1.Closet Full of Carcasses 
2.Sorted Segments Preferred 
3.Trocar Bloody Trocar 
4.Cadaver Eroded in Bowel Waste 
5.Necrotic Nephrectomy 
6.Prepare the Cadaver For Dissection 
7.Don't Push on My Stoma 
8.Flesh Veil 
9.Stomach Juices Spew Throughout 
10.A Bag of Organs For Each Corpse 
11.Pinned Skin 
12.Endless Summer of Dismemberment 
13.Unfold the Hymenal Opening 
14.Seven Nails in the Scrotum


Gangrene Discharge Seeding Carnal Rigor
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Évaluation: 5 étoiles
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