Fetal Deformity :
1.cadaveric rehydration
2.abdominal omphalocelle
3.exentric plastination to dead
4.days of proctalgic suffering
5.brown urine by rhabdomyolysis
6.sommer esclerotical eye stain
7.deep intestinal suppuration
9.hydropic foetus abortion
10.removing uterine fibroids with laparoscopic vaginal myomectomy method
Endotoxaemia :
11.Pre-Morbid Itch
12.Rusty Nails Into Skull Membranes
13.Certified Ripper
14.Permanent Fart Incontinence
15.Serotonin Blockade
16.Periodical Neuro Dozer
17.Surrogate Shit Need
18.Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
19.Vigtima (Purulent Spermcanal Cover)
20.Hate From The Womb (Catasexual Urge Motivation Cover)
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