1.Lymphoedema - Harlequin Ichthyosis 
2.Lymphoedema - Intestinal Lung Disease 
3.Lymphoedema - Lymphogranuloma Venereum 
4.Lymphoedema - Methemoglobinemia 
5.Lymphoedema - Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome 
6.Expedited Decomposition - Car Smashed Face 
7.Expedited Decomposition - Cadaver Stains 
8.Expedited Decomposition - Speeding Suffocation Pt. 1
9.Expedited Decomposition - Skinned and Torched 
10.Expedited Decomposition - Death Survivor 
11.Expedited Decomposition - Ripped Apart Into Portions 
12.Expedited Decomposition - Contract Killer 
13.Expedited Decomposition - Drenched in Intestinal Film 
14.Expedited Decomposition - Torn In Half at the Anus 
15.Expedited Decomposition - Submerged in Decomposition 
16.Expedited Decomposition - Speeding Suffocation Pt. 2 
17.Expedited Decomposition - D-Beaten to Death


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