1. Odyssey to the Perverse 
2. Machine Orthodoxy 
3. Țepeș Mode 
4. Apartheid Complicity 
5. You Suffer (Napalm Death cover) 
6. Gorehound Blues 
7. Fuzz Crusher 
8. Goatoid Vex 
9. 縄の神殿 
10. Virulent Age 
11. Through Gardens of Flesh 
12. Pseudo-Necrolatry 
13. The Grinding Ice
14. Schizoid Ballet
15. Devil in a Haystack 
16. Raped by the Grime of Crust
17. The Everest Room 
18. Antagonist


Masochrist Grimecode DCLXVI 320
Archive – 39,8 MB 104 téléchargements
Évaluation: 4.5 étoiles
6 votes

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