1. Sea of disgust
2. Shit-parade
3. Tremendous diarrea
4. The nature of man
5. Testicular torsion
6. Prosthatic invasion
7. Drink my piss
8. Sperm boiler
9. Urinage
10. Human shit
11. Anal lie
12. Il porcile sotto casa
13. My dick is explosed
14. Gore vice
15. Fucked by sponchobob
16. Il mio pisello non pompa più sangue
17. Mamma esco.....
18. Mamma non torno più, sono morto
19. Grandma's passion....
20. ...masturbating on grandpa's ashes
21. Polmoni caconi
22. Alibabbà e i 40 coglioni
23. U pccion d mamt


Escrement The Nature Of Man Zip
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