1.Severed tits and crushed testicles 
2.Scrotal skinning to the point of boiling 
3.Rectal hemorrhage 
4.Facial disfigurement and bodily dismemberment 
5.Anal plugging and labial nailing 
6.In the pit bound in chains 
7.Removing teeth with pliers 
8.Ripped guts and cangrened delights (track 8-9) 
9.Sawing bones and throwing gristle 
10.Eye gouger and finger twister 
11.Flayed meats and stuffed heads 
12.Ruptured organs and fecal spillage 
13.Amputated arms and legs 
14.Cracks skulls and dislocated necks 
15.Dripping limbs (track 15-16) 
16.Cadaveric beheaded


CD Rip


Ustel Cadaveric Extirpations And Putrefaction Eaters CD Rip
Archive – 19,6 MB 98 téléchargements
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