Extreme music
Extreme music
Black Metal
Хандра - С Особой Ненавистью (2023)
Abaddon - Statues Of Sorrow (2023)
Abmontium - Spawn From The Fruit Of The Demonic Tree (2023)
Abysmal Lord
Ad Inceptum - Infecto Christianus (2023)
Ad Hominem - I Am God, You Are Nothing
Anal Blasphemy
Anarazel - Our Dark Lord & Saviour (2023)
Anarazel - Iconoclastic Rebirth (2020)
Ancient Emblem - Deadache
Anthems Of Gomorrah
Anthems Of Gomorrah - Cult of Unreason (2023)
Anthems Of Gomorrah - Deathplague (2023)
Apocalyptic Annihilation - Invocation Of Chaos (2023)
Ara Subversor
Aran Angmar - Atavism & Dying Stars (2023)
Arnaut Pavle - Transylvanian Glare (2023)
Arrogant Destruktor
Ash Nazg Búrz
Ater Sanguis
Avgrund - Announcing Spirit Heritage (2023)
Azaghal - Alttarimme on Luista Tehty (2023)
Azaghal / Black Faith - Immortalized In Luciferian Blood (2023)
Bærzerk - Misanthropic Descent (2023)
Barbarian Swords
Barbarian Swords - Anti-Dogma Megaforce (2023)
Barbarian Swords - Totemic Anal Turbofucker (2019)
Battlethrone - Hail Commander (2023)
Beastgod - Black Goat Victorious (2023)
Black Beast
Black Shadow
Black Shadow - Конец Света (Doomsday) (2022)
Black Shadow - Последняя cтупень перерождения (2022)
Blasphemer (Indonésie)
Blasphemous Goat Vomit
Blasphemous Goat Vomit - Necromantic Invocation (2024)
Blasphemous Goat Vomit - Unholy Blackened Witchcult Mastery (2019)
Blood Angel
Bloodforest - Bloodforest (2023)
Cirith Gorgor
Creepshow - Creepshow I (2023)
Cryfemal - La Gran Victoria Del Mal (2023)
Cvinger - Doctrines By The Figures Of Črnobog (2023)
Cytonic - Those Of Profound Being (2023)
Deboro - Dying Spirits (2023)
Denevér - A Vérivók Krónikái (2023)
Denevér - Vámpír (2022)
Depressor - This Is Where We Die (2023)
Diabolic Rites
Dikasterion - Chaos As A New World (2023)
Dirlewangr - From The Depths......Of Agartha (2023)
Downfall Of Gods - Ziemia Obiecana (2023)
Drakul - Miscreants Of Lust & Perversity (2023)
Dungeon Keeper
Ekrom - Uten Nådigst Formildelse (2023)
Embarla Firgasto
Endstille - DetoNation (2023)
Eternity - Mundicide (2023)
Exit Catacomb - No Escape From the Catacomb (2023)
Exorcism Wounds - Beyond The Veil Of Putridity (2023)
Exterminio / Pogost - Diabolical Psalms (2016)
Faustian - We Come as Angels (2023)
Fiat Nox - Opium To Insidious Slumber (2023)
Fides Inversa
Genocide Kommando
Ghörnt - Häxekult (2023)
Goat Horness
Goat Piss - Subsonic Obliteration (2023)
Godhead Machinery - Monotheistic Enslavement (2021)
Gorge Of War - Cruciatus Infernalis
Grandiosa Muerte
Grave Desecrator - Immundissime Spiritus (2023)
Hasard - Malivore (2023)
Hekser - Sigils Of The Abyss (2023)
Helfró - Tálgröf (2023)
Hell Militia
Heretic Cult Redeemer
His Master's Noise
I, Destroyer - Cold, Dead Hands (2023)
Immortal - War Against All (2023)
Immundus Diabolus - Impure Dimensions (2023)
In Seance
Infernal Storm
Insanir - Sanctus Insaniam (2023)
Insurrexion - Alea Iacta Est (2023)
Inverted Saint - Book of Apocalypse (2023)
Inverted Virtue
Justabeli - Screaming Triumph (2023)
Korgonthurus - Jumalhaaska (2023)
Kvlt Of Odium - End Of Light (2023)
Lamp Of Murmuur
LanzerRath - Metagalactic Domination (2023)
Lucifixion - Trisect Joys Of Pierced Hearts (2023)
Lucifuge - Monoliths Of Wrath (2023)
Malorum - The Frozen Forest Burn (2023)
Miasmes - Répugnance (2023)
Milopkl - Extreme Order Of Existence (2023)
Minenwerfer - Feuerwalze (2023)
Minenwerfer - Vorleben Erinnerung (2020)
Minenwerfer - Der Rote Kampfflieger (2021 - 2011)
Minenwerfer - Nihilistischen (2021 - 2012)
Moonreich - Amer (2023)
Morkera - Entangled Excavations (2022)
Morkera - Aggravations (2023)
Naturvidrig - Naturvidrig (2023)
Necrogosto - Sudakaos (2023)
Necrohunter - singles 2023 + Litanies Of The Black Occvlt (2021)
Nocturnal Breed - Carry The Beast (2023)
Nocturnal Evil - Furor Diabolicus (2023)
Nocturnal Graves
Nornír - Skuld (2023)
Numidian Killing Machine - Psychotronik Breakdown (2023)
Obsidian Shrine / Sôlt - In Consortium Diaboli (2023)
Оскрнавитељ - Прадавни (2023)
Ondfodt - Det Österbottniska Mörkret (2023)
Ordo Karnivorum - Noir (2023)
Panzerkrieg 666
Panzerkrieg 666 - Panzerkrieg 666 (2022)
Panzerkrieg 666 - Wolfpack (2023)
Perdition Winds
Perversa - Under The Sign Of Blasphemy (2024)
Petit Nuage Noir
Petrale - Salvation Precipitates (2023)
Prediction - The Unholy Flame (2023)
Profane Elegy - When All Is Nothing (2023)
Profanity Angel
Requiem of Malediction - Satanas Triumphans (2023)
Reverorum Ib Malacht - Kyrie Eleison (2023)
Ruïm - Black Royal Spiritism - I. O Sino Da Igreja (2023)
Sacrilegious Impalement – IV - Infinite Victor (2023)
Sammath - Grebbeberg (2023)
Sanctiphagous - The Soulstalker (2022)
Sanctiphagous - The Dysangelion (2023)
Sarcoptes - Plague Hymns (2020)
Sarcoptes - Prayers to Oblivion (2023)
Satanic Assault Division
Satanic Empire - Hail Satanic Empire (2023)
Satanic Warmaster
Schizophrenia (Colombie)
Schizophrenia - Conjuring The Beast (2023)
Schizophrenia - Rites of Annihilation (2023)
Servant - Aetas Ascensus (2023)
Sidious - Blackest Insurrection (2022)
Sidious - Temporal (2019)
Soldados del Infierno
Somniate - We Have Proved Death (2023)
Sonneillon - The Demon of Hate (2023)
Sonneillon - Shall Be Damned Matter (2023)
Spirit Possession
SS-18 - Lost Warheads (2022)
SS-18 - Cryoholocaust (2022)
Stheno - Wardance (2021)
Stheno - Facada (split Primitive) (2017)
Taubra - Therizo (2023)
Terror Satan
Terror Satan - Puro odio a Cristo (2009 - 2023)
Terror Satan - Manifiesto de las revelaciones (2022)
Thanatomass - Hades (2023)
Thørn - Inferno (2023)
Total Hate
Tsjuder - Helvegr (2023)
Two Runes
Unholy Force - Embrace the Unholy Death (2015)
Verletzen - The Blackened Crusade (2023)
Verrine - Sovereign The Blasphemous (2024)
Verrine - God Was Destroyed (2023)
Villes Ardentes - Années Rouges (2023)
Vultos Vociferos
Wardaemon - Black Metal Wardaemons (2023)
Warforged - Quintessence (2023)
Warwitch - Monument of Death and War (2023)
Wintercoffin - Samhain (2023)
Wormreign - Abyssus (2023)
Yass-Waddah - Lust For Domination (2023)
Блёв - Земля (2020)
Блёв - Опарыш (2021)
Блёв - Без Перемен (2021)
Блёв - Колесница геноцида (2022)
Blackened Death Metal
Abysm Diabolis
Abysmal Lord
Ævangelist - Harmony Of The Sinister (2023)
Akercocke – Decades of Devil Worship (Live) (2023)
Akouphenom - Death·Chaos·Void (2023)
Akouphenom - split with Kursk (2020)
Alfa Eridano Akhernar - Into the Path of the Gods (2024)
Altar Of Gore
Altarage - Worst Case Scenario (2023)
Altarage - Cataract (2023)
Altars Ablaze
Angel of the Abyss - Rites of the Black Moon (2023)
Antim Grahan
Aparthiva Raktadhara
Apostate Saints
Arborectum - Jerker in the Rye (2023)
Arid - Abhorrent Reflections (2023)
Ascendensy - A Manifest of Imperious Destiny (2023)
Ascendensy - Birth of an Eternal Empire (2020)
Askesis - Beyond The Fate Of Death (2023)
B4rbar4 - Forfeiture Of Repentance (2024)
Baphomet's Violence - Black Violence (2022)
Bastard Of Bethlehem - Dead Humans (2023)
Battlestorm - Summon Decimation (2022)
Battlestorm - From Hell (2015)
Beneath Purgatory - The Martyr Approach (2023)
Bestial Sight
Bestialgoat - Annihilation.Blasphemy.Torment (2020)
Beyond Chaos - Sins from the Past (2023)
Black Eucharist - Inn Of The Vaticide (2023)
Black Goat Dominium
Black Goat Dominium - Horda De Muerte (2020)
Black Goat Dominium - Impaler Of Pest (2021)
Black Water Sunset
Blasphemous Commander - Bestial War Of Fallen Angels (2023)
Blood Serpent - Bestial Extermination (2023)
Bogobes - Катабасис (2024)
Bogobes - Pantheon (2023)
Bogobes – КЕНОТАФ (2023)
Boor - Infernal Regiment (2023)
Boor - Sentenced to Flesh (2020)
Bovem - Ominous Dawn (2023)
Brimstone Gate
Burial Hordes - Ruins (2023)
Burnt To Death - Doomed By Reality (2023)
Cadaveric Possession
Cerber - To The Downfall (2024)
Chthon – Eremite (2023)
Churchacide / Plague Swarm - Eschatological Retaliation (2021)
Circular Ruin
Complot !
Complot ! - Obéissance (2023)
Complot ! - Victimes Innocentes (D'une Furie Meurtrière) (2022)
Complot ! - Extinction (2022)
Corpus Necromanthum - He ... Who Suffers Knowledge (2023)
Cradle The Grave
Crucifier - Say Your Prayers (2022)
Cult Ov Black Blood - Apocalyptic Banner ov Abaddon (2023)
Dark Elite
Dark Goat
Dark Goat - Full Moon Rituals (2024)
Dark Spire - Her Body Of Water (2023)
Death Of A King - Antimatter (2023)
Decipher - Arcane Paths to Resurrection (2023)
Decipher - Of Fire and Brimstone (2019)
Declínio - Talking With Ghosts (2023)
Deitus - Irreversible (2023)
Demon King
Demoniacal The Beginning Edge of Dread (2023)
Demonized - Abyss Vanguard (2023)
Desecration of Christ - Primitive Noise (2023)
Dis Gob
Disforterror - Omega Attomik Kaos (2023)
Disimperium – Grand Insurgence Upon Despotic Altars (2023)
Disobedience - Darkness Takes You (2023)
Dominion (Colombie)
Dominion - Hordes of Horror (remastered) (2021)
Dominion - From The Throne Of Darkness (2020)
Drama Noir - Nightfall Upon The Asylum (2023)
Dying Embers - Of Things To Come (2023)
Ecliptic - Oracle of Undoing (2023)
Empty Skull
Empty Skull - Age Of Atrocity (2023)
Empty Skull - Heavy Metal Hellion (2023)
Emuthry - Decease of Humanity (2023)
Encirclement - Misanthropic Upheaval (2023)
Endless Loss
Eraprofana - Evangelista da Morte (2023)
Ethereal Rot - Cadaverine Skies (2023)
Execração - Rebanho (2023)
Exstinctio Vitae
Exstinctio Vitae - Anarchy (2023)
Exstinctio Vitae - Exstinctio Vitae (2020)
Feannag - Throne (2023)
Furnace Floor - Demo (2023)
Genocide Cvlt - Ritvals (2023)
Goat Semen - Fuck Christ (2024)
Goat Vomit Noise
Goat Vomit Noise - Golgotha Of The Underdogs (2023)
Goat Vomit Noise - Nihilist Front (2022)
Goatflesh / Bestial Vomit 666
Goatpenis - Goat - Holocausto War Metal - Schizoparanoic Platoon
Gotthammer - split with Goatcorpse (2024)
Gravecrawler – Chapter III : Fallen Kingdoms (2023)
Gravefields - Tetragrammaton (2023)
Gutted Christ – Hail And Kill (2023)
Hadez - Sessions of terror (2022)
Hallucinate - From The Bowels Of The Earth (2023)
Hate Manifesto – Αποστάτης (2023)
Hebephrenique - Non Compos Mentis (2023)
Heinous Rite - Rituals of Disgust (2023)
Hell's Ambassador
Hellgate Necrosodomy - The Annihilation Deliverance (2024)
Hordes Of Defences
Hordes Of Wrath
Hordes Of Wrath - Black Hordes (2023)
Hordes Of Wrath - We Are At War (2021)
Human Harvest - Death Storms (2023)
Icegrinder - Frozen Death (2023)
Immortal Death
Impalement - The Dawn Of Blackened Death (2023)
Impetuous Ritual - Iniquitous Barbarik Synthesis (2023)
Infernal Curse - Revelations Beyond Insanity (2023)
Infernal Execrator - Diabolatry (2023)
Iron Flames - Immortal Hero Of Eternal Time (2023)
Kanonenfieber - Live at Dark Easter Metal Meeting (2023)
King Ov Wyrms - The Womb Ov Borealis (2023)
Kommando Baphomet
Kryptonomicon - Nekromantikos (2021)
Kursk - split with Akouphenom (2020)
Legacy of Satan - Carnivora (2023)
Merial - Prospector (2024)
Misanthropic Extermination - Infernal Militancy (2022)
Misanthropik Torment
Moniasin - Maniacal Sin : Resurgence (2023)
Morbid Blood Kult
Morbid Perversion
Morbid Perversion - Infamous Dogmas Of Sacrifice (2023)
Morbid Perversion - Rites Of Lust And Blasphemy (2017)
MorLord - Post Mortem (2023)
Myrkul - Auldrift (2023)
Myrkul - Auldrift (Instrumental) (2023)
Mystery Of Death
Necromaniac - promo (2024)
Nekrofilth - Nganga (2023)
Nekrotisk – Apraxia II : The Forlorn Continuum (2023)
Nexorum – Tongue Of Thorns (2023)
Normalissë - Sarcofago tribute (2023)
Normalissë - Entranhas de Shelob (2023)
Nott - Hiraeth (2023)
Nox Eternus - Eternal Night (2023)
Noxium Ferus
Ocular Trauma - The Dissection Of Tragedy (2023)
Oculus - Of Temples And Vultures (2023)
Ofermod - Mysterium Iniquitatis (2021)
Ofermod / Black Altar / Αχέροντας (Acherontas) - Drakonian Elitism (2023)
Okkultation - The Cryptic Manuscript (2023)
Olkoth – At The Eye Of Chaos (2023)
Ora Lamae
Oracle Of Worms
Outergods - A Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of Heaven (2023)
Pacta Corvina - Ignis Et Sulphur (2023)
Panzerchrist - All Witches Shall Burn (2024)
Panzerchrist – Last Of A Kind (2023)
Paranoid Schizophrenia - Paranoid Schizophrenia (2023)
Pathetic - Putrid
Pentakolo - Dominion From The Abyss (2023)
Per Momentum
Pestum - Misanthropic Art Of Extermination (2023)
Plague Bearer
Pnakotic Manuscript
Pożoga - Pożoga (2023)
Praecidisti - Ashened (2023)
Praecidisti - Paradise Of Pestilence (2021)
Prehistoric War Cult
Prehistoric War Cult - Secret Tongues (Split) (2022)
Prehistoric War Cult - Under the Sign of the Red Moon (2022)
Profane Order
Progenitor - Eldritch Supremacy (2023)
Prophetic Suffering
Pugnale - Purified In Emptiness (2023)
Purulent Shrine
Retraumatized - Crippled (2023)
Revelations - Monotheism (2023)
Sanguine Imperator
Satanascui Hammer - Kandarian Spells (2023)
ScareTape - Conform To Rot (2022)
ScareTape - Vomiting Entrails (2023)
Serpent Of Old – Ensemble Under The Dark Sun (2023)
Snorlax - The Necrotrophic Abyss (2023)
Sigils Of Völur
Sigils Of Völur - Reanimated (2023)
Sigils Of Völur - Keeper of Spells (2018)
Son ov Leviathan – Lvcifugium (2023)
Sorrow Enthroned
Sorrow Enthroned - Illicit Infantile Surgical Procedures (2023)
Sorrow Enthroned - To Profane the Light of God (2022)
Sphere – Blood Era (2022)
Stargazer - Bound By Spells (2023)
Sturmtiger - Transcendent Warfare (2023)
Sulfuric Hatred - Sulfuric Hatred (2023)
Tetragrammacide - Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From The Arachneophidian Qur'an (2023)
The Black Mary - The Black Mary (2024)
The Crawling - All Of This For Nothing (2023)
The Demon Haunted World - That Which Lies Unseen (2023)
The Furor
The True Goatblood - Goatblood (2024)
Thoryvodis - Barisan Tempur (2022)
Thy Rites - Trivmfyre (2023)
Tomb Of Lucifer - Ode To Judah (2023)
Tombstalker - Age Of Darkness (2023)
Towards Hellfire
Treno - Esperando la Redencion (2023)
Tribe Of Pazuzu
Trivax - Eloah Burns Out (2023)
Trrrht – Incantation Of The Esoteric Light (2023)
Uncouth - Thorns Of Vengeance (2023)
Unholy Obscurity
Untold Human Suffering
Upon The Altar - Descendants Of Evil (2024)
Vedmak - Wandering of Souls (Скитание Душ) (2023)
Venefices - Incubacy (2023)
Venefices - Succubacy (2020)
Venereal Baptism
Vermin Womb
Verminous Serpent
Void Ov Nihility – Above The Stars Of God (2023)
Vølus – Oathsworn Vengeance (2023)
Wardemonic Legions
Warhead Barbarism
Warhead Barbarism / Varmint (split) (2022)
Warhead Barbarism - Terrorismo genocida (2022)
Weregoat - Cunting Darkness (2023)
Yxxan - Misanthropic Impulse (2023)
Zombie Mortician - Strange Alien Disease (2024)
Brutal Death Metal - Slam
10 To The Chest
10 To The Chest - Demo (2022)
10 To The Chest - Split The Fuck Open (2023)
3rd War Collapse - Catastrophic Epicenter (2023)
.357 Homicide - Promo (2023)
97 minutes
97 minutes - Hysteria (2021)
97 minutes / Ritual Of Despair - split In Two (2023)
7 H.Target
A Man Named Onigumo
A Man Named Onigumo - Lost in The Loosh (2024)
A Man Named Onigumo - Consigned to Oblivion (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Eroded by Time (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Ingested Torment (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Horrific Incandescence (2023)
A Man Named Onigumo - Fluidic Reconstruction (2022)
A Man Named Onigumo - Collecting Tender Amalgamation (2022)
A Man Named Onigumo - Braindeth (split) (2022)
A Man Named Onigumo - Invoking The Unutterable (2022)
A Pretext To Human Suffering
A Pretext To Human Suffering - Promo Endless Cycle of Suffering (2023)
A Pretext To Human Suffering - Endless Cycle of Suffering (2023)
Abated Mass Of Flesh – Doomed Inception (2024)
Abducted And Brutalized – Fuck Around And Find Out (2023)
Abhorrent Abomination
Abhorrent Abomination – Misanthropy (2022)
Abhorrent Abomination – Incarnate Of Hate (2023)
Abnormality Mutation
Abominate - Vocare Pulvere (2023)
Abomination Impurity
Abortion Slamputation
Abortion Slamputation - Squatch's Place (2023)
Abortion Slamputation - Total Slamputation (2024)
Aftershock Overdrive – Septic Wounds (EP) (2023)
Alien Invasion Defence System - Repossession (2024)
All Misery - Nightmare In A World Of Doom (2023)
Analepsy - Atrocities from Beyond : The Instrumentals (2024)
Anksunamon - The Dark Pharaoh (2023)
Annihilus - Deflesh the Nazarene (2024)
Annihilus - Demo (2023)
Annihilus – Mangled Bones Of The Christ Child (2023)
Ano Contranatura
Anomalia Visceral
Architect Of Dissonance – Totenkvlt (2023)
Aroma - split with Torture Pig (2023)
Arseny / Infectious Jelqing - Multidimensional Wigger Brutality (2022)
Art Of Gore – Art Of Gore (2023)
Artery Eruption
Arya Aryanna
Arya Aryanna - 2.0 Brutality (2023)
Arya Aryanna - Anhedonia (2023)
Arya Aryanna - World Of Filth (2022)
Arya Aryanna - Gore Obsession (2022)
Arya Aryanna - Grotesque (2022)
Arya Aryanna - Abomination Apocalypse (2022)
Atoll - Human Extract (2023)
Auricular Insemination - Demonstration of primitivity (2023)
Axsem – Altar De La Tortura (2023)
Backyard Cannibalism – Undead Imprisonment (2023)
Bacterial Lawn
Berkowitz / Menstrual Moonshine - split (2020)
Bifurcation - Clandestine Killings (2023)
Big Toe - (2023)
Birhatiihin - Mythology Of Ignorance (2023)
Black Mass - Depravity Through Debilitating Deformation (2023)
Bladder Crust – Unsanitary (2023)
Blightfeeder - The Form Of Suffering (2024)
Blistering Defilement
Boiled Angel
Boiled Angel - A Violent Breed (2023)
Boiled Angel - To Kill For Creed (2022)
Boris The Bull - Horns Up (2023)
Brains Outward
Brains Outward - Brains Outward (2023)
Brains Outward - Brains Outward (2022)
Brodequin – Harbinger Of Woe (2024)
Brutal Craniofacial Trauma
Brutal Craniofacial Trauma - Raping The Dismembered (2024)
Brutal Craniofacial Trauma - Toxic Stench Of Mouldy Cadaver Autopsy (2024)
Brutal Eons
Cadaveric Crematorium - Zombology (2023)
Cadaverous Contingency - Biological Incarceration (2023)
Cadavoracity - Cadavoracity (2023)
Candida - Struggle (2023)
Cardiomyotomy – Euphoric Of Abnormal Horde (2023)
Carl Wheezer - Perverse Recollections of a Carl Wheezer (2023)
Carniceria - singles (2024)
Carnivorous Monstrosity
Carnivorous Monstrosity - Beyond The Abomination (2023)
Carnivorous Monstrosity – Post Autopsy Depravities (2023)
Carrion Throne
Castiel - Coma (2021)
Castiel - Shadowlands (2023)
Celestial Bifurcation - Insufferable Telekinetic Disimpaction (2023)
Celestial Scourge
Cell Block Autopsy
Cemetery Rapist - From My Puddled Phallic Drip (2024)
Child Remains - The Complete And Utter Absence Of Light (2024)
Chloroma - Chloroma (2023)
Chopper – The Interview (2023)
Chopper – Never Eets (2023)
Chopper – Violation Zone (2023)
Cleansing Of The Temple
Clit Commander
Compulsed - demo (2024)
Condemned - Daemonium (2023)
Congenital Abnormalities
Congenital Malformation
Constriction - Constriction (2023)
Course of Extinction - EP (2005 - 06)
Cow Humps
Cow Humps - FuckRoach (2022)
Cow Humps - Ejaculating Gonorrhoeal Explosive Diarrhoea (2024)
Cráneo - Apocalyptic Saga (2023)
Cráneo - Gore Pig (2020)
Cranial Bifurcation
Cranial Explosion - Cranial Explosion (2023)
Crème Flesh – Casablumpkin (2023)
Crepitation - Monstrous Eruption Of Impetuous Preposterosity (2023)
Cryptic Entity
Cryptopsy – As Gomorrah Burns (2023)
Cuntpuncher - Torture Porn (2024)
Curmudging Epilecstasy - Fester Filled Fixings (2024)
Cusshead - promo (2024)
Daraku Shita Kanjo - Realm Of Impure Amalgamations (2023)
Dark Filth
Darkall Slaves
Dead And Dripping – Blackened Cerebral Rifts (2023)
Dead Holland - Black Tide (2014)
Decomposition Of Entrails
Defaced - untitled (2023)
Defaced - Covers / Rare Shit (2023)
Defaced - 816 (2023)
Defaced - Scrapped Sh*t Compilation (2022)
Dehumanize - Catatonic Profanation (2023)
Dehumanize - promo (2023)
Dehumanizing Encephalectomy
Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship - Otakuslam♡Animecide (2023)
Demerara - Demerara (2023)
Depraved Murder
Desoectomy - Smoked909
Destruction Of Mind - Battles For Lies (2024)
Devour The Fetus - Ocean Of Fetal Abominations (2023)
Devouringore - Gutturales Místicas (2024)
Devouringore - Dominions of Decomposing (2019)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (2023)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Cutting Off Faces From Divinely Enlightened Nuns Soaked In Rotten Uterine Ju
Dipylidium Caninum / Devouringore - split (2020)
Disfiguring The Goddess
Disfiguring The Goddess - Karnival (2023)
Disfiguring The Goddess - Sooth 2 (2023)
Disfiguring The Goddess - Blood Era (2023)
Disgorged Impalement – Violent Act With A Severed Head (2023)
Dissonant Seepage – The Darkness Will Swallow You Whole (2023)
Divine Dismemberment
Divinite Hive
Divinite Hive – Universal Inversion (2024)
Divinite Hive – Realm Of Insentience (2023)
Parasitic Infection, Vault, Divinite Hive – Extraterrestrial Warfare (2023)
Divinite Hive – Hatchery Of Agony (2023)
Divinite Hive - Xenomorphic Ravaging (2023)
Divinite Hive – Supremacy Of Synthetic Seraphim (2023)
Divinite Hive – Bio Plasmetic Malfunction (2023)
Djinn-Ghül – Opulence (2023)
Drain Of Impurity
Dripped – Rituals Of The Red Sun (2023)
Drowning In Formaldehyde
Dude Love
Duramater - No Brain No Pain (2023)
Duramater - Gore Galore (2019)
Dying Fetus – Make Them Beg For Death (2023)
Ectoplasm – Land Of Thieves (2023)
Ectoplasmorphosis - Vortex Of Possessable Flesh (2023)
Effluence - Convulsive Thoughts (2024)
Effluence - Destructive Transfixed Incorporeality (2024)
Eighty-Thousand Dead - Human Compost Heap (2023)
Ejaculation - Ejaculation (2022)
Ejaculation - Maggot Seepage (2022)
Embodied Torment – Archaic Bloodshed (2023)
Encephalic – Wrapped In Suffering (2023)
Enemy 906 - Betrayer (2022)
Erebus – Guts And War (2024)
Errors Of Humanity - Testimony (2023)
Eruption of Undigested Corn - singles (2023)
Executioner - Museum Of Death (2023)
Extermination Dismemberment – Dehumanization Protocol (2023)
Extremely Brutal - Remaining Afterlife (2023)
Face Of Korruption – Dead In The Dirt (2023)
Facial Whore – The Fuckage (2023)
Fatuous Rump - I Am at Your Disposal (2023)
Fetus Face Fuck - Slamelodeon (2024)
Field Dressed
Filth Embedded
Flammable Regurgitosis – Unhinged Irreversible Mutilations (2023)
Flash Prison Murder – 1000 Deaths Demo (2020)
Foot And Mouth – Abomination (2023)
Formaldehyde A.D. – Blood Tyrant (2023)
Fresh Wounds
Funeral Massacre – FMHC (2023)
Furricide - Heil Fur-rer ! (2023)
Gangrenous Flesh Consumption - Vile Ingurgitation Of Suppurated Limbs (2023)
Gargling - Depraved Ingestion of Cranial Discharge (2022)
Gargling - Demo (2023)
Gargling - Melancholic Decline into Anguished Oblivion (2022)
Ghettorectomy - Ghetto Slam Beatdown (2023)
Glass Mask
Goblinectomy - Goblinectomy (2023)
Godhead Decapitated - Promo (2023)
Godsfarm – Disdained Metropolis (2023)
Gorephagia – Denied Existence (2023)
Gorepig - Gorepig (2023)
Gorepig - singles (2019 - 2022)
Gorepoflesh - Gore Fucking Corpses (2023)
Goretopsy - Promo (2023)
Goretopsy / Odious Emesis – Split (2023)
Goretopsy - Demo (2022)
Goretopsy – Throat Discarded (2023)
Grave Syndrome
Grave Syndrome - Morbidity Of Putrefaction (2023)
Grave Syndrome - Chained in Barbarity (2022)
Grave Syndrome - Promo (2022)
Gravemuzzle - Vore Party Genocide (2022)
Gravemuzzle - Yiffocemia (2021)
Grieve – What Really Makes The Mind Sick Vol.1 (2023)
Gristle - singles (2023)
Gutslit – Carnal (2023)
Gutslut / WFPA / Skinstripper - Triple Sickening Abomination (2023)
Gutted Alive – Human Taxidermy (2023)
Gutter Slut
Hacksaw Tracheotomy – Promo (2023)
Hail Caligula - Live In Antofatorture (2023)
Hallucination Realized / Incinerated (2023)
हनुमान, Hanuman हनुमान – Demo (2021)
Hatchet Fucked - Swamps Of Rage (2023)
Hematogen - EP (2022)
Hematogen – Марина (2023)
Hematogen - Сладости (2023)
Heretic Plague
Hilliker - Slaughter at Studio 31 (2023)
Hilliker - Cannibalistic Cacophonies (2023)
Homicidal Derangement - Homicidal Derangement (2024)
Horde Casket
Horror Terror - Depraved Martyrdom (2023)
Hospital Bomber - Demonstration of Two Songs (2023)
Hostile Deviancy
Human Abasement - The Kingdom Of A New Abomination (2023)
Human Abomination – Dismal Foreshadowing (2023)
Human Decomposition - Through The Omnipotent Implosions (2023)
Human Ivory - Special Leather (2023)
Human Mass Extermination
Human Meat Grinder
Human Prey – Tombs Of The Blind Dead (2023)
Hydrill - discography (2024)
Iatrogenia - Compulsive Pathological Carnifexia (2023)
Icepick Onslaught
Immortal Suffering – Extreme Torture (2023)
Impaled Divinity
Impaled Divinity - Impaled Divinity (2023)
Impaled Divinity – Feculent Mutation (2023)
Impaled Divinity – Delimbing The Extirpated (2023)
Imperious Mortality
Impervious Mutation – Onslaught Of Predatory Barbarism (2023)
Implements Of Hell
In Demoni - Stupid Jokes For Brutal Folks (2023)
Inbreeding Sick – Human Remains Garden (2023)
Infantectomy – $lam Sickness (2023)
Infected Load – Dripping (US)
Infecting The Swarm
Infernal Gateway
Infernal Pyre
Infertile Surrogacy
Infestantibus – Supremacy Epidemic (2023)
Inhuman Depravation – Servants Of Supremacy (2023)
Inseminate Degeneracy
Interspecies Erotica
Inverecund – Engrossed In Horripilation (2023)
Kakothanasy - Initiating The Primal Cognizing Display Of Intrinsic (2023)
Korpsefucker - New Englands Most Wanted (2022)
Korpsefucker - singles (2023)
Korpsefucker / Scissor Hash / Intercranial Laceration / Fecal Molar (split) (2023)
Krocophile – Slamzilla : The Returnening (2023)
Kryptoxik Mortality – Genocidal Strain (2023)
Lactophilia - Lactophilia (2023)
Limb Abscess - Gorglic Spewe Oasis + single (2023)
Malignant Worm - Malignant Worm (2024)
Mass Killings – Forensic Disposal (2023)
Massacred - Assembly Of Slaughter (2022)
Massacred - Demonic Infestation (2023)
Massacred – Virus Of Hate (2023)
Massacred - Lunatic Massacre (2023)
Massacred – Pandemonium Of Terror (2023)
Massacred – Apocalypse On Earth : A Tribute To Mortician (2023)
MDMA – Organic (2023)
Melted - The Glory of the Genocide (2023)
Mental Apraxia - Perverse Intentions (2023)
Mephitic Entrails – Demo (2023)
Methlab Evisceration - Tweak Or Be Tweaked (2025)
Miasis - singles (2020 - 2023)
Miasis – Consumación Humana (2023)
Mind Rot - Hymns of Despondency (2023)
Moist - Death Anxiety (2023)
Molested Divinity - The Primordial (2023)
Morphogenetic Malformation
Mudcrab - Plagues Of Carcinization (2024)
Murder Pussy
Myocardial Infarction – Immersion In Delusional Euphoria (2023)
Naturectomy - Slamming Natural Beatdown (2023)
Necromorphic – Aborted After Birth (2023)
Necropsia - Antorchas (2024)
Necropsy Defecation
Necrotic Pestilentia
Necrotic Pestilentia - Carrion (2023)
Necrotic Pestilentia - Destitute (2023)
Necrotic Pestilentia - Myiasis (2023)
Nephropexy – Spreading The Sickness (2023)
Neurocysticercosis – Cycles Of The Abyss (2023)
Neuropsychosis - Indulging the Depraved (2023)
Never Prey – Hermeticon (2023)
Nico Nico Necrophilia
Nithing – Agonal Hymns (2023)
Nuclear Remains – Dawn Of Eternal Suffering (2023)
Oblatory - The Unreleased Demo (2023)
Old Wharf - Wither (2023)
Ominous Scriptures
Oni – Incantation Superstition (2023)
Open Flesh Wound
Orbital Gate – Voyage To The Closing Star (2023)
Organ Harvester - Nefarious Goon Squad (2024)
Origin Orias - Origin Orias (2023)
Orphan Autopsy
Parasitic – Disfiguring Symmetry (2023)
Parasitic Infection
Parasitic Infection – Flaws Of The Human Design (2023)
Parasitic Infection - The Devouring Mass (2022)
Parasitic Infection - Derelict (2022)
Parasitic Infestation
Paroxysm Unit – Fragmentation Stratagem (2023)
Paroxysmal – Force Feeder (2023)
Pathogen (UK) - Pathogen (2023)
Pathogen – Between Trinity Ashes (2023)
Pavyon Geceleri - Dead Fetus (2023)
Pencil Lead Syringe
Penectomy – Penectomy (2023)
Penis Envy - On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous (2023)
Pig Stomper - $lammin 4 Dale (2023)
Pissshiter / Piss Shiter - discography (2012 - 2024)
Plagues of Caulderon - Plagues of Caulderon (2023)
Poolside At The Flamingo - Poolside At The Flamingo (2023)
Proceed On Your Way to Oblivion
Prophecy of Suffering
Purulent Granny Gangrene
Pusboil - Ancient Stories Of Suffering And Disease (2023)
Pussy Destruction
Putrid Sticky Goo - Putrid Sticky Goo (2024)
Putrid Torso
Putrid Torso – Trails Of Hypnotized Human Veins (2023)
Putrid Torso - Prologue To Nowhere (2022)
Putridity – Greedy Gory Gluttony (2023)
Rectal Prolapse
Resurrected Divinity
Resurrected Divinity - Lycanthropy (2023)
Resurrected Divinity - As Hell Fumes In Defeat (2023)
Resurrected Divinity - Nyctalopia - Exaltation (2022)
Resurrected Divinity - Demo (2022)
Regurgitation Excrement – Acts Of Putrefaction (2023)
Repugnancy - Vile Ancient Transfiguration (2024)
Roachwhore - Self-Extraction (2022)
Roachwhore - Tripping On Roach Fumes (2024)
Roots Of Deception
Rot Spewer
Rot Spewer - Purging The Realm (2023)
Rot Spewer - demo (2022)
Ruthless Inhumanity
Sadistic Hallucinations – Chambers Of Dissonance (2023)
Sadistic Pathology
Sadistic Pathology - Omen Of Rot (2023)
Sanguinary Consumation - untitle (2023)
Sanguinary Verdict
Sanity Slip – There Is No One To Save Us (2023)
Satan's Order For Genocide – Tribulations Of Viral Genocide (2023)
Satanice - Erectoctomy (2023)
Sausage Wallet
Sausage Wallet - Sliced From Foreskin To Perineum (2023)
Sausage Wallet – PorneauxGrind (2024)
Scattered Disease – Dilapidation And Endless Suicide (2023)
Scrap Pile – Slaughtered In The Woods (2023)
Scum - Mincer
Self Mutilation
Septic Karnage - Killed by a Virgin Weeb (2024)
Sewage Slug
Shotgun Facelift
Slamama - After The Buria (2023)
Slaminem - Infection (2024)
Slamophiliac – Fragmentation Of Illusory Concept (2023)
Slaughtopsy - hat og tomhet (2024)
Slaughtopsy - Natt i blod (2023)
Slaughtopsy - U.D.T.L.N.D. (2023)
Slaughtopsy - Der Tod fuehrt das Heer des Gehoernten (2023)
Slaughtopsy - Zerfall des Seins (2023)
Smoldering Torso
Smothered Bowels - Why Aren't We Japanese (2024)
Snuffed On Sight – Smoke (2023)
Sodomizing Amputation – Mutilation Abnormalities (2023)
Soothsayer - Learned Helplessness - Demo (2023)
Soul Of Slamming
Spastic - Demo (2023)
Spitpool – Inhumane Descent (2023)
State Of Filth
Stillbirth - Homo Deus (2023)
Stillbirth - Plakative Aggression (2009)
Suffer No More - The God Question (2022)
Suffocate Bastard
Sun Eater (France)
Sun Eater (Ger)
Swamp King
Swamp King - Tombs ov the Hateful Dead (2023)
Swamp King / AxCxCx - split (2023)
Synphoru - Baby Eating Demons (2023)
The Anti Life Equation
The Anti Life Equation - Obscene Degradation (2023)
The Anti Life Equation - Obscene Degradation (Maximum Hate) (2023)
The Beast Conde Massacre
The Fluffy Kitty Cats – Cuddles (2023)
The Voice In My Head
The Voices In My Head - discographie (2023)
Thugectomy – Slamming Brutal Thuggery (2023)
Thugectomy – Pathological Grand SLAM (2023)
Torn From The Womb – Apocryphtic Preludes & Lugubrious Epoch (2023)
Torture Goregrinder - Fatal Gonorrhea Disfigurement (2017)
Tortured - Genetically Engineered Monstrosity (2023)
Total Invasion
Trazodon – Brain = Mush (2023)
Trichomoniasis – Makeshift Crematoria (2023)
Type A Secretor
Type A Secretor - Dildonic Embludgeonment (2023)
Type A Secretor – Night Of The Semen (2023)
Tyrantula – A Visceral Feast Of Violence (2023)
Tyrantula FL - Despondent + singles (2023)
Unbinarize - Nameless I Stand (2023)
Uncertainty Of Existence
Ungraceful - Summer Singles (2022)
Ungraceful - Artificial Aberrations (2023)
Unimaginable Terror
Unleash Carnage
Upcoming Devastation - The Origin Of Human Disease (2023)
Upper Decker
Utilize The Remains – Psychotic Abyss (2023)
UwU – Archive 21-23 (2024)
UwU – UwU Forever (2023)
UwU – One Shitpost Too Far (2023)
UwU - Gurogrind Fun Time (2023)
UwU - Maze Of Torment (2023)
Uxoricide - Uxoricide (2023)
Vaginal Anomalies - Filthy Noises (2021)
Vaginal Fungus - For The Sickest Fetishists Around (2021)
Vasculitis – Masochistic Intestinal Eruption (2023)
Vault - Dumping Ground (2023)
Vault – Dissolved In Radioactive Sludge (2023)
Veiled Morbidity - Demo (2023)
Venomous Masturbating Pig Rectum – Angel Piss (2023)
Verminate - Torn In 2 (2024)
Vibrations Felt In The Void – Wheel Of Catherine (2023)
Vile Discectomy
Viscera Exposed
Visceral Explosion
Vituperate - Baatscla (2023)
Volatile Disfigurement
Volatile Disfigurement - Maniacal Acts (2022)
Volatile Disfigurement - Volatile Disfigurement (2021)
Voracious Infection
Vulgar Mephitis - Demo (2024)
Vulvic Cistern – Necrolinguistics (2023)
Walking Corpse (US) - Walking Corpse (2023)
White Noise - Introverted Isolated Deprived (2023)
Widow And The Son – Negation (2023)
Withered Fabrication
Withered Fabrication - Lich Fire (2023)
Withered Fabrication - Glaive Of The Headless (2022)
Whore Extermination
Prostitute Butchery - Compulsive Prostitute Killings (2024)
Whore Extermination - Monuments of Grotesque Mutilations (2024)
Whore Extermination - Whore Extermination (2023)
Whore Of Bethlehem
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory - Smile Empty Souls (2023)
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory - A Cruel Invitation (2023)
Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory - Gored To Death (2022)
Yugular – Carcosa (2023)
Death Metal
Гвалт - Горе (2023)
Дизакт (Disact) - Бесчинство (2023)
Дом мясника
Дом Мясника - Геноцид (2013)
Дом Мясника - Auschwitz (2017)
200 Stab Wounds - Masters of Morbidity (2023)
602 - Мёртвые будут жить (2018)
602 - Боги войны (2019)
1917 - Cruel Dimension (2022)
A Distorted Utopia - The Sickened Rain (2023)
Aasar - From Nothing To Nowhere (2023)
Abattoir - Weep The Putrescence (2023)
Abditory - Aliens vs Priests : Summer of 1690 + single (2023)
Abhorrent Execration
Abhorrent Execration - Demo (2023)
Abhorrent Execration - Death... Doom... Despair... (2023)
Abhorrent Rebirth - Abhorrent Rebirth (2023)
Abolish – ...From The Depths (2023)
Abraded - Pathological Primitivism (2022)
Abraded - Unadulterated Perversity (2023)
Abysma - Texas Weed Death (2023)
Abysmal - Black Savage (2023)
Abysmal Daemon
Abysmal Death - De-Liberación (2023)
Abysmal Disarray - Expulsion Of Humanity (2023)
Abyss Walker - Equivocal Orbis (2020)
Abyssal Rift - Extirpation Dirge (2023)
Abyssalis - The Mountain (2023)
Abyssarium - A Deathly and Thrashered Year (2023)
Acausal Intrusion - Panpsychism (2023)
Acherontia Styx
Acid Birth
Acid Birth - The Divine Grotesque (2021)
Acid Birth - Pleasures of Flesh (2021)
Acranius - Amoral (2023)
Adelphophagy - Omnicidal Schematics (2023)
Aeons Abyss - Insidious Truth (2023)
Afternity - DadMetal (2023)
Agnozia - Ultra-Violence (2023)
Akuma - Plus Ultra (2022)
Alchemy Of Flesh – By Will Alone (2023)
Allocer - The First Offering (2023)
Altar Of Obedience - Morbid Devoties (2023)
Among The Bodies
Anatomy of a Creation - Year of Disgust (2023)
Ancient Crown - Ancient Crown (2023)
Angelic Desolation
Angelivore - Fleshfeast (2023)
Angry At The World – Angry At The World (2023)
Animated Dead
Anime Torment – Just a Carcass (2023)
Anna Pest / Argento - Catgirl In The House Of Evil ...And Other Stories (Split) (2023)
Anxiety Collapse - Anxiety Collapse (2023)
Apex Of Devastation – Apex Of Devastation (2023)
Arise From Worms
Arkham Circle - Weapons Of Choice (2023)
Ars Notoria
Art of Attrition - The Void Eternal (2022)
Ascended Dead - Evenfall Of The Apocalypse (2023)
Asile Obscene
Asilian - Escarcération (2023)
Asphyxiation Infecta
Athiria - Conjure The Beast (2023)
Athiria - Decay Cognizance (2023)
Atropine - Sanity Desecration (2023)
Avulsed – Extraterrestrial Carnage (2023)
Banished Realm - Impious Rumination (2023)
Bastard Grave
Becoming the Entity - singles (2024)
Begravement - Desecration of the Meek (2023)
Beguiler - Etterath + Instrumental + single (2023)nrepentant
Belial - Blasphemy (2024)
Below The Graves
Beyond All Misery
Beyond All Misery - Beyond All Misery (2023)
Beyond All Misery - Ascension (2022)
Beyond Chaos - Fanaticvs Sanctvs (2023)
Beyond Extinction - Nothing More Wretched (2023)
Biochemical Genocide – Maggot Gods (2023)
Bitter Loss
Bitterroot - ...Of Human Tragedy (2023)
Black Rabbit
Blackthrone Ascension - The Great Game (2023)
Blasfemia - Golgota...Crápula Sinagoga (2023)
Blasphematory - The Final Dungeon Session (2023)
Blasphematory - The Lower Catacombs (2022)
Blasphemous Fire – Beneath The Darkness (2023)
Blasphemous Putrefaction
Blastaroth - A Ritual Beheading (2023)
Bleeding Brutality - Faced With Annihilation (2023)
Bleeding Display
Blindfolded And Led To The Woods - Rejecting Obliteration (2023)
Blood And Body – Curses (EP) (2023)
Blood Red Throne - Seeking To Pierce (2024)
Blood Upon Thorns
Bloodcurdling - Boiling Sewage Fetish (2022)
Bloodcurdling - Awful Stench Of Old Coffins (2023)
Bloodfiend - Soldiers Of Annihilation (2023)
Bloodgutter - Death Mountain (2023)
Bloodlands - Hostile (2023)
Bloodletting - Eternal Slumber (2023)
Bloodletting Prince - Sanguine Insight (2023)
Blunt Force Trauma - Cacophony of Broken Bones (2023)
Bonebreaker - Hell's Bullets (2023)
Bonesnap - Inhale The Void (2023)
Bonginator - The Intergalactic Gorebong Of Deathpot (2023)
Born Undead - Another One For The Fire (2022)
Bound Hands
Breeding Chaos
Broken Glass Sanctuary
Brvdy Shvdy - Lucifer's Reclamation (2023)
Burning Death - Tormented By Greed (2023)
Burnt Offerings – Unparalleled Violence (2023)
Buryfication - Haunted, Enslaved, Devoured (2023)
Cadaver - The Age Of The Offended (2023)
Cadaveric - Justified Lobotomy (2023)
Cadaveric Mutation - demo (2024)
Cadaverous Odour - Corpus Inhumation (2024)
Cadaverous Stench - Cadaverous Stench (2023)
Calamitous Skies
Cancer Spreading - Deeper Down Once Again (2023)
Carcinoid - Encomium To Extinction (2023)
Casket Slime
Castleumbra - Nammu Tammtu (2023)
Catacomb (Arg) - Paradigm Shift (2023)
Cattle Decapitation – Terrasite (2023)
Cause N Effect
Caustic Vomit - Eloquent Requiems Of Necrotic Decadence (2023)
Cavalera Conspiracy
Cavalera Conspiracy - Morbid Visions (2023)
Cavalera Conspiracy - Bestial Devastation (2023)
Cave Grave - Cavernous Disseminations (2022)
Cavernous Assassin
Cebator - The Valley Of Thorns (2023)
Celestial Burial - Genocidal Extinction (2023)
Celestial Sanctuary - Insatiable Thirst For Torment (2023)
Cemetery Shade
Cenobite – Torment Your Flesh And Explore The Limits Of Experience (2023)
Cenotaph - Riding Our Black Oceans (1994)
Cerebral Extinction
Ceremonial Cryptorium
Cetragore - Plagued By Birth (2023)
Chaos Sanctuary - Instrumentality (2023)
Chasm Of Discord
Chelicerae Growth Pathogen
Chrysalis - D.eforming N.eural A.ggression (2023)
Claustrum – Claustrum (2023)
Coagula – Rot (2023)
Coffin Mulch – Spectral Intercession (2023)
Cold Blooded Murder - Murdercore 4Ya Lifestyle (2023)
Collapsed Mainframe - Theater of Tyranny (2023)
Colton Schorn - Suspended In Atrophy (2023)
Control The Devastator
Convictors - Tartaros (2023)
Cordura — Nibiru X (2023)
Corporal Punishment - The New Plague (2023)
Cosmophobe - これはAliencoreのアルバムです
Craniectomy - Flesh For Profit (2023)
Creeping Death - Boundless Domain (2023)
Crippling Madness - Władcy Nocy (2023)
Criptas - Criptas (2023)
Cronos Compulsion – Malicious Regression (2023)
Crown Magnetar – Everything Bleeds (2023)
Crown Of Horns - Death Eternal (2023)
Crushing Axes
Cry Of The Nile
Cryogenic - Suspended Animation (1997)
Cryptic Doom – Lost Souls (2023)
Cryptic Grave - Awake In A Grave (2023)
Crypticus - CryptMania (2023)
Curse Of Kuru - The Hollow Men (2023)
Cursed Blood
Cynic - ReFocus (2023)
Daemonus Perversu - Decretum (2023)
Dammnatorum - In Umbra Mortis (2023)
Damnations Domain
Damnations Domain - The God of Blood / Damnations Domain (2024)
Damnations Domain - Delaware Death Metal (2022)
Damnations Domain - Adversary (split) (2023)
Damned Ritual
Damngod – Legions (2023)
Dawn of Impurity
De Lirium's Order - Veniversum (2012)
Dead Chasm – Sublimis Ignotum Omni (2023)
Dead Vein
Dead Wasteland - Death Metal Demos (2023)
Deadspeak - Human Alchemy (2023)
Death Mist
Death Mist - Death Punk Massacre (2023)
Death Mist - Pleading for Death (2022)
Death Pickle
Death Portrait
Death Power - The Bogeyman (1990)
Death Reich
Death Warmed Over - Tribulation (2023)
Deathbed – Obsolete Natural Composition (2023)
DeathSpeaker - DeathSpeaker (2023)
Decaying Martyr
Dechristianized – Litanies Of Iconoclasm
Decimate Our Kind - In The Name Of Our Republic (2023)
Declination - Ancestry Devour (2023)
Decorpsetated - Cerebral Disembarkment (2024)
Decrepitorium - Foul Examination of Putrefied Remains (2023)
Defiled – The Highest Level (2023)
Defy The Curse
Demented Aggressor
Demented Heart - Frantic Epidemic (2023)
Demolition Hammer
Descent Into Maelström
Desecresy – Deserted Realms (2023)
Destripated - Crawling Across The Entrails (2024)
Deteriorot - The Rebirth (2023)
Dethroned In Ruins
Devoidment - Cnidarian Synergy (2023)
Diabolical Deformity
Diabolical Messiah
Digest ! / Feaces Christ - Necrotizing Progress (2023)
Dipygus - Wet Market (2023)
Dipygus - Dipygus (2024)
Disclaimer - Misanthrope (EP) (2023)
Dishonour - Erasing The Rats (2023)
Dismal Fate - Ineffable Emptiness (2023)
Dismo - The Architect Of Chaos (2024)
Dismorfia - Eclosion Repugnante (2024)
Dismorfia - Repulsive Mutation (2023)
Dismorfia - Immortal Echoes from the Unknown (2023)
Divine Destruction - Products Of Abomination (2024)
Divinist - Divinist (2023)
Dreadful Deathreign
Dreadful Deathreign - The Bloody Terror (2022)
Dreadful Deathreign - Hex Hecatomb (2023)
Drēor - The Terror Rises (2023)
Eigenstate Zero - Machinery Of Night (2023)
Elysian Tyrant - Discography (2022 - 2023)
Embrace Your Punishment - Made Of Stone (2023)
Encounter Truth
Endless - Universe Conqueror (2020)
Ensanguined - Necrosurgical Savagery (2023)
Enter The Vortex
Enter The Vortex - Netherwalk Reforged (2020)
Enter The Vortex - Netherwalk Instrumental (2020)
Enter The Vortex - Singles (2021)
Entrenchment - После Нас Тишина (2023)
Epicaricacy - Clinging To Misery (2023)
Epicenter - Flood (2023)
Esfincteralgia - Planeta Prisão (2023)
Et Languorem
Eternal Rot – Moribound (2023)
Ethereal Void - Gods Of A Dead World (2023)
Etherean Order – Time Heals Nothing (2023)
Euclid - Revilement (2023)
Evil In - Age Of Immortal Darkness (2023)
Evilosity – Sterile Existence (2023)
Exile To Decadence – Where Demons Dwell (2023)
Existentialist - The Heretic (2023)
Exnun - Nutshell Studies Of Unexplained Death (2023)
Exodia The Destroyer - singles (2022)
Exorency - Mortal Vision (2024)
Exoto - The Final Festering (2023)
Extermination Order
Eye of Fenris - Cerberus (2023)
Eye Splitter – The Sludge King (2023)
Feaces Christ
Feast Of Flesh
Feeding The Archons
Festering Process
Festering Process - Folkgore (2023)
Festering Process - Brain Eater (2019)
Festering Process - Festering Process (2013)
Filth - Violence (EP) (2023)
Fleshbound - Wounded (2023)
Fleshbound - Fleshbound (2022)
Foetal Juice – Grotesque (2023)
Forced Departure - Forced Departure (2022)
Foul Body Autopsy
Foul Body Autopsy - Crucifix Dreams (2023)
Foul Body Autopsy - Shadows Without Light, Pt .1 - 2 - 3 (2021 - 2022)
Frozen Soul – Glacial Domination (2023)
Funeral Vomit - Monumental Putrescence (2023)
Gamma Tauri Spawn - VIcious Gods Below (2023)
Garoted - Bewitchment Of The Dark Ages (2023)
Gavel - Gavel + single (2023)
Genocídio - Fort Conviction (2024)
Ghoul'Art - Black Lodge (2024)
Giggerotah - I See The World - Dead (2023)
Glae - Deception (2023)
Godeatertx - Divine Abstraction (2023)
Gods Of Ancient
Godslut - Procreation Of God (2023)
Gorrified - Horrific Gore (2023)
Gravebirth - All Light Will End (2023)
Gravebirth - Decrepit (2020)
Graverape - Horrors Of Life Eternal (2023)
Gravitatiønal Singularity - As The Stars Fall From The Sky (2023)
Grotesqueries – Vile Crematory (2023)
Guterus - Des Séraphins en Hybris (2023)
Guterus - Verminiscence (2023)
Gutrefaxion - Total Rotten To The Gore Zombie Extravaganza (2023)
Gutrefaxion - Soaking (split)
Gutrefaxion - Tolerance (split) (2023)
Gutz - Myths Dispelled (2023)
Hallucination - Shadow Projection (2023)
Hamarr - Sapience in Anguish (2022)
Hamarr - Bloodthirst (2024)
Hammer Of Gore
Hammer Of Gore - Beheaded And Stuffed With Feces (2022)
Hammer Of Gore / Lebbra - split (2023)
Hanging Fortress - Suspended In Torment (2023)
Hatred Reigns - Awaken The Ancients (2023)
Hell's Lust
Hellwalker - Coldblooded (2024)
Hellwitch - Annihilational Intercention (2023)
Heritage Of Rebellion - Grow From The Decay (2023)
Heruvim - Battle for Cimmeria (2023)
Honor Code - Honor Code (2023)
Horrid Mass - Formless Dread (2023)
Horror Within
Horror Within - Awaiting Extinction (2022)
Horror Within - singles (2020)
Hot Graves
Human Instrumentality Project - LCL Sea (2023)
Humanity Defiled - Déhà
Husqwarnah - Live At Bloom (2023)
Hypaethral - Hypaethral (2023)
I, Satan – The Eld Teltament (2023)
Ibex - The Irrefutable Weight (2023)
Immortal Rotting
Immortal Rotting - Demonic Entities (2023)
Immortal Rotting - The Endless Cycle Of Mental Imprisonment (2023)
Impending Rot
Imperishable – Come, Sweet Death (2023)
Impest - Bone Pit (2023)
Imprisoned In Flesh
Impuritan - Wrath (2023)
Impuritan - EP + single (2017 - 2019)
Imun - Imun (2024)
Inanimate Flesh
Inanimate Flesh - Anomalous Autopsy Aria (2023)
Inanimate Flesh - Obscene Omentum Overture (2023)
Incantation – Unholy Deification (2023)
Incinerous - Contorted Epiphany (2023)
Indicible - Demo (2023)
Inertia - The Human Element (2023)
Infectious Waste - Keep An Open Mind (2023)
Infernal Death
Innefable - Tierra De Muertos (2023)
Internal Decay - Malignant (2023)
Infernal Graves
Infiltration - Cognitive Warfare (2023)
Infinite Design - Embrace The Void (2023)
Inhuman Architects - Cultus Deorum (2023)
Inhumane Reign - You Will Feel At Home (2023)
Innards Decay - demo (2023)
Innumerable Forms - The Fall Down (2023)
Inquisición - El Comienzo Del Fin (2023)
Insade - Human Obsession (2024)
Insidious Nature – A Prelude To The Endless (2023)
Intolerance – Waking Nightmares Of An Endless Void (2024)
Iron Casket - Where Iron Death Roams (2023)
Iron Gate - Throne Of The False God (2023)
Ironmaster – Weapons Of Spiritual Carnage (2023)
Invasión Eterna - Ouroboros (2023)
Inward Mind - The New Maïeutique (2001)
Ivann - Loathing Poems Remake (2023)
Judgement-Day - Sounds Like Heaven, But Hurts Like Hell (2024)
Justified God Killing - The Overthrow (2023)
Kaal Akuma - Turiya (2023)
Kaal Nagini – Refracted Lights Of A Blind God (2023)
Katholik – Entropic Evolution (2023)
Kattlik - Glearing (2023)
Khnvm - Visions Of A Plague Ridden Sky (2023)
Killing Capacity
Knights Of The Abyss / Moria - split (2023)
Kranda Mayat / KrandaMayat - Rhythm Of Death (2023)
Kraner - Protestante ignorante (2021)
LAC - Lacerated And Carbonized
Lac - The Core Disruption (2023)
Lac - Limbo (2023)
Larvae (US)
Left In Agony
Left Path
Legacy Of Brutality – Travelers To Nowhere (2023)
Leprax - Tierras De Sangre (2024)
Leprovore - Horrorreahction (2022)
Liquid Flesh - Dolores (2023)
Lost Brethren
Louco - Louco (2023)
Lunacy - Ritual Of Gore (2023)
Lust Witch - Hands Of Filth (2023)
Maggot Crown
Malevolent Assault
Malevolent Creation
Malevolent Torture
Malignant Excremental - Descrição Explícita E Brutal Da Face Da Morte (2022)
Man Must Die
Mangle - Colostomy Bag
Marana - Death Is Hidden in the Plastic (2017)
Marvel Of Decay - Virulent Realms (2023)
Mauled To Death - Mauled To Death (2023)
Maze Of Sothoth
Measmata – Megalomaniac (2023)
Meatball Grinder - split (2023)
Mélancolia - HissThroughRottenTeeth (2023)
Menace - Open Fire (2023)
Mental Cruelty - Zwielicht (2023)
Miasma Of Occvlt Limbs - Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm (2023)
Mind Prisoner
Minenfeld - Kernsplittung + single (2023)
Minerva - Flesh Addict (2023)
Monasteries - Ominous (2023)
Monastery - From Blood (2023)
Monolith Of Carnage
Morbid Grave
Morbid Grave - Pandemic Mutations (2021)
Morbid Grave - The Slime Crawlers (2022)
Morbus Grave
Morgul Wound
Morrath - Centuries Of Blindness (2023)
Mortal Desecration
Mortal Fate
Mortal Fate - Selfish Society (2023)
Mortal Fate - Death's Tarot (2022)
Mortem Obscuram
Mortem Obscuram — Eradication Of The Human Endeavor (2021)
Mortem Obscuram — The Wretched Divinity (2023)
Mortiferoth - . . . To The Abyss (2023)
Mortiferous Scorn
Mortifica – Land Of The Blind (2023)
Mortuary Sickness - Dark Tendrils of Disease (2021)
Mortuary Slab
Mortyr - Viperish (2023)
Mufa - Tropikäos (2024)
Mutual Hostility - Inhuman Anguish (2023)
Mutilation and Evisceration - Deprivation of humanity (2023)
Mutilation Case - Mutilation Case (2023)
Nasty Surgeons – Anatomy Lessons (2023)
Necrológio - Morte (2022)
Necronomicon ex Mortis
Necrotic Foetal Feculence – Putrid Coprophagic Disembowelment (2023)
Nefarious Vermin - Abolition of Tradition (2023)
Nefastus - Nefastus (2023)
Negative Prayer - Self Wound (2024)
Neolithic - Shattering Vessels (2022)
Neolithic - Neolithic (2019)
New World Depression
Nexwomb - Nexwomb (Instrumental)
Nexwomb - Nexwomb
Nightmare Slaughter - The Mother Of Abortions (2023)
Nightmarer - Deformity Adrift (2023)
Nihilect - Tapestry (2024)
Nihilist Death Cult
Nordic Storm - Mark Of The Beast (2023)
Nothing Lies Above
Obligatory Fiend
Obscenum Desecration
Oculos - Gaslighting (2023)
Of, The Betrayer – Your Darkness Will Save You (2023)
Okult - Postmortal Interrogation (2022)
Okult - Signum Diabolica (2020)
Ominovs - EP (2023)
Omnivalence - Binary Abyss (2023)
Omnivortex - Circulate (2023)
Open Kasket – Blood Moon (2023)
Oppression Denied - Demo (2023)
Orbital Extrema - Apsis (2023)
Order Of The Dead - Illusions (2023)
Osculant Brutality
Ossuary – Stellar Annihilation (2023)
Outer Graves - Last Known Transmission (2023)
Overthrow - Ascension Of The Entombed (2023)
Pain Divine - A Worthy Adversary (2023)
Pandemic Outbreak - Awaken To Mutilate (2023)
Path To War
Perilaxe Occlusion - Vapor Chamber (2023)
Phantom Crawl - Phantom Crawl (2023)
Pheretrum - No Human Heritage (2022)
Phlebotomized - Clouds Of Confusion (2023)
Phormula - Karma's Aura (2021)
Pile Of Death - Introducing Our Impending Doom (2023)
Pissrot - Promo (2023)
Plasmodulated - PLASMODØD Live at Loosey's (2023)
Póstuma Aniquilación - Alucinaciones mórbidas (2024)
Powder Burns - ... На Горячей Земле (2023)
Pronostic - Chaotic Upheaval (2023)
Psora - Triumph Of Evil (2023)
Psychiatric Regurgitation
Psychiatric Regurgitation - Blood, Cum, and Tears (2017)
Psychiatric Regurgitation - Lurid Black Encryptions (2023)
Psycho-Frame - Remote God Seeker (2023)
Psycho-Frame - Automatic Death Protocol (2023)
Psychophony - The Origin Of Nightmare (2023)
Psychostasy - The Empty Circle (2023)
Pura Malum - This Existence (2022)
Purtenance - The Rot Within Us (2023)
Pustilence - Beliefs Of Dead Stargazers And Soothsayers (2023)
Putrid Yell
Reaping Flesh – Abyss Of Existence (2023)
Reaver - demo (2024)
Reborn In Flames
Reeking Corpus
Reign Of Darkness
Repudio - Dominio De La Muerte (2023)
Repugnance - Retrieving Dead Bodies (2024)
Reticulate - The Lungs Of Depravation (2023)
Rigorist - demo (2023)
Ri'lyth - Ascenso (2023)
Riparian - Age Of Splendor (2023)
Rites Of Torment - Promo (2023)
Ritual Of Descent - Death By Toll (2023)
Rotpit - Let There Be Rot (2023)
Rotten Brain
Rotting Divinity / Maggot Feast - Rotting Deceiver (2024)
Sacramento - Four Nails (2024)
Sacred Origin - From Obscurity (2023)
Salem Burning - Immortalia Imperium Et Mortis (2023)
Samael Cooper - Kabbalah For Everyone (2023)
Sanctuarium - Into The Mephitic Abyss (2023)
Sardonic – Sardonic (2023)
Sarmat - Determined To Strike (2023)
Satan Decapitated
Scenic - Before the Beginning (2023)
Scenic Lucid Decay - Revenge Obsession (2024)
Scent Of Death – Into Everlasting Hate (2023)
Scumfuck - The Attitude Era (2023)
Sebastiside - Reincarnate (2023)
Seed of the Sorcerer Womb of the Witch - Perversion Pyre (2024)
Seeping Protoplasm - Exhale Extinction (2023)
Seimos - Unreal (2023)
Sekkusu - Satyrömania (2019)
Sekkusu / Mechanist (2023)
Semprus – A Fractured Reality (2023)
Septic Fumes - promo '23 (2023)
Septos - En El Altar De La Inmundicia (2023)
Serkion - Breeding Of Twisted Souls (2023)
Sermon Of Rot
Serpent Spawn
Servant Of Sorrow - Blistered By The Light Of Heaven (2023)
Sever The Boar's Head - Vultur Gryphus (2023)
Sinusitis - Evolution Seven Gates Of Hell (2023)
Skeletal Throne – Barbaric Torment (2023)
Skeletonization - The Spiritual Lobotomy (2023)
Slathered - Relentless Anguish + single (2021 - 2023)
Slimed - Slime Season Summer (2023)
Smashed - Spreading Death (2022)
Smashed - Spontaneous Decomposition (2021)
Snakepit - Invasion of Fire (2024)
Solar Eruption
Somberpath - Engulfed In Darkness (2023)
Sorcerer - Mirages Of Crystallized Horror (2023)
Sorcerer - Omnipresent Devastation of Spectral Possession (2023)
Soul Profaner
Spacecorpse - Replicate to Dominate + single (2023)
Spasticus - Spasticating Execution (2022)
Spawn Of Evil - Sadistic Missionaries (2023)
Spectrophilia - Putrid Paths Of Depravation (2023)
Sphinx - singles (2020 - 2023) (320)
Spinebreaker - Cavern Of Inoculated Cognition (2023)
Splattergoat - Goatpocalypse (2023)
Squalor - Squalor (2023)
Stone the Oracle
Stormhour - Architect Of Castatroph (2023)
Strike Avenue - Dehumanized Interlude (2023)
Subconscious Terror - Chaotic Diffusion (2023)
Sublation - The Path to Bedlam (2022)
Sublation - On the Advancement of Decay (2023)
Sumatra - Heliocratic Infinity (2023)
Sumen - Mors Certa (2023)
Supuration / Putrid Offal / Krhomadeath / Sepulchral / Dagon / Nocturnal Fears
Obscurum per Obscurius (split) (1992)
Krhomadeath - Grating Into Corpse (1994)
Sulphuric Death – Beyond The Void Of Doom (2023)
SwampTales - I Am The Death (2023)
Swathe - Τhe Last Ray Of Light (2023)
Swinery - Swinery II (Special Edition) (2023)
Swinery - Swinery II (Deluxe Edition) (2023)
Tactosa - Exit Wounds (2023)
Tanork - Destined To Die... (2023)
Temores Enterrados – No Humanos (2023)
Temple Of Void
Tempt Fate - Holy Deformity (2023)
Tenebro - Ultime Grida Dalla Giungla (2023)
Teodolit - Entropy (2023)
Terminal Filth
Terranoct - Icon Of Ruin (2023)
Thallium - Punitive Desire (2023)
The Antikythera Mechanism - Aedorial (2023)
The Beast Within - Sixtinction (2023)
The Bleeding – Monokrator (2023)
The Convalescence
The Fallen Prophets
The Glorious Dead – Cemetery Paths (2023)
The Heretic Anthem - Gathering of the Dead (2023)
The Mid Six - Blasphemous Devourment (2023)
The Plague
The Plague - Extermination (2023)
The Plague - Taken (2022)
The Plague - Workshop (2021)
The Ritual Aura - Heresiarch (2023)
The Screams Of Widow's Son - Void Absolute (2023)
The Unknown - Trinitatis Diabolicum (2023)
The Zenith Passage - Datalysium (2023)
This Means War
Thy Art Is Murder - Godlike (2023)
Ticked Off - Gaslighter (2023)
Tiwanaku - Earth Base One (2023)
To The Grave - Hear Evil, See Evil: The Epilogue Session (2023)
Tormentum / A.T.E.R. - split (2023)
Tormentum - Stench Of Hell (2023)
Tormentum - demo (2022)
Torture Rack – Primeval Onslaught (2023)
Tortured Corpse
Transgressor - Beyond Oblivion (2023)
Transmigration Macabre
Traumatic Asphyxia – Insufferable Disemboweling Experiment (2023)
Triumvir Foul
Umber Mist - Jail Of The Insane (2022)
Umbravoid - Brobdingnagian (2023)
Uncaved - Dogmatorraistes (2023)
Undead - Putrefactio (2023)
Under The Scythe - Realms Of The Void (2023)
Undergang / Spectral Voice – Undergang / Spectral Voice (2023)
Unending Disdain – The Butcher (2023)
Uninhibited - Ascend The Plank (2023)
Unriht - Satanic Black Goat (2023)
Ursus Maximus - The Apex Shredator (2023)
Vaegon – The Particle Eclipse (2023)
Vampire Squid
Vampire Squid - Plasmic (2023)
Vampire Squid – Decade Of Mutiny I (2023)
Vayron - Dead Fish Man (2024)
Vengeance Hammer
Vepkóç - Blasphème (2017)
Vile Ritual – Caverns Of Occultic Hatred (2023)
Vindictive Homicide
Visceral Reaction
Visceral Slaughter - Hell Оn Earth MMXXIII (2023)
Visceral Suffering
Visceral Suffering - Visceral Suffering (2021)
Visceral Suffering - Sons Of Evil (2023)
Vivisection (Australie) – Parasite (2022)
Volatile Ways
Volatile Ways - Compendium (2023)
Volatile Ways - You Died (2022)
Vomitheist - NekroFvneral (2023)
Vomitory – All Heads Are Gonna Roll (2023)
Vortesvin - A Dirge For Dark Days (2023)
Warfield Within
Warfield Within - Beast Inside (2023)
Warfield Within - Inner Bomb Exploding (2010)
Warhell - Uppergut (2016)
When Plagues Collide
Whisper-X - Warside (2014)
Widow's Peak - Claustrophobe (2023)
World Eater – An Insidious Remedy (2023)
Worm Shepherd
Worm Shepherd - The Sleeping Sun (2023)
Worm Shepherd - Ritual Hymns (2022)
Wounded Not Dead - The Alchemist (2023)
Wretched Fate
xGOREx – Sacrificial Liturgy (2023)
ZoofaguS - Cerebra Dentata (2022)
Zvylpwkua - The Outlying Entities (2023)
Жирные Подмышки Дракона Адмирала Чпока
Жирные Подмышки Дракона Адмирала Чпока - Л.Г.Б.Д.Э (Лепреконы / Гномы / Барды / Драконы / Эльфы) (20
Жирные Подмышки Дракона Адмирала Чпока - Эпидемия Нетрадиционной Ориентации В Средеземии (2017)
8 way split de carne rancia devorada por bacterias (2023)
16 way split
69 Squad
Acid Bacteria - De-for-ma-dos (2021)
Acid Shower - Rock Salad (2020)
Active Stenosis
Active Stenosis - Wandering Partially Disfigured (2023)
Maggot Vomit Afterbirth / Active Stenosis (2021)
Alien Fucker
Alien Fucker – Magical Suffering (2024)
Alien Fucker - Gimplanet (2023)
Alien Fucker - Singles Collection Vol.II (2022)
Ampolla / Serious Bodily Harm - Untitled (2024)
Anal Bleeding – Blood, Guts & Sodomy (2023)
Anal Ghost - Spectrophilia (2022)
Anal Prolapse
Anencefalia – Muertes Sin Sentido (2024)
Apocalyptic Noise - Deception Of Humanity
AxCxCx / AssCunt Carnage
AxCxCx / LxD - split (2023)
Bacterial Food
Bacterial Food - split with Seborrheic Keratosis (2019)
Bandalismo - No Mercy in Mexico (2023)
Barbaric Inhumanity - Carotid Laceration
Bed Of Roaches
Bed Of Roaches - Katsaridaphobia (2023)
Before Days of Humanity
Before Days of Humanity / Ass Cunt Carnage - split (2023)
Before Days of Humanity - Downward, Ever Downward (2023)
Before Days of Humanity / Morbid Worm - Molten Lava Corpse (2023)
Before Days of Humanity / Gangrearrea - split (2024)
Benzoylmethylecgonine - Cocaine-induced Midline Destructive Lesion (2023)
Bestiality Thoratfuck - The Severe Beating and Abuse of an Anorexic Whore (2025)
Bighead - Murder. Sodomy. Braineating. (2023)
Bighead - Backwoods Medical Anomalies (2023)
Bigorexia - Extemporaneous Expirations of Existence (2020)
Bimbonic Plague (bimb0nicplague) - Bimbo Torture (2024)
Blessed By Vomit
Blessed By Vomit / Malevolent Pescetarian / Stachybotrys Chartarum - split (2024)
Blessed by vomit - Taxed to Death (2025)
Bloat - Rotbus - Squashed Beef
Blood Splattered Babies
Blood Splattered Babies - BSB/GORE/DVD (2023)
Blood Splattered Babies - split with Gastromesis (2024)
Blood Splattered Babies - split with Pleurisy (2024)
Bloody Diarrhoea - Vaginal Diarrhoea
Blue Holocaust
Blue Holocaust - After the Fall of Man (split) (2022)
Blue Holocaust - 13 Flies on Bloodstained Velvet (2024)
Bodily Stew
Bodily Stew - Promo Number One (2023)
Bodily Stew - Podridos, Destrozados, Y Mutilados (2023)
Bodily Stew - Forensic Pathology (2022)
Boiling Vomit
Boiling Vomit // Lorelai - split (2025)
Boiling Vomit - Failed Treatment (split) (2022)
Boiling Vomit - Scourge Of The World (2022)
Boiling Vomit - Demo (2022)
Bolor - Psicopatia e Crimes Macabros (2021)
Bolor - O Vampiro De Niterói (2024)
Bombsack - Kriske Toebak (2024)
Bombsack / Regurgitasi - Eating Healthy (2024)
Bone Fetish
Bone Fetish - Mummified (2024)
Bone Fetish - Until My End / Feast On Blood (2024)
Bonegraft - Craniosynostosis (2022)
Born Backwards
Born Backwards - Split w/ Sluird (2020)
Born Backwards - Split w/ Post-Mortem Response (2020)
Born Backwards - Split w/ Shrivel Up (2020)
Botfly Cultivation - demo (2024)
Bowel Erosion
Bowel Erosion – A Collection of Septic Fumes (2024)
Bowel Erosion – Death Is The Orgasm Of Life (2023)
Bowel Erosion / Hit Run-Drivers – Pleasures in the Foulness Smells (2021)
Bowel Erosion - Split with Emulsified Meat (2021)
Bowel Evacuation
Bowel Evacuation - Sick Shit For Fetish People (2022)
Bowel Evacuation - Kotstulle zum Mitnehmen (2022)
Bowel Exhibition - Grotesque Wound Assessment (2024)
Bowel Leakage
Bowel Leakage - Deathning Grind (2023)
Breathing Spawn - promo (2023)
Bulma ブルマ
Butchered - Butchered (2024)
Butirat / Urinophilianictomy – Toxic Masculinity (2023)
C9H9N - Breaking the Hell's Flesh (side A) (2023)
C9H9N - Breaking the Hell's Flesh (side B) (2023)
C9H9N - Coshit Virus (2021)
Cadaveric Undead Mutilation
Cadaveric Undead Mutilation - CadaveriC (U) Massacre (2024)
Cadaveric Undead Mutilation - Sexecution (2023)
Calcinado - Autopsia Celestial (2023)
Calcinated - Morgue Serenity (2022)
Cancrum Oris - Lymphadenitis Organopexic Vulnus Edema (2023)
Cannibe / Blasted Pancreas / Putrefuck – 3 Ways To Splatter Your Cadaver (2023)
Carbonized Entrails - Pus Regurgitation (2024)
Carbuncle - Undesirable Drainage (2021)
Carcinosis / Psychosomatic Putrefaction - Third World Blood Feast (2024)
Carcinosis / Flax - Invocations For The Undead (2023)
Carcinosis / Meatshield - Altered States of Goresciousness (2023)
Carcinosis - Forensic Entomology : Establishing Time of Death (2023)
Carcinosis - 10 Ways Goremask (2022)
Carcinosis Death and the Subsequent Anatomical Decomposition (2022)
Carnal Access
Carnal Access / Unholy Lobotomy - split (2024)
Carnal Access - Cardiac Arrest And Myocardial Infarction (2024)
Carnal Access - split with Blood Splattered Babies (2024)
Carnal Access - split with Putrid Stench (2024)
Carnal Access - 195 Minute Unsuccessful Surgery (2023)
Carnal Access - Brutal 3 Way Split (2024)
Carnal Access - Embolic Disgorgement (2024)
Carnal Diafragma
Carnal Diafragma / Oxidised Razor - split (2023)
Carnal Diafragma - Cichajda (2023)
Carnal Diafragma - split with Purulent Spermcanal (2020)
Carniça Gore - Exhumed Corpse (2023)
Cave Dweller - split with Enuresis (2021)
Caveman Attack
Cerebral Suppuration – Forensic Pathology : Death Through The Eyes Of The Medical Examiner (2024)
Clinical Regurgitation - Rancid Smellz & Putrid Flesh
Clot - Bile Extrusion (2023)
Coconut Clit Crusher
Clumps Of Flesh - Selling Corpse Parts Online (2022)
Cobblestoning – Hyperbobilious Explication Of Amaranthine Pestilential Astronomicolon (2023)
Cockoroch - Villa Ojal Live Session (2023)
Cockoroch - Carrot Skull (2024)
Corpse Ooze - Slow Death (320)
Costectomy - split with FDOH (2021)
CrotchRot - Tupiniviquem (2022)
CrotchRot - Brochas From Hell (2019)
Crowbar Facefuck
Crowbar FaceFuck - Defiled With A Crowbar (2023)
Crowbar FaceFuck / Fupa Goddess - CrowBar FupaFuck (2022)
Crowbar Facefuck / xExKxDx - Zombified Cannibal Slaughter (2023)
Crowbar Facefuck - Demented Envisionments (2024)
Crowbar Facefuck – Harsh Pungent Reality (2023)
Crude Decomposition
Cum Book
Cum Book / Laparoscopic Hysterectomy - Секс-Шум (2023)
Cum Book - Reek of fornication (2022)
Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge
Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge - Zaza (2022)
Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge - Born To Kill (2022)
Fupa Goddess / Cum Soaked Corpses Leaking Rectal Discharge - Drug Tales (2023)
Cx9 - ProgrammaGore (2016)
Cumboy Catapulta / Avocado Pornujo - Chocolate Grapes And Olung's Tales (Split) (2025)
Cystgurgle - Expurgating and Gargling Foetal and Cystic Fluids (2024)
Cystgurgle - Putrid Stu (2022)
Cystic Embalmment
Cystic Embalmment - Bardassage Auditif (promo) (2024)
Cystic Embalmment - Demo (2024)
Cystic Embalmment - Folklore De Fond D'égout (2023)
Cystic Embalmment - Demo (2022)
Cystoblastosis - split with Toughguy (2023)
Cystoma / Septic Bloat - Postmortem Human Bloating (2023)
Daging Iblis - Demo (2023)
Death'sFace - Execution (2024)
Death'sFace - Brutal Murder (2024)
D.E.F.A.M.E. - Сквозь трусы прям на усы (2022)
D.E.F.A.M.E. - Doomsday Reptilian Rooster (2024)
Deception of Humanity
Deception of Humanity - Anti Lolicom Terrorism Squad (2023)
Deception of Humanity - We Hate You And Your Project (2023)
Deception of Humanity - The Divine Art of Self Mutilation (Re-Recorded) (2023
Decomposing Serenity
Decomposing Serenity - My Apologies To The Nuns That Drowned (2023)
Meatal Ulcer & Decomposing Serenity - split (2021)
Defiled Corpse Ignition
Deflowered – Decade Of Debauchery (2023)
Deflowered – (1) (2023)
Dehydrated Goat – Engoatment: Crash Course In Practical Goatism (2023)
Delayed Ejaculation – Semen Stuffed Human Brain Souffle (2023)
Deranged Toilet Torture - split with Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Dick Milk
Dick Milk - 2 (2022)
Dick Milk - 1 (2021)
Dick Pill Overdose - DPOD (2023)
Disgorged Foetus
Disgorged Foetus - The Gore Collection (2023)
Disgorged Foetus - Obscene Utter Gore Annihilation (2023)
Dismembered Pig
Dismembered Pig - Cronicas de Pornografia Porcina (2021)
Dismembered Pig - Se Castran Puercos (2023)
Domestic Immunity
Domestic Immunity - Have You Considered Mindfulness (2024)
Domestic Immunity - Demo (2023)
Domestic Immunity - Domestic Immunity (2023)
Don't Exist Salvation
Don't Exist Salvation - The Divine Arrival of Death with Hatred Purify (2024)
Don't Exist Salvation - singles (2023 - 2024)
E.Coli - The Wheel Of Fortune (2024)
Ejaculator Command
Elephantiasis - Swollen And Infected (2023)
Emphysematous Excretion of Gangrenous Debridement
Emphysematous Excretion of Gangrenous Debridement - Cruel Face Of Anime (2020)
Emphysematous Excretion of Gangrenous Debridement / Empyaema - Landslide of Organs (2020)
Endoparasitic Cystfluid Hyperexcretion
Endotoxaemia - Weed-Induced Patho Psychosis 5 Years Compilation (2021)
Fetal Deformity / Endotoxaemia - Greasy Bloated Bodybag Content (2019)
Escrement - The Nature of Man (2024)
Excremental Carnage - The Gross Appeareance For Multicystic Renal Dysplasia (2023)
Excruciation - Asian Pathological Vomit Gorepremacy (2019)
Exhumed – Beyond The Dead (2023)
Exiting Mortuary
Exiting Mortuary – Alkaptonuria (2023)
Exiting Mortuary - Half Hidden House Of Death (2022)
Exiting Mortuary – Rotting Reanimation Through Metabolic Radiation (2023)
Expired - Exquisite Display Of Expired Human Remains (2024)
Faceless Enemy
Faceless Enemy - Nukecore (2023)
Faceless Enemy - Meish Myla (2023)
Faeces Eruption / Urine Festival - Off-Toilet Ecstasies / Multicore Diseases (2024)
Fart Thrower
Fart Thrower – Hemorrhoidectomy (2024)
Fart Thrower - Space Anus (2023)
Fart Thrower - City Of Excrement (2022)
Fat Ex - Secret Society of Bouncing Pleasure (2023)
Feasting Neuropathy - Demo (2025)
Fecal - Battle of the Brownfields (2024)
Fecal Christ & S.M.E.S. – Two Way Toxic Gore (2024)
Fecalworm – Dogmilker (2024)
Fecalworm – Backwoods II (2023)
Fecalworm – Tales From The Backwoods 1 (2020)
Fecalworm / Pathetic – Spoils Of Gore (2023)
Feces On Display
Feeble Inducer
Feeble Inducer - Forensic Fecal Fatality (2025)
Feeble Inducer - Seven Dumps Of Mindless Fury (2023)
Fermented – Necrotizing Fasciitis Caused By Staphylococcus Aureus (2023)
Fermented Anal Nectar - Squirming Of Cadaverous Afterbirth (2022)
Festin Fecal - Envoyer la purée rectale (2022)
Fetal Deformity
Fetal Deformity - Pieces Of A Deformed Unborn Infants (2023) (2023)
Fetal Fist Fuck - The Spawn (2023)
Fetophagia - Saprogenic Foetusogenesis (split) (2024)
Fetophagia / Fupa Goddess (split) (2023)
Fetophagia - Endocarditis (split) (2024)
Fetophagia - Spurcitia (2023)
Fetophagia / Homicidal Ecstasy (split) (2023)
Fetophagia / Lymphotectomy (split) (2023)
Final Heartbeat
Final Heartbeat - split with Terminal Respiratory Secretions (2024)
Final Heartbeat - split with Gangrene Discharge (2024)
Final Heartbeat - Gore Over Glory (2024)
Final Heartbeat - Atrocities Beyond Human Comprehension (2024)
Final Heartbeat / Reclaim (2023)
Final Heartbeat - EP's and Splits (2023)
Final Heartbeat / Pulmonary Fibrosis - split (2023)
Bed Of Roaches / Final Heartbeat (2023)
Final Heartbeat - An Ode To The Decomposing Body (2023)
First Days of Humanity
First Days of Humanity - Fossilized (2024)
First Days of Humanity - A Body Falls in the Woods (2024)
First Days of Humanity - Postmortem Dilatation of the Rectum (2023)
First Days of Humanity - The Analysis of Burnt Human Remains (2023)
First Days of Humanity - Barbarities (2023)
First Days of Humanity - Nonhuman (2023)
Flax - War For Gore (2024)
Flax - Carnage Craft (2024)
Defunto / FlaxGrind - Coffin Grinder (2023)
Putrescent Liquefaction (Flax) - Intravenous Bile Digestion (2024)
Flax - split with Carcinosis (2023)
Flax - Gore Files Split with Fupa Goddess (2023)
Flax - Onychophagy In The Diseased - 4 Way Split (2023)
Flax - Trisected During Gross Examination (2024)
Flax - split with Genophobic Perversion (2023)
Flax - Demo (2023)
Flax - Da Phuc + Bonecrusher (2023)
Flax – Scraping The Rind (2023)
Fluids – Piled IV : The Extended Pile (2023)
Fluids - Putrid Stu
Flystrike - Fresh Flesh To Infest (2023)
Flystrike - Saprogenic Sarcoidosis (2024)
Foetal Fluids To Expurgate
Formol - Ritos Canibales (2022)
Freak Maniacs
Freak Maniacs - Various Stages of the Murder Process (2022)
Fetal Deformity, Infester, Freak Maniacs - Cascading Mounds of Rancid Viscera - 3 way split (2023)
Frogtician – Domain Of Frog (2023)
Fulminate - Investigations of Inadequate Surgical Procedures & Atrocious Exploits (2024)
Fetophagia / Fulminate - Cyborg Putrid Death Swamp (2023)
Fulminate - Condemned to Insufferable Subjugation (2023)
Fulminate – Mindframe (2024)
Fulminate - Fulminate (2022)
Fulminate – Agony Resonates Pleasantly (2023)
Funeral Rape – Spermetery (2023)
Fupa Goddess
Fupa Goddess - Shredded Cheese (2024)
Fupa Goddess / The Voices In My Head - Beach Of Disgust (2023)
Fupa Goddess / AxCxCx - split (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Acidic Fizz - Dat Fupa Jizz (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Furlo Fupa Split (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Rectal Grace - Wrestling Is Real People Are Fake (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Overdosed On Gas Station Dick Pills (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Down In A Hole (2022)
Fupa Goddess / Cranialskinsurgery (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Deglove (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Carniça - Splitting Wigs (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Brains For Shit - Burry (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Antagonist - Fall-Out (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Manson Grind / Maggot Spewer (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Antiseptic - Wash Your Fucking Hands (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Death By Hornets (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Sugar Spiced Anus - Spiced Fupa (2023)
Fupa Goddess / Cartnite - Fishy Buisness (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Unintelligent Design (2023)
Fupa Goddess - Gastrointestinal Distress (2023)
G.Z.P - Brain Bucket (2021)
G.Z.P / Violent Encounter / Mucus Factory - split 3 Way To Drown Into Your Own Body Fluids (2020
Galactorrhea - Dicephalic (2022)
Galactorrhea - Galactorrhea (2020)
Galactorrhea - Ischaemia / Necrosis (2022)
Galactorrhea - Tales From The Mortuary (2021)
Gangrene – Essence Of Putrescence (2023)
Gangrene Discharge
Gangrene Discharge - The Five Stages of Human Decay (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Let's Put A Smile on That Face... (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Agarrado (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with AZTEC (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Brain Cannon (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Cannibe (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Stabbed Repeatedly (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Carvin' 'Em Up! (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Trigeminal Neuralgia (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Carniceria ! (2022)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Blood Splattered Babies (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - Seeding Carnal Rigor (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - The Art of Maggot Debridement Therapy (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - The Smell of Death's Breath (2024)
Gangrene Discharge - split with Final Heartbeat (2024)
Gangrene Discharge / Martian Swamp / Pancreatic Pancake - Gangrene Martian Pancake (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Festering Putrefaction (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - The Body (2022)
Gangrene Discharge – split with Pulmonary Fibrosis (2022)
Gangrene Discharge – split with Necroharrow (2023)
Deranged Toilet Torture ∕ Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Calcified Human Remains (2023)
BudRot / Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Pungent Odour of Decapitated Offals (2023)
Gangrene Discharge / Pancreatic Pancake (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Cystic Hygroma (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Putrefacta (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Postmortem Human Offal - Gingivitis - Putrescine Inhalation (2023)
Gangrene Discharge -Benzoylmethylecgonine (2023)
Gangrene Discharge - Yakisoba (2021)
Gangrene Discharge - Wormosis -Spermatogensis (2022)
Gas Gangrene
Gas Gangrene - Horrific Atrocity of Reality (2021)
Gastric Chunks
Gastric Chunks - Regorged Organ Specimen (2024)
Gastric Chunks / Dextrocardia - split (2024)
Genderis The Bastard - Formulae of the zeroth cell (2023)
Genital Bastard - Something Sick and Bizarre (2024)
Genital Impetigo
Genitals - Genital Horrors (2023)
Genophobic Perversion
Genophobic Perversion - Amassed Putrefied Remains (2024)
Genophobic Perversion - Suffer the Deceased (2024)
Genophobic Perversion - Amorphous Splatter of Cranial Contents (2023)
Contaminated Drug Supply - Hatred for the Flesh (2024)
Genophobic Perversion - Contaminated Drug Supply (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Incisions (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Seismic Cerebral Collapse (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - GP x GP (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - split with Flax (2023)
Genophobic Perversion – Vomit Inducing Sonic Torment
Genophobic Perversion - Brains, Guts, and Funky Stuff (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Human Disposal Methods (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Malodorous Emanations (2023)
Genophobic Perversion - Chapters of Carnage (2022)
Genophobic Perversion - Gore Reprisal (2021)
Gestation – Sentient Tumor (2024)
Gingivitis – Lack Of Oral Compass (2024)
Girth - split with Carbuncle Haggus and Retro Gusto (2024)
Giygas - E-Waste (2023)
Go-Gonad / Transorbital Piss Orgy / Vaginal Cadaver / Killer Klown (2021)
Golem Of Gore
Golem Of Gore - Ischemic Necrosis (2022)
Golem Of Gore - Lipoma (2022)
Golem Of Gore - Gangrene Discharge (2021)
Gonorrhoe Slime
Gonorrhoe Slime - Conjoined (2024)
Gonorrhoe Slime / Gonorrhea Slime - Demo (2023)
Gonorrhoe Slime / Gonorrhea Slime - Lymphoedema split (2023)
Gooped - demo 23'
Gore / Benzoylmethylecgonine - Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (2023)
Gorebones – Stages Of Putrefaction (2023)
Gorupted - 4 split
Gorupted - Gorupted (2023)
Gorupted - Gorn (2024)
Gore / Gorupted - split (2022)
Gorupted / Lipoma - The Head (2024)
Goremincer - split with Crocodile and Caveman Attack (2023)
Gristle – Pain (2024)
Gross Load
Gross Load / Deterioration - The Finer Things in Grind (2023)
Gross Load - Life Cycles Of Parasitic Organisms (2023)
Grotesquerie / Acid Breakup - split (2020)
Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy – Autopsia Horrible Con Un Desastre Anatomico (2023)
Grundle - demo (2022)
Grundle - demo (2023)
Gut Explosion - Happy Gut Day (2024)
Gut Juice
Haggus - What's Your Excuse ? (2023)
Harmony Fault – Gore Beyond Blood (2024)
Helminthemesis - Fatal Cardiac Arrhythmia After Repeated Exposure To 1,1-Difluoroethane (2023)
Helminthemesis - Massive Hepatic Necrosis Following Repeated Isoflurane Exposure (2022)
Hemorroids - Infected Wounds (2024)
Hepatitis Bathtub - A Mountain Of Expulsion (2023)
Hibernoma - Hibernoma (Extended Edition) (2023)
High On Formaldehyde
High On Formaldehyde - The First Year (2025)
High On Formaldehyde - High On Formaldehyde (2024)
Histologist – Histology Of The Cardiovascular System (2024)
HOLY CO$T / Holy Cost
HOLY CO$T / Holy Cost - Boobies, Beer, & Booger Sugar (2023)
HOLY CO$T / Holy Cost - split with Psycho (2024)
Hookworm Homicide
Hookworm Homicide - Homicide (2023)
Hookworm Homicide - True Evil (2024)
Hookworm Homicide - Weep (2024)
Houkago Grind Time
Houkago Grind Time - Koncertos of Kawaiiness: Stealing Jon Chang's Ideas, A Book by Andrew Lee (2024
Houkago Grind Time - Bulma (2024)
Houkago Grind Time - Houkago Derek Time (2024)
Houkago Grind Time - West Coast Grind Invasion (2023)
Houkago Grind Time - Abababa (2023)
Houkago Grind Time - Raw Ass (split with Real Life Ugly) (2023)
Houkago Grind Time - The Second Raid (2022)
Houkago Grind Time - Cruel Face of Anime (2020)
Houkago Grind Time - Blue Holocaust (2021)
Houkago Grind Time - Deterioration (2021)
Houkago Grind Time - Archaganini (2022)
First Days Of Humanity / Houkago Grind Time - Extinction (2019)
Hulla - Typy Hüna (2023)
Hulla - The Decovery (2022)
Hulla - Supermassive Black Wound (2021)
Human Disembowelment - The Sudden Attack of Necrocryptomayhemic Diarrhoea (2023)
Human Pancake
Human Pancake - split with Massive Gore Bulge, Lorelai, and Toxocariasis (2023)
Human Pancake - No Cowards (2023)
Human Pancake - Split with Meat Breath (2021)
Humanity's Fault
Humanity's Fault - 3-Way Head (2024)
Hygroma - Hygroma (2023)
Hymen Holocaust
Hyperemesis / Fetal Deformity (2022)
Hyperemesis - split with Dope Resin (2015)
Hysterectomy - Mangled Faces (2024)
Imundície - Kolaps Civilizace (2023)
Infester - Forensic Fondling of Decomposed Guts (2023)
Infester - ...To Anatomize & Dissect... (2022)
Intestinal Disgorge
Intestinal Disgorge - Lovecraftian Era Compilation (2022)
Intestinal Disgorge - Scat Blast (2021)
Killer Klown
Komodonesia - Digestive System Disorders and Diseases (2023)
Komodonesia - Stab and Slaughter Brachium (2022)
Komodonesia - Radioactive Contaminated Objects UN-2918 (2023)
Komodonesia - Sepsis thoracica (2023)
Kožis - Kill Factory (2023)
Lamida Vaginal - Orgia de Sangre (2014)
Larval Therapy
Larval Therapy / Bulma (2023)
Larval Therapy - split with Toddler Stomper (2023)
Larval Therapy - Larval Therapists (2023)
Las Vegas Mortar Strike – Three Inspirational Songs For The Aspiring AIDS Distributor (2023)
Last Bong Of Humanity
Last Bong Of Humanity – Hymns Of Indigestible Munchies (2024)
Last Bong Of Humanity – The X.T.C. Of Swallowing L.B.O.H. Edibles (2024)
Last Bong Of Humanity - I Can Roll a Spliff Before This EP Is Over (2025)
Lesbian Tribbing Squirt
Limb Collector - Disease Cannon (la grande maladie) (2023)
Limb Disposal – Septic Scavanged Remains Of Trailerpark Whore (2023)
Lipoma / Squalor - Gurgles of Pathological Waste Disposal (2023)
Lipoma / Infester - split (2021)
Lipoma - Torture Pig (2023)
Lipoma - Odes To Suffering (2023)
Lipoma - Petiot (2023)
Lipoma - Mysteries of Surgical Oncology (2022)
Lipoma - Nodular Cystic Fat Necrosis (2022)
Lipoma - Fluids - Trocar (split 2022)
Lipoma - Aesthetic Principles of Reconstructive Surgery (2021)
Liquified Disposal - Demo (2023)
Lymphatic Drainage Of Pus Filled Sores - Coagulated & Decomposed (2023)
Lymphoblast - Lymphoblast (2023)
Lymphoedema - Expedited Decompostion
Malt - Nekromurder (2023)
Malt - WitchCraft (2024)
Marilyn Mayson - Salope adolescente excitée, squirte dans toute sa cuisine (2024)
Massacredition – This Is Good For You (2011)
Meat Spreader
Meat Spreader - Mental Disease Transmitted By Radioactive Fear (2024)
Meat Spreader - A Swarm Of Green Flies Over The Rusty Pot (2018)
Meatal Ulcer - Pish Of Fish (2020)
Meatcleaver - In The Flesh (2023)
Meatshield / Aroma - Human Cross Section Collection (2024)
Meatshield - Trisected During Gross Examination (2024)
Meatshield - Gutter Rose (2023)
Meatshield - Suicide Club (2022)
Meatshield - Subdural Hematoma (2022)
Melted (Inde) - demo (2024)
Memoblastoma - From Circumvent To Obliteration (2022)
Memoblastoma - Kekodemo (2021)
Menometrorrhagia - Dryland Drowning (2023)
Mephitic Torso - A Gory Vortex of Psychosis and Symbiotic Aberrations (2024)
Mieloblastoma - The Gore, The Grind, and The Core (2023)
Molecular Disembowelment – Captive Congealed Aneurysms (2023)
Morbid Gorgeous Girl
Morbid Gorgeous Girl - Swine Abattoir (2023)
Morbid Gorgeous Girl - Morbid Femicide (2022)
Morgue Tar
Morgue Tar – Morgue Tar (2023)
Morgue Tar – Shotgun Cock (2021)
Morgue Tar – Diegested (2024)
Morgue Tar – Immersed In Mortiferous Enmities (2022)
Morgue Tar – Servitude In Perpetual Anguish (2023)
MRSA – Surgery As Spectacle (2023)
Muciferous - Muciferous (2024)
Mucus Factory
Mull - Disseminated Lesion (2024)
Mull - a cataclysmic assortment (2024)
Multicyst - Maggot Knife Insertion (2023)
Murder Rape Amputate – The Ramifications Of Doubled Abomination (2023)
Mutant Fetal Abortion - Mastication Of the Savagely Mutilated Face Avulsion (2023)
Mutated Sex Organ - Abyss of Flesh (2023)
MxMxMx - 8 Éxitos Chacalosos (2023)
Necro Cannibal Ass Grinder - Discography (2018 - 2022)
Necroblast - demo (2023)
Necrophilic Autopsy - Scrolling To Find Good Porn Only To Be Turned Off By Amusing Thumbnails + sing
Necropsy Odor
Neural Indent
Neural Indent - Diprosopus (2022)
Neural Indent - Brainless Infant (2022)
Neuro-Visceral Exhumation
Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - Gruesome Body Count (2022)
Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - Vivisected Humans (2021)
Neuropathy - Deterioration of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (2020)
Neuropathy - Bloated With Own Fluids (2019)
Neurozystizerkose - Lobotomy For All (2022)
Neurozystizerkose - Pandemia, Hysteria, Extermination, Death (2021)
Nothsa's curse - Bloated Decomposing Body in a Tub (2023)
Nyctophagia - Prisoners of a Poison Realm (2023)
Nyctophagia - Reincarnated to Suffer Again (2023)
Nyctophagia - split with Brilliant Behemoth (2024)
Nyctophagia / Regrave - split (2025)
Nyctophagia - split with Hibernoma (2023)
Nyctophagia - Chicago Flybath (2023)
Nyctophagia - split with Thanatopsis (2023) (2023)
Nyctophagia - Arrival of the Shadow (2023)
Organ Failure – Assisted Anatomical Butchery (2024)
Organic Brain Disorder
Organic Brain Disorder – Gruesome Acts Of A Deranged Mind (2023)
Organic Brain Disorder - demo (2023)
Orgasmic Amputation
Orthopedic Cranial Encavement
Oxcipital Pus - Putrid Mass Of Human Decay (2023)
Pachydermo Scato - Mierda De Elefante (2022)
Paleolithic Gore – Evolution (2024)
Pancreatic Pancake
Pancreatic Pancake – A Rotten Mass Of Decomposing Flesh... (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake / Perky Macabre – A Pungent Explosion Of Putrid Rot And Decomposed Waste (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – Reduced To A Mere Maggot Incubation Chamber Of Putrid Rot And Liquified Flesh..
Pancreatic Pancake – Self-Inflicted Intra-Oral Cranial Explosion Of Fatal Proportions (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – A Grotesque Display Of Anatomical Destruction (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – Cruelty Beyond All Comprehension (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – The Anatomy of Death (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake – split with Gangrene Discharge (2023)
Pancreatic Pancake / Prosthetic Face – Excremental Mess Of Fecal Putrilage (2023)
Pancreatic Purulence - Complete Purulent Annihilation Of The Pancreas (2023)
Pancreatite Necro Hemorragica
Pancreatite Necro Hemorragica - Old Rotten Symphonies to Infest Rancid Ears (2022)
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis (Mexique)
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Aromatica Germenexcitacion en Orgias De Viscosa Y Amar
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis / Parasite (split) (2015)
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Viscosas Voces Desde La Necroorgia (2010)
Paraproctitis - Feridas Infectadas Na Cobertura Do crânio (2024)
Paraproctitis - Inflamação purulenta de feridas após congelamento das extremidades (2023)
Parastratiosphecomyia Stratiosphecomyioides
Pathology Infection - Pathology Infection (2024)
Penetrated - The League of Extraordinary Degenerates (2020)
Petiot - Xipophages (2024)
Petiot - Amblyopia (2023)
Petiot / Vomitrom (2024)
Petiot - Dis-Gore-O-Graphy (2012 - 2023)
Petiot / Regurgitasi (2023)
Petiot - Podre (2023)
Petiot - Disposable Life (2021)
Putrefacta / Petiot - Morgue Escape (2023)
Piggy - Superfiesta (2022)
Piggy - Porcogore (2017)
Pigto - The Grotesque Sound of Penetrations Into Fetal Corpse (2024)
Pigto - Sea Of Filth (2023)
Pigto - Let The Games Begin (2023)
Pigto - Grindano (2023)
Pigto - Putrid Liquid From A Purulent Disease (2023)
Pigto - I Love BBQ (2022)
Pigto - Bulk + Raw (2022)
Piss Leech
Piss Leech - Vehicular Meatgrinder (2024)
Piss Leech / Fetophagia - split (2023)
Decedent / Piss Leech - split (2024)
Piss Leech - Sequoia Banshee Boogers (2023)
Piss Leech - Mince Is For The Scene Kids (2023)
Piss Leech - Piss Leech (2023)
Piss Leech - Dacryphilia (2023)
Pleurisy - Degenerative Goregrind (2024)
Pocket Pussy Maggots - Invasion Of The Cum Maggots (2023)
Policarpo Diaz - Ferralla (2021)
Poodator – Everyone Can Eat Shit (2024)
Poodator – Resurrectum (2024)
Porno Fart
Porno Fart - Asstral Humor Dealer (2023)
Porno Fart - Fart Smear (2023)
Pornocaust - Spanking bacanales (2019)
Portrait of God - Homegrown Gore (2024)
Positive Vaginal Vibration
Positive Vaginal Vibration – Thrash Metal Party + single (2021)
Positive Vaginal Vibration - Дико Диком (2023)
Posthumous Regurgitation – The Coroner's Guide To Cadaveric Cuisine (2024)
Postmortem Defecation
Postmortem Defecation - split with Descab / Malevolent Pescetarian / Unlimited Edition (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - The Bloated Celestial Hag (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - Postmortem Defecation (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - split with Tobaya (2023)
Postmortem Defecation - split with MxYxDxExPxRxExSxSxIxOxN (2023)
Pothead - WWW We Wanna Weed (2013)
Prolonged Exposure - Gorebones
Psychosomatic Putrefaction
Psychosomatic Putrefaction - Putrefaction Rots Minds And Corrupts Flesh (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary Fibrosis, Archagathus / Grinders Of Darkness – split (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Bowel Leakage – split (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis - split with Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy & Take That Vile Fiend (2023)
Pulmonary Fibrosis - split with Thanatopsis (2024)
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Stenches Beyond Repulsive / Purulent Spermcanal / Monstruo - World Stories of G
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Grotesque Organ Defilement / Gourmet – Trigonous Tonotopic Terror (2022)
Pulmonary Fibrosis / Bisturi – split (2022)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - The Eroticism of the Self-Mutilated (2022)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - Diabolical Revulsion (2023)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - The Filth Is Alive (2023)
Pulsating Cerebral Slime - From Dismemberment To Exulceration (2023)
Pussy Fermentation - Pussy Fermentation (2023)
Pustule / Vaginal Cadaver - All stars GangBang (2021)
Pustule / Anal Ghost - The last putrid ghostly night (2023)
Putrefacta - Repulsive Regurgitations (2024)
Putrefacta - Vantablack Necrosis (2023)
Putrefacta - Septicemic Metamorphosis (2022)
Putrefucktion - 5 tracks (2023)
Putrefucktion - From Body Stain To Skeletonization (2023)
Putrefucktion - Decomposed At First Sigh (2024)
Putrefucktion - demo (2024)
Putrescine Inhalation
Putrescine Inhalation - Bodily Stew (2023)
Putrescine Inhalation - Stinks Like Shit (2022)
Putrescine Inhalation - Intoxication From Cadaveric Reek (2022)
Putricine - Putricine (2023)
Putrid Fetus – Human Acid Worms Melted (2023)
Putrid Liquid
Putrid Liquid - Putrid Planet (2022)
Putrid Liquid / Bacterial Food (2020)
Putrid Liquid - Enigmatic Reinforcement of an Endlessly Self Destructive Crisis (2024)
Putrid Parrot
Putrid Stu
Putrid Stu - Buried Alive In A Trailer Park (2022)
Putrid Stu - Sawing 'Til Sundown (2023)
Deterioration / Putrid Stu – split (2023)
Putrid Stu - Fallopian Tomb (2024)
Putrid Stu - Transfigere (2024)
PeelingFlesh / Putrid Stu – Ghetto As Hell (2023)
Putrido (Chili) – Agusanado (2024)
Pyosis - Driving Through Pyosisified Pools of Diarrhea, Cysts, and Sebum (2022)
Pyosisified - demo (2020)
Rancid Stench - Human Decay (2023)
Rat Mincer - Every Socket Stabbed (2023)
Rawhead - Ever Deepening Wounds (2023)
Reclaim - split w/ Vomer (2023)
Reclaim - split w/ ShitPipe (2023)
Reclaim - Dabbing Cadaveric Reclaim (2023)
Rectal Catheter - Rectal Catheter (2024)
Rectum Torture
Rectum Torture - Eons Of Rectal Torment (2023)
Rectum Torture - Gut + singles (2021 - 2022)
Redundant Protoplasm
Redundant Protoplasm / Los Reyesz Bong Death (2021)
Redundant Protoplasm - Adipose Piquerism : A Collection Of Maniacal Bloodlettings (2020)
Reeking Pile Of Septic Brain Fluid - The Meconium Excrement (2023)
Rescatate Barrilete - DeMMMohh (2014)
Retching Pus
Retching Pus - Smears of Red Stool (2021)
Retching Pus - Infected Excremental Slush (2021)
Rhabdomyosarcoma - split with Cystgurgle (2024)
Roast Dead - Force Fed To Death (2023)
Rotbus - Mince Out The Jams (2024)
Rotbus / Tripas Sangrientas - split (2024)
Rotten Skull - Padre Pedofilo (2023)
Sadomasochistic Necroasphyxiation – Full-Scale Rupture (2023)
Salvaged Flesh - Demo (2023)
Sarcophaga Carnaria
Sarcophaga Carnaria - So Tasty... (2006)
Sarcophaga Carnaria - ... Of Flies And Men (2004)
Scuff - Gore Galore (2019)
Sebum Excess Production
Sebum Excess Production / Fetal Deformity (2021)
Sebum Excess Production - Eruptive Dermatological Putrefactional Sebumfied-Symphony (2023)
Sebum Excess Production - Untitled (2021)
Seeping Rotten Sludge – Internal Decapitation (2023)
Septic Convulsion
Septic Necrosis
Septic Necrosis - Split Eye (2023)
Septic Necrosis / Before Days of Humanity - Hyperblasting Filth and Gastrointestinal Abscesses (2024
Septic Sludge - Regurgitated Afterbirth (2021)
Septic Vomit
Septic Vomit - split with Menk (2024)
Septic Vomit - 2 trax (2023)
Septic Vomit - demo (2022)
Septicemic Plague - Discography (2018 - 2020)
Septizin - promo (2023)
Serotonin Leakage
Serotonin Leakage - Fugue State (2022)
Serotonin Leakage - 2C (2023)
Service Gériatrie - Service 5 Étoiles (2023)
Sex On The Morgue
Sex On The Morgue - Sickness Of 21st Century (2023)
Sex On The Morgue - Ways of Necrozoophilic Deviancy (2023)
Shotgun Cock - Cock and Load (2023)
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sick Sinus Syndrome - Swarming Of Sickness (2023)
Sick Sinus Syndrome - Rancid Fermenting Disgust (2022)
Sick Sinus Syndrome - Rotten To The Core (2021)
Siderose - Quem lucra ? Quem morre ? (2023)
Smell Dead - Necropoop (2016)
Soaked In Cadaveric Mush
Sociedad de Bipedos sin Plumas
Sordid Clot - Raging Of Noble Rots (2022)
Sores For Days - It Only Gets Worse / Swollen, Limping, and Inflamed (2023)
Spanky Ham - Born To Grill (2023)
Spastic Tumor
Spastic Tumor - Autopsy Exploitation (2023)
Spastic Tumor - Murder Weapon (2022)
Sperm Of Mankind
Spewtum – Obsessive Repulsive (2024)
Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia - I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Gore (2022)
Splurgatory – Plap Plap Splurt (2023)
Sporadic Killings
Squash Bowels + Disgorge - Grind Your Fucking Head split (2023)
Squashed Necropsy - Faceless Autopsy (2024)
Staph Colony - Fascists Get Beaten Into Unrecognizable Mush (2022)
Stenches Beyond Repulsive
Stenches Beyond Repulsive - Horrible Cannibal Tales (2020)
Stenches Beyond Repulsive - World Stories of Gore (split) (2022)
Suicide Of A Deity – Infested Decomposition (2024)
Suicide Of A Deity - Gallery Of Decay (2024)
Sulfuric Cautery
Suino Nekrosatanico
Suino Nekrosatanico - A Volta Da Purulência (2022)
Suino Nekrosatanico - Rituais (2022)
Sulsa - discography (2016 - 2018)
Surgical Supression
Surgical Supression - Lawnmower Rhytidectomy (2021)
Surgical Supression - D-Beat Vomit Punk Regurgitation (2021)
Swamp Nuts
Swamp Nuts - Swamp Nuts (2019)
Swamp Nuts - Leper Whore (2021)
Swunt - Sperm Of Mamouth (2021)
Szarfaszú Vizelet
Take That Vile Fiend
Take That Vile Fiend - Splachnic Glitch (2023)
Take That Vile Fiend - split with Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy & Pulmonary Fibrosis (2023)
Teratocarcinomas - Caustic Soda (2023)
Teratocarcinomas - Filth and Suffering 3 (2022)
Teratocarcinomas - A Night Of Terrifying Horror (2022)
Teratoma (Chili)
Terminal Secretions - Observations on the Pathological Anomalies of the Human Anatomy (2023)
Terrortoma - Teratomaterror (2022)
Testicular Cancer
Testicular Cancer - 11 Songs To Fuck To (2020)
Testicular Cancer - The Testicular Zone (2020)
Thanatopsis - Fidelis Ad Mortem (2022)
Thanatopsis - Lymphangiomatosis (2022)
The Sludge
Torture Pig
Torture Pig - split with Arthritis Treatment Malfunction (2024)
Torture Pig - Orificial Devastation (2025)
Torture Pig - Homicidal Paraphilia (2024)
Torture Pig - split with Gangrene Discharge (2024)
Torture Pig - Torture Pig (2023)
Torture Pig / Lipoma (2023)
Torture Pig - Grease Bucket (2023)
Torture Pig - split with Aroma (2023)
Torture Pig - Trisected During Gross Examination (2024)
Torture Pig - split with Cock Mauler (2024)
Torture Pig - A Lesson in Depravity (2024)
Torture Pig - Toilet Pig (2023)
Torture Pig / Crush the Berzerker (2023)
Torture Pig - Discography (2018 - 2022/23)
Toughguy - Heinous Acts Of Random Violence (2024)
Toughguy - Charged By Mince Powered By Gore (2023)
Toughguy - splt with Cystoblastosis (2023)
Toughguy - splt with Archagathus (2023)
Trachoma - Pancreatite Necro Hemorragica
Trachoma - Yakisoba (2023)
Trikomoniasis Fournier
Trikomoniasis Fournier - Necrofilia (2015)
Trikomoniasis Fournier - Backstreets Gores (2020)
Tripas Sangrientas
Tripas Sangrientas - Mincegore Meth Masters (2023)
Tripas Sangrientas - 3 piece sgv gore demo (2023)
Trocar - Piecemeal (2023)
Trocar - White Room Torture (2023)
Turning Paralysis
Turning Paralysis - split with Вскрытие Покажет (2017)
Turning Paralysis - Repentance in degradation (2011)
Ustel – Breviary Of Compulsive Excretory Forms (2023)
Ustel – Cadaveric Extirpations and Putrefaction Eaters (2024)
Uterus Disintegration
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty - Rotten Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Preparation (2023)
Vaginal Cadaver / Crocodile – 2 Ways 2 Torture (split) (2023)
Vaginal Diarrhoea
Vaginal Diarrhoea - Reanimated Infant of Abomination (2022)
Vaginal Herpes
Vaginal Herpes - Dangerous Street of Guayaquil (2023)
Vaginal Herpes - Sexually active nurses (2020)
Vaginal Purulence - Misogynistic Orgasm (2016)
Venomous Masturbating Pig Rectum - Extreme Grandma Party (2024)
Vile Disgust – Sodomy And Gonorrhea (2023)
Violent Memories - Trypophobic Scar Designs (2023)
Visceroblastoma - Postquirurgical Complication Of Bowel - Closed Abdominal Trauma (2021)
Vomi Noir
Vomi Noir - Des Maux d'Hématémèse... Collection Purulo-Sanguinolente (2023)
Vomi Noir - L'Innommable Remugle et la Mélopée Cavernuleuse des Râles Agoniques (2023)
Vomito (Uruguay)
Vomito (Uruguay) - Cazador Kemper (2014)
Vomito (Uruguay) - Expulsión Violenta de Bilis (2015)
Vômito / Traqueomalácia (Brésil)
Vomitoma - Reeking Rarities (2023)
Vulgaroyal Bloodhill – Empire Of Sickness (2023)
Want A.S.S - I Wanted To Fuck Her,But I Farted (2024)
Whatsdysmorphia - Misery Upload (2023)
Wither Basilisk - Wither Basilisk (2023)
Yakisoba - Brains (2021)
Human Pancake & Spewtum & Yakisoba & Gangrene Discharge & Wormosis - split Carniceria (2022)
Ziplock - split with Marijuana Mince Masters (MxMxM) (2023)
Ziplock - Majiruana Mincecore (2022)
Ziplock - Wheelin And Dealin (2024)
Zombie Rhythm Machine - Vol.2 (2023)
Septic Corpse - demo (2024)
Grindcore - Deathgrind - dBeat
(Various Artists) - A Grindcore Tribute To Nirvana (2021)
.gif From God
Дизакт - Бесчинство (2023)
Φρίκη (Friki) - Σωτήρες (Saviors) (2019)
Συντρίμμια – Repulsive Inexpression (2023)
Abjured - Changed ...? Nothing...! (2023)
Aborted Stillborn - Pregnant Woman Amputation (2023)
Abortion - No Lives Matter (2020)
Abortion / Per Capita (split 2018)
Abscessive - Demo (2023)
Abysm - Neuroses (2023)
Accelerated Mutation - Ashes (2024)
Accidental Death Benefit
Active Shooter
Active Shooter - Life Stands Still (2022)
Active Shooter - Sign of The Times (2019)
Afonia – Smile Of Sysiphus (2011)
Agathocles - The conquest of Patagocles (2023)
Agathocles - Mincer (2006)
Agency - Demo (2023)
Agency - Infinite (2022)
Aggressive Tyrants - Ve jménu sexu (2023)
Ajal - Burial Pit (2024)
Ajal - Black Bodybag (2023)
Ajal - Rot of Occupation (2024)
Alien's Purger – The Korotian's Saga (2023)
Amnesia Ceiling - Amnesia Ceiling (2024)
Among Them In Trenches
Anarchus - Polish Mexico (2022)
Anus Magulo - Goregeous Grooves (2023)
Apocalyptic Noise
Apocalyptic Noise - The Mexican Chainsaw Massacre (2023)
Archagathus / Assur - split (2023)
Archagathus / Meat Spreader - split (2020)
Artificial Extinction - Nothing In Particular (2024)
Artificial Scarcity
Artificial Scarcity - Empires To Ashes (2023)
Artificial Scarcity - The Potential to Storm Heaven (2022)
Asphyxiant - Nuclear Biochemical Warfare (2023)
Astral Church
Asymmetrical Dismemberment - Asymmetrical Dismemberment (2023)
Auditory Anguish - Tragedies Of Western Existence (2023)
Autodafe - Zapruder (2023)
Autotomy – Vomiting Cleans the Soul (2024)
AVET - Pjesme za dušu (2024)
Awful Noise – A Peaceful Death With Pretty Flowers (2023)
Axis Of Despair
Bastard - Bastard (2023)
Bayht Lahm - Widening Autonomy (2023)
Bandit - Siege Of Self (2023)
Beastplague - A Different Animal (2023)
Belarus Beaver
Belati Berkarat
Belati Berkarat - Crust (2023)
Belati Berkarat - Nuclear Enslaving (2021)
Belati Berkarat - Bias Destruksi (2024)
Belati Tajam - Perjalanan Dimensi (2024)
Bespokoistvo - Bespokoistvo (2023)
Besta – Terra Em Desapego (2023)
Bestial Vomit / Social Chaos - In Chaos We Vomit (2023)
Birdflesh - Sickness In The Nort (2023)
Blame Curse People - Weapons of Trust, Downward Desire (2024)
Blank Expression : Inward Destruction - Raped of Being (2024)
Blasting Gore Necropsy
Blasting Gore Necropsy - Regurgitative Enema Glorification (2020)
Blasting Gore Necropsy - singles (2023)
Bleachdrinker - Nurser
Bleeding Maw - Endless Punctures (2023)
Blemish – Omnipresence (2023)
Blind Regression - Phase I : No Progress (2021)
Blindness - Everything Has A Life Has An End (2023)
Bone Coffin
Born With Worms Inside
Born With Worms Inside - Panem x Circences (2024)
Born With Worms Inside - Sheep (2024)
Braineater - Unsown and Dead (2024)
Brave The Cold
Bred For Slaughter
Brilliant Behemoth
Brilliant Behemoth - demo (2023)
Brilliant Behemoth - split with Nyctophagia (2024)
Bullshit Propaganda - Relentless Constraint (2024)
ByoNoiseGenerator – Neuromechanica (2018)
Cadaver 322
Canibalismo Genital - Desmembrado pero feliz (2023)
Caldo de cabeza
Caldo de cabeza - Split with Ayakara (2022)
Caldo de cabeza - Caotico Mundo (2019)
Captain Spaulding's Kitchen
Cave Moth
Cementerio - EP (2023)
Chadhel - Faché (2023)
Chadhel - Eastwood (2023)
Chadhel - split with Jack (2024)
Chadhel - Failure // Downfall (2022)
Chainsaw Dissection
Chainsaw Dissection - Apocalyptic Grindcore (2024)
Chainsaw Dissection - Only Gore Remains (2024)
Chainsaw Mouth - Chainsaw Mouth (2023)
Charkutterie - Paté d'amour (2022)
Charkutterie / Incest Analfest (2023)
Chepang - Swatta (2023)
Chiens - Trendy Junky (2019)
Chiens - 1.8.7 Myself (2023)
Child – Shitegeist (2024)
Civilian Thrower
Civilian Thrower / Mindcollapse - split (2025)
Civilian Thrower - Sangre de Idiotas (split) (2023)
Civilian Thrower / Convulsions - split (2025)
Civilian Thrower - Proudhon (split) (2023)
Civilian Thrower / Aligrindtor - split (2024)
Closet Witch - Chiaroscuro (2023)
Clot - Grief Tethers (2023)
Cloud Rat
Člověk v plísni - Kazeta (2022)
Coffin Nail
Coffinfeeder - Demonstration Of Torment (2023)
Coincidental Connection - Deadlock (2024)
Containment - The Act of False Illiteracy (2023)
Controlled Existence - Out Of Control (2024)
Convulsions - Grindcore Not War (2023)
Convulsions - Split with Insect Terror (2020)
Corpse Eater - Age Of Reckoning (2024)
Cosmic Hearse
Cropsy Maniac - Cryptmania (2023)
Crustica - Mas Cerca De La Muerte (2023)
Cryptic Void – Physwar // Psywar (203)
Cult Of Putrefaction - Cult Of Rotten Bodies (2023)
Dead Friends - Pool Party (2018)
Dead Meat (Canada)
Deadburied - Masterpiece Collections (2023)
Deadburied - Exhumation Of Worship Rites And Dementia (2022)
Deadfuck – Valeur Chair (2023)
Death Crusade
Death Crusade - Wojna (2023)
Death Crusade - Znów płonie niebo (2023)
Deforme - Deforme (2023)
Defunto / Sadistic Pathology - Pathological Theories of Sadistic Dead (2023)
Deliriant Nerve
Deliriant Nerve - Contaminated Conscience (2023)
Deliriant Nerve - Domed (2022)
Demolish Terror - Demolish Terror (2025)
Denial Of Existence – Carronero De La Existencia (2023)
Depopulation Department
Deprived Existence
Desalmado - Inquisition (2024)
Deterioration / Gross Load - The Finer Things in Grind (2023)
Deterioration - Transcending Human Confines (2021)
Deterioration / Incinerated - split (2018)
Deterioration - Retaliatory Measures (2022)
Deterioration - Split w/ Traffic Death (2023)
Deterioration - The Unnatural Mind (2019)
Dischange - Seeing Feeling Bleeding (1993)
Discharge - A tribute to Discharge Vol.2 (2023)
Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing (1982)
Dishönor (Grèce)
Dishönor - Chain Reaction, Mass Extinction (2024)
Dishönor - Dishönor (2019)
Document 6 - Grindecade (2022)
Draymond - demo (2023)
Driltusk - Demo (2021)
Dumping Ground - demo (2023)
Dissordawtisms - A Presentation... Of Simple Ideas + single (2023)
Dystopian Omen
Egregore – Synchronistic Delusions (2023)
Eiter - Gewalt (2023)
Elder Devil - Everything Worth Loving (2023)
Electric Bath
Embolism - Grinding Reality (2023)
Endless Swarm
Endorphins Lost
Endorphins Lost - Head Sick (2022)
Endorphins Lost - Night People (2023)
Entrail Asphyxiation
Entrail Asphyxiation - Entrail Asphyxiation (2024)
Entrail Asphyxiation - Entrail Asphyxiation (demo) (2023)
EntröpiaH - split with Grinding (2023)
Error Scream
Excremental Ingestment - The Repulsive Digesting (2024)
Exogorth / Yesman - split (2023)
Exposed Guts
Extreme Hate - Where The Faith Left In Darkness of Greed (2021)
Eyeteeth - Straight Edge Violence (2023)
Face Pulp - Demo (2022)
Fadead / Artificial Extinction - split (2024)
Fading Trail / Järnbörd / Abanglupa / Horornisdiphonevalley - No Blessing 4way split (2024)
Fake Dust - discography (2022 - 2024)
Fascistectomy - Fascistectomy (2019)
Fascistectomy - Apathetic Generation (2023)
Fat Drunk and Stupid
Fatal Sacrament
Fearmonger - Singularity (2023)
Fentanyl Tapwater - split with Disposal Unit (2023)
Forced Starvation - Forced Starvation (2025)
Forefront - All In Despair (2023)
Frigority - Stay Cool Or Die (2024)
FUBAR (The Fubars) - Jusification Of Criminal Behaviour (2005)
Full Of Hell
Full Of Hell - Aurora Leaking From An Open Wound (2022)
Full Of Hell / Primitive Man - Suffocating Hallucination (2023)
Fumigated - Sewage Grinder (2021)
Fumist - Coaltar (2024)
FVCT ERTH - Drunken Mass Homicide (2024)
Gehenna Faction
Gendo Ikari - Rokubungi (2023)
Genestealer - Genestealer (2022)
Genocide Doctrine - Sleepers (2023)
Glimpse Into Genocide
Glimpse Into Genocide - This Is A Threat (2023)
Glimpse Into Genocide - Scum Colony (2019)
Glista - Never Apologise For Defending Yourself From Being Violated (2023)
Grindfernö – Human Stupidity (2023)
Global Horror - EP (2024)
Gorzung – Paraphrenia (2023)
Graf Orlock - End Credits (2023)
Gravehuffer - Depart From So Much Evil (2023)
Greia - Don't Even Think About It (2022)
Greia - Suet Overdose (2023)
Greia – Human Supremacy (2024)
Grindcore Godzilla Extravaganza
Grindcore Godzilla Extravaganza - Delírio Contínuo do Caos (2022)
Grindcore Godzilla Extravaganza - Terror Absoluto (2022)
Grinding - split with Entröpiah (2023)
Grinding - Hecatombe (2021)
Gritted Teeth / Stern Look - split (2023)
Groin - Paid in Flesh (2024)
Gross - Gruesome Twosome (2023)
Growls - Muddled Truth (2022)
Growls - Old School (2016)
Gruta - Abismal (2023)
Guillty - Mass Exploitation (2023)
Gummo – Assimilation Is Death (2023)
Gvillotine - Hell Is Other People (2024)
Hacked Apart
Hacked Apart - all the splits (2022 - 2023)
Hacked Apart - Split w/Flash Out (2023)
Hallucination Realized
Hallucination Realized - split with Redundant Protoplasm (2021)
Hallucination Realized - split with Deterioration (2020)
Hallucination Realized - Pains Of The Modern World (2023)
Hatefilled – Disfigured Torture Compilation (2023)
Hatefilled – Brutal Dismemberment Of A Worthless Being (2023)
Haut&Court - Collapse (2022)
Haut&Court - Ineffabilis (2019)
Head Of The Baptist
Hemorrhoid - Demo (2023)
Herpès de Crachat de Fillette
Herpès de Crachat de Fillette / Xaros - split (2007)
Herpès de Crachat de Fillette / Solstis - split (2005)
High Voltage - High Voltage (2014)
Histos - Deviation (2017)
Hørdür – Bistre Repetita (2023)
Human Corpse Abuse
Human Meat - split with RetardNation (2023)
Humanity's Fault - Promo (2023)
Hurting - Putrefaction Fetish (2023)
Ikea Mutilation Manual
Imminent End - demo + singles (2023)
Implosive Disgorgence – War Crimes (2023)
Impugned - Caos y Desolación e Nossa Realidade (2023)
Infarctus - Hm300 Readaptation (2021)
Infarctus - Hm300 Readaptation + bonus tracks (2021)
Infected Words
Infected Words - Grind Or Die (2021)
Infected Words - Play Fast...Die Last (2020)
Infested Monastery
Infested Monastery / Mukuro - Ugly communion (2022)
Infested Monastery - To the North of Hell (2023)
Insect Terror
Inside Conflict
Inside Conflict - Headless (2023)
Inside Conflict - Spherical Mirage (2004)
Inside Conflict - Unearthed from Wonderland (2001)
Involucion - Adelanto (2016)
It Is Dead - Void Me
Jarhead Fertilizer (US) - Carceral Warfare (2023)
Jesus Chröst - Die Tonmeisterei Sessions (2018)
Jetsam – Assimilation Is Death (2023)
Kandar - Síla Imaginace (2023)
Kandarivas - Layered Chimera (2022)
Kandarivas - Grind Surgical Shrine (2019)
Kebranti - Terrorfilia (2023)
Kill Division – Thoughts And Prayers (2023)
Knurd - Chaos Awakes (2023)
Konsensus - New Age Of Terror (2022)
Konsensus - Life Deprived (2023)
Korrupto - Chop The Cop (2023)
Kuvotus - discography (2020 - 2024)
Landfill - Salacious Transfiguration (2020)
Legal Infanticide - Final Destiny (2024)
Leningrind Grindboys - Gatekeepers of Grind (2023)
Libranos Del Mal
Liquified Cadaver Ooze
Lotus Eater Machine
LWSTNDRDS & Disforija - split (2022)
Lycanthrophy – On The Verge Of Apocalypse (2023)
Lysergic - Dimethyltryptikon (2023)
Maggot Cave
Maggot Feast - Rotting To Pieces (2023)
Males Fecundos - Males Fecundos (2018)
Manicômio - Autofagia Acelerada (2023)
Mangled Carpenter
Mangled Carpenter - Salvation Syndrome (2023)
Mangled Carpenter - A Very Mangled Christmas (2020 - 2022)
Manipulator / Mulciber / Stench Price (split) (2023)
Marcio Dentro - Hypnocrazia (2024)
Marutaud - Demo (2023)
Masochrist - Grimecode : DCLXVI (2023)
Mass Produced Human
Mastic Scum
Menk - Septic Vomit (2024)
Menk - Mental Paradigm (2023)
Menk - Cave Dwellaz (2022)
Menk - Enjoy (2022)
Mental Mutilation
Mental Mutilation - split with Meatus (2023)
Mental Mutilation / SplatterFace - split (2019)
Mental Phlegm
Digest ! - Mental Phlegm
Mental Phlegm - Don't Slip On Mucus (2023)
Mescaline Maniacs - Chafa split (2023)
Meth Leppard - split with Axis Of Despair (2022)
Milorganaut - Jones Island (2023)
Mindlock - Pro-death (2024)
Mindtrap - Living Demons (2023)
Miroed – Miroed (2023)
Misanthropæ – Untitled (2022)
Misanthropæ – MMXXIII (2023)
Mixomatosis - split with Perpetual (2023)
Morgue Breath
Morgue Breath - Hongo Atroz (2022)
Morgue Breath - Expectoraciones Exequiales Desde Las Profundidades Fantamiasmáticas (2022)
Multinational Corporations - Cultural Collapse (2024)
MUP Destroyer - Narc EP (2024)
Napalm Ted
Needful Things / Controlled Existence (2021)
Negative Human Grounds - Grinder Flesh
Noisy Neighbors
Nonsanto - Human Condition (2023)
Nonsanto - Enslaved by the Grind (2020)
Nuclear Holocaust - Straight Hate
Nuclear Holocaust - Sailing The Seas Of Nuclear Waste (2023)
Ogrux - Contrabardo (parte 1) (2023)
Organ Dealer
Organ Dealer / Nerve Grind / Invertebrate - split (2018)
Organ Dealer - The Weight Of Being (2023)
Overnöisy - News From A Personal War (2023)
Parasite Crowd - Trichotomia (2023)
PartyGrind - O Depois do Fim do Mundo (2024)
Per Capita
Perpetual - What a Cruel World (2023)
Pervitin - 10 tracks (2021)
Petridish - Human Tax (2023)
Petridish - Defusal Method (2023)
Phantom Lung
Phantom Lung - Abhorrent Entity ii : moribund (2023)
Phantom Lung - Abhorrent Entity (2023)
Pissing the Mainstream
Pissing the Mainstream - Waiting to Explode (2023)
Pissing The Mainstream - Manifestasi Apokaliptik (2023)
Poluição Sonora Gratuita
Primitive Rage
Public Execution (UK)
Putrefaction of Rotting Corpses - Eléments de stupidité (2017)
Putrid Future - Nightmare Reality (2023)
Putrido (Brésil) - Justica ? (2023)
Question Everything - Collection (2023)
Rampant Decomposition
Rancidification - Rancidification (2020)
Rank and Vile
Rank and Vile - Worship (2023)
Rank and Vile - Oxycretin (2020)
Rank and Vile - Redistribution of Flesh (2019)
Rank and Vile - Chameleon Bastard (2018)
Rat King - Psychotic Reality (2023)
Ravaged By The Yeti – Apex Predator (2023)
Razgruha - split with Vile Species (2021)
Real Life Ugly
Repulsive Feast - Putrid Slime + singles (2022)
Retained Surgical Instrument - Penis Trauma (2023)
Rot Within
Rotten Sound
Ruggarü - Ruggarü (2023)
Saldo Desigual Moral - Ma Vontade (2024)
Sangre De Idiotas - Discography
Satan's Grind
Schism - De Svpplicivm (2024)
Scrobiculus - Concentrated Effect of Pharmacy (2023)
Secretion - Fetid Odors from the Drainage Pipe (2024)
Sejawat - The World Angst (2023)
Self Exploited Whore
Senseless Strife - Knee Deep Into Their Blood (2020)
Septic Excrements - Septicalyptic Remains (2024)
Sewer Altar - demo (2024)
Shit Rotator
Shit Rotator – Flesh Devastation (2024)
Shit Rotator - Stupid Maggots And Fucked Melon (2023)
Shitbrains - Split w/ YxAxD (2023)
Shock Withdrawal - The Dismal Advance (2024)
Shrivel Up
Sick Destroyer
Sick Destroyer - Ghettö (split) (2024)
Sick Destroyer / Roskopp - split (2024)
Sick Destroyer / Reeking Cross - split (2023)
Sick Militia
Sickrecy - Salvation Through Tyranny (2022)
Sickrecy / Barren - split (2024)
Simbiose / Visions of War
Skiplife - Skiplife (2023)
Skullshitter / Bleeding Out - split (2019)
Slab - Substation Failure (2023)
Slaughtercult - Skinless in Seattle + single (2022)
Slaughtercult – Meat Head (2023)
Slavenkust - split with Surowika (2024)
Slavenkust - Slavenkust (2022)
Slugcrust - Ecocide (2022)
Slugcrust - Discharge(d) (2024)
Slund - Enter The Slund (2023)
Social Shit - Organización Del Mal (2024)
Sociopathic Behavior
Soiled Hate - The Nine Billion Names of Hate (2023)
Solstis - Axis Of Evil (2005)
Sota Terra - split with Tempestat (2022)
Spine - Raices (2023)
Squelch - demo (2023)
St. Mincer - Self Decomposition (2023)
Statist - Antitötalitar (2023)
Steak Chaos
Stockfeeder - Wave of Dread (2023)
Stonepaq - Ghostly Figure (2023)
Straight Hate
Street Feet
Subscum - Schism (2023)
Subscum - Subscum (2021)
Succubus's Suffocation
Symphony Of Destruction - split with Arrogante and Extreme Decay (2023)
Symphony Of Destruction / Arrogante - split (2024)
Teething - Help (2022)
Teething - Nashgul (2022)
Terra Builder - Solar Temple (2023)
Thanatophagia - Gerontocracy (2023)
The Arson Project - God Bless (2023)
The Human Race Is Filth
Tongue Scum
Tongue Scum - Callously Formed + single (2023)
Tongue Scum - Nephalem (2024)
Torture Pig (US / Floride) - Pig Torture (2023)
Tottal Tømming
Tsubo - Disdegno (2017)
Tsubo - Capitale Umano (2023)
Uhritoimitus - Uhritoimitus (2023)
Uhritoimitus – Valtion Omaisuutta (2023)
Uhritoimitus – Paine (2024)
Under Vultures
Urban Disposal - demo (2023)
Urbicyd - Urbicyd (2023)
Useless Attitude
Vaginal Bear Trap - Stroke (2020)
Vida Enferma - Esperando La Muerte (2023)
Vile Species - Disqualified As a Human (2024)
Vile Species - split with Razgruha (2021)
Vilmort - demo (2023)
Vision Deprived
Vorgär - R.O.H.A.D (2019)
Vorgär / Per Capita (split 2017)
Walking Corpse (Suède) – Our Hands, Your Throat (2023)
Warfuck – Diptyque (2023)
Waste Mankind
Waste Mankind - Poverty Is Your Business (2022)
Waste Mankind - Mas Cerca De La Muerte (2022)
Wuitre - Repulsión A La Existencia (2023)
Your Kid's On Fire
Zero Survive - Abjuration (2023)
French Legends
ADX - Exécution (1985)
ADX - La terreur (1986)
ADX - Suprématie (1987)
ADX - Exécution Publique (live) (1988)
ADX - Bestial (2020)
ADX - Etranges Visions (2021)
Attentat Rock - Le gang des saigneurs (1984)
Blasphème - Blasphème (1983)
Demon Eyes - Rites Of Chaos (1984)
Demon Eyes - Out Of Control (1990)
Fisc - Tracker (1984)
H-Bomb - Coup De Metal (1983)
H-Bomb - Attaque (1984)
High Power - High Power (1983)
High Power - Les Violons de Satan (1986)
Killers - Fils de la haine (1985)
Morsüre - Acceleration Process (1984)
Satan Jokers - Les Fils Du Métal (1983)
Sortilège - Métamorphose (1985)
Sortilège - Larmes de Heros (1986
Sortilège - Apocalypso (2023)
Steel Angel - And The Angels Were Made Of Steel (1985)
Steel Angel - Kiss Of Steel (1986)
Titan - Titan (1986)
Titan - Palingenesia (2021)
Trust - Répression (1980)
Trust - Marche ou crève (1981)
Trust - IV (1983)
Vulcain - Rock'n'roll Secours (1984)
Vulcain - Desperados (1985)
Warning - Métamorphose (1984)
Mucus Factory
Mucus Factory (France)
Discography (2019 - 2022)
Slamming Brutal Death Metal - Goregrind
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