (Costa Rica)
Terrorismo genocida (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Nexorum (Norvège)
Tongue Of Thorns (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Furnace Floor (US)
Furnace Floor (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Bogobes (Russie)
КЕНОТАФ (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Thoryvodis (Indonésie)
Barisan Tempur (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Genocide Cvlt (Mexique)
Ritvals (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Impetuous Ritual (Australie)
Iniquitous Barbarik Synthesis (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Declínio (Brésil)
Talking With Ghosts (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Gutted Christ (US)
Hail And Kill (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Drama Noir (Grèce)
Nightfall Upon The Asylum (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Crucifier (US)
Say Your Prayers (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Feannag (Ecosse)
Throne (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Ocular Trauma (Canada)
The Dissection Of Tragedy (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Moniasin (US)
Maniacal Sin : Resurgence (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Corpus Necromanthum (Costa Rica)
He ... Who Suffers Knowledge (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Kryptonomicon (Italie)
Nekromantikos (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
Thy Rites (Brésil)
Trivmfyre (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Decipher (Grèce)
Arcane Paths To Resurrection (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Towards Hellfire (Pologne)
Death Upon The Holy Throne (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Edoma (Russie)
Buried by Permafrost (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Engorge (US)
Demonstratio Diaboli (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Purulent Shrine (France)
Nuclear Solstice (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Mystery Of Death (Russie)
Mystery Of Death (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Venefices (Pologne)
Succubacy (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Venefices (Pologne)
Incubacy (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Antim Grahan (Népal)
Goat Legion (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Decipher (Grèce)
Of Fire and Brimstone (2019)
Blackened Death Metal
Circular Ruin (Suède)
Future Graves (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Bergrisar (Chine)
Step On The Path Of Eternal Salvation (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Empty Skull (US)
Age Of Atrocity (2023)
Black Metal
Empty Skull (US)
Heavy Metal Hellion (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Dark Elite (Finlande)
Anti-Spiritual Void Devotion (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Aphotic (Italie)
Abyssgazer (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Verminous Serpent (Irelande)
The Malign Covenant (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Kommando Baphomet (Portugal)
Under The Deathsign (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Aneraxt (Iran)
Face Of Annihilation (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Venereal Baptism (US)
Reap The Reviled (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Almanon (Brésil)
Warlegion (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Dis Gob (Espagne)
Clandestine Cult (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Oracle Of Worms (Allemagne)
Frost Falls (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Black Goat Dominium (Panama) (2021)
Impaler Of Pest (Colombie) (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
Beyond Chaos (Brésil)
Sins from the Past (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Thrash Metal
Per Momentum (France)
Et Mortiis Salutem (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Dark Goat (Italie)
Mystery Of A Black Mass (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Noxium Ferus (Norvège)
Blasphemicon (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Demon King (US)
Vesania (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Warhead Barbarism - Varmint (Costa Rica)
Split (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Anarkhon (Brésil)
Obiasot Dwybat Ptnotun (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Deiphage (US)
Nuclear Cavalry (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Tribe Of Pazuzu (Canada - US)
Blasphemous Prophecies (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Apostate Saints (Australie)
You Are Nothing (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Horda (Pologne)
Form (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Plague Bearer (US)
Summoning Apocalyptic Devastation (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Krusifoitu (Finlande)
Demo (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - War Metal
Demone (Italie)
The Seven Phalluses Of Sathanas (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Brimstone Gate (Allemagne)
Return From The Brimstone Portal (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Aphorism (Brésil)
Entranhas do Subsolo (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
MethChrist (Nouvelle Zélande)
Pestilential Warfare of the Black Flame (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Clunaculum (Irelande)
Apocalyptic Incantations (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Vlas (Bulgarie)
Kathedral (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Hordes Of Defences (Allemagne)
Decree Of Fate (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Battlestorm (Singapour)
From Hell (2015)
Blackened Death Metal
Funeraria (Costa Rica)
Nuclear Apocalypt (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Okkultist (Portugal)
O.M.E.N. (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Cadaveric Possession (Pologne)
Vortex of Undying Hatred (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Black Goat Dominium (Panama)
Horda De Muerte (2020)
Blackened Death Metal
Misanthropik Torment (US)
Ecdysis (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Depravation (Allemagne)
IV : Letvm (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Crust
Wülfskol (US)
Satanik Death Militia (2021)
Blackened Death Thrash Metal
Hell's Ambassador (Brésil)
Demons Destroy the House of God (2018)
Blackened Death Metal
Ulthar (US)
Anthronomicon (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Profanatica (US)
Pale Fuck (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Goatpenis - Holocausto War Metal
Goat - Schizoparanoic Platoon
Blackened Death Metal - Black Thrash Metal
Bogobes (Russie)
Pantheon (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Aparthiva Raktadhara (Inde)
আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Forax (Colombie)
El inicio de todo (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Altar Of Gore (US)
Infinite Visions of Violence (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Nerumia (Suisse)
Fatal Delirium (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
Black Water Sunset (US)
Engraved Spectral Aeons (2023)
Blackened Death Metal - Prog
Unholy Obscurity (Autriche)
Martyrium (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Mithridatum (US)
Harrowing (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Cradle The Grave (Australie)
The Souls Of The Lost And Forgotten (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Bestial (Brésil)
Hellfuckdominium XXI (2015)
Blackened Death Metal
Profane Order (Canada)
One Nightmare Unto Another (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Morthibus (Bel - Fr - Fin)
The Shadow Path (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Vomitmantik (Italie)
Devotio Ad Bestias (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Suffering (Russie)
Endless Fire (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Sothoris (Pologne)
Wpiekłowstąpienie (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Prophetic Suffering (Canada)
Demonstration MMXXII (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Prehistoric War Cult - Secret Tongues (All)
Split (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Prehistoric War Cult (Allemagne)
Under the Sign of the Red Moon (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Morbid Blood Kult (Allemagne)
War Spitting Gods (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
Goatflesh - Bestial Vomit 666 (Ukraine)
Split (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Abysmal Lord (US)
Bestiary of Immortal Hunger (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Heliophobia (US)
Her Holy Temple Defiled (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Hierophant (Italie)
Death Siege (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Bodydrinkers (Irelande)
Swamp Hammer (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Endless Loss (Australie)
Bloodletting Narcotic Divination (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Eligos (Brésil)
Omega Human (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Foxor (Canada)
Blackened Death Metal
Hordes Of Wrath (Brazil)
Black Hordes
Blackened Death Metal
Demonic (Suède)
Black Hymn (2018)
Blackened Death Metal
Chestcrush (Ecosse)
Apechtheia (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Bestial Sight (Russie)
Гнев Демона (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Abysm Diabolis (Canada)
Visions From The Haunted Realm (2022)
Blackend Death Metal
Pestfader (Suède)
Digerhymner (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Immortal Death (US)
Crucified on the Throne of Satan (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Sanguine Imperator (US)
The World Will Drown in Blood (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Sysyphus (Brésil)
Absurd (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Ora Lamae (Tchéquie)
Evil Sleeps in Everyone (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Exsanguinate (US)
Subservient to the Cosmic Will (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Wolflust (Brésil)
Endless War (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Anhaguama (Brésil)
Formula of Zos Vel Thanatos (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Pnakotic Manuscript (Russie - Pologne )
Dark Prometheus (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Untold Human Suffering (US)
Serpents And Ancient Literature (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
IaIaldabaoth - Anticosmos (France)
Crime Against Manking (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Pathetic - Putrid (Pérou - US)
Split (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Wardemonic Legions (Indonésie)
Summoning The Godless (2023)
Blackened Death Metal
Umbra (Chili)
Matter (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Ofermod (Suède)
Mysterium Iniquitatis (2021)
Blackened Death Metal
The Furor (Australie)
Head Full Of Hell (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Vermin Womb (US)
Retaliation (2022)
Blackened Death Metal - Grindcore
Complot ! (Canada)
Victimes Innocentes (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Altars Ablaze (Tchéquie)
Life Desecration (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Diabolos Brigade (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Necromutilator (Italie)
Oath Of Abhorrence (2022)
Blackened Death Metal