01. Fetishized Pathology
02. Disintegration of Bodily Organs
03. Supreme Anatomical Deviance
04. Languishing in Intestinal Bile
05. Stewed Muscle and Tendon
06. Eye Socket Implosion
07. Gangrenous and Swollen
08. Nihilistic Neuroscience
09. Ovulation Propelled by Contractions
10. Glittering Membranous Tissues
11. Lashed to the Slab
12. Underhanded Means of Corpse Procurement
13. Methodically Slaughtered
14. Tenuous Grasp of Anatomy Leads to Botched Amputation
15. Ingesting Physarum Polycephalum
16. Maze of Intravascular Anomalies
17. Rotten and Mephitic


Mephitic Torso A Gory Vortex Of Psychosis And Symbiotic Aberrations 320
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Évaluation: 5 étoiles
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