1. Needful Things - Shame on You
2. Needful Things - Cyberchaos
3. Needful Things - Victim
4. Needful Things - Profile of Destruction
5. Needful Things - Cowardice and Abomination
6. Needful Things - Manipulation
7. Needful Things - Money Talks
8. Needful Things - The World Is a Laboratory
9. Needful Things - False One Crap
10. Controlled Existence - Dlane, čo škrtia
11. Controlled Existence - Bezkrídli vtáci
12. Controlled Existence - Je čas žať
13. Controlled Existence - Kruh sa uzavrel
14. Controlled Existence - Mrchavé jazyky
15. Controlled Existence - V jesennej sychravosti
16. Controlled Existence - Pôda horká
17. Controlled Existence - Žily, slzy, šľachy
18. Controlled Existence - Spálim ťa na prach
19. Controlled Existence - Aj tak vstanem z mŕtvych
20. Controlled Existence - Z cudzieho krv netečie
21. Controlled Existence - Zaživa mŕtva
22. Controlled Existence - Žalár najtemnejší
23. Controlled Existence - Zapredaj mi dušu
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