1.Wardomized - Territorial Pissings x Tourettes
2.GUMMO - Heart Shaped Box
3.Cursed Sun - Breed
4.Grist - Scentless Apprentice
5.BANDIT - Paper Cuts
6.BURDIZZO - lithium
7.Insane Order - Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle
8.Unborn Suffer & Maly (Mass Insanity) - Scoff
9.Deadly - Dive
10.Kim Karkrashian - Pennyroyal Tea
11.Night In At Tiananmens - Aneurysm
12.ESPÖRRO - Endless, Nameless
13.CFOS Feat. Redouane Aouameur - In Bloom
14.Festin Fécal - About a Girl Feat. David From Sorcières
15.Cacaorcass - Downer
16.Headgore - Buffy's Pregnant
17.Question Everything - Aero Zeppelin
18.Kaiju - Something in the Way
19.Fotze Spritzegagga - Sappy
20.Estrangulacion - D7
21.Aborted Earth - Polly
22.Johnny Cockler's Connie Jockler - The Whole Unplugged Album (The one that made Deane depressed)
23.Трупнокалиберный Гноемёт - I Hate Myself and Want to Die
24.Nucleus - Anorexorcist
25.SNORT TDG - Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
26.Egocentrash - Rape Me
27.Spamicidal! - Very Ape
28.Pissjug - Stay Away
29.SxSxCxBx - I Hate Myself And Want To Die
30.Herida Profunda - Floyd The Barber
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